Songs for peace

Songs for peace

Feisal Esmael

33,21 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
33,21 €
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In October of the year 1964 a fairly young Egyptian graduate began a new phase in his life, having been awarded an International Fellowship to study in Scotland. He was extremely fortunate to have had two exceptionally kind ladies in charge of his two-year Programme; Mrs. Celia Singleton and Miss. Leslie Lemmon at the Area Office of the British Council. As part of the Cultural activities, Miss. Lemmon initiated what she called a 'Scrap Book', to which the young Egyptian submitted a few literary pieces. Somehow they detected in these pieces the 'Seeds of Muse' that needed nurturing, and zealously encouraged him for more. The Collection contained here is organized into five distinctive books. The contents of 'Book One' constitute the first-ever assertion of 'Peace' as the Soundest Strategy; for Assured Ultimate Triumph over the Evilest of all Evils: the EVIL of WARS. Achieving Peace at any Dignified Cost or Price leads to the conclusion that: 'The Greatest Patriotic, and Worthy Citizens in a Nation; are those Living - rather than Dying - for the Sacred Cause of Honouring Their Country'. Peace, whether explicitly or implicitly expressed, is a dominating theme, throughout this work.

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