Remain Magical Despite Cruelty

Remain Magical Despite Cruelty

Jingjing Lin

27,23 €
IVA incluido
Jingjing Lin
Año de edición:
Fotografías: colecciones
27,23 €
IVA incluido
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Use of materialsLin Jingjing has always been fascinated by photography, as she considers this medium a powerful virtual authority able to show the passage of time as well as its fragility, extant and vanishing evidence. Photography reminds the connection between past and present, moments of joy and sadness that document the impermanence of life and highlight the sense of loss.Method of paradoxAccording to Lin Jingjing's introspective vision, understanding life is more real than culture and it transcends even history and politics. Her profound and meticulous observation of human behaviors let her understand the absurdity of life and that existence does not explain a meaning, but an infinite concept that could be seen as a dangerous defense, as she called in herprevious series 'Insecure Security'. It was a kind of existence that comes from the infinite propagation of reality.Though this infiniteness is not real, it is enough to be absurd. It is a different kind of truth within untruth, the truth of invisible truth, the untruth that overturns truth, the persistence of absurdity. In fearless and certainty, it creates power'.                   --- Lin Jingjing 3

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