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Quality Index of CVC Placement and Maintenance in an MIS

Quality Index of CVC Placement and Maintenance in an MIS

Maria Alves / Matilde Martins / Solange Gomes

86,64 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Astronomía, espacio y tiempo
86,64 €
IVA incluido
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Background: Healthcare-associated infections are considered one of the main threats to patient safety and quality of care. The use of central venous catheters (CVC) for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes is increasingly frequent, but at the same time they are responsible for about 90% of bacteraemias at hospital level. Objectives: To analyse the quality index at the time of placement and maintenance of the Central Venous Catheter (IQC and IQM). Methodology: Cross-sectional and analytical study. The sample consisted of 35 nurses, with 50 observations of placement and 170 observations of maintenance of the CVC.Results: A placement quality index of 90.1% was found and a CVC MQI of 89.2% was obtained. Female gender and being a specialist influenced the CVC IQM (p < 0.05).Conclusion: It is concluded that the CVC IQC and IQM are within the recommended values. Therefore, training and research in the workplace are fundamental for the improvement of nursing care.

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