Strengthening of the CAN steel industry

Strengthening of the CAN steel industry

Wilson Enriquez

56,27 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Negocios internacionales
56,27 €
IVA incluido
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This research proposes that by using the facilities and opportunities for complementarity and benefits offered by the current agreements of the preferential regional industrial integration program of the Andean Community (CAN), the member countries, by strengthening the region’s steel industry, will benefit from the substitution of imports of products contributing to the indicators of change in the Ecuadorian productive matrix. The strengthening of the steel industry must have solid foundations of integration, which implies that its productive chains must be common, as well as its institutions and public policies, interacting with each other, so that there is permanent communication between the CAN member countries. It is necessary to join efforts and converge on a series of challenges aimed at improving productivity and competitiveness in order to face competition from Asian and Eastern European countries. The results and benefits to be obtained are long term and will be reflected in the increase of a large number of jobs and foreign currency savings.

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