Periodontal Plastic Surgery

Periodontal Plastic Surgery

Dr. Anuja Muley / Dr. Kedar Saraf / Dr. Purushottam Rakhewar

60,20 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
60,20 €
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The term ’plastic’ in periodontal plastic surgery has been derived from the Greek word, ’plastic’. In Greek, it refers to modeling or sculpting. It is a sub- field of dentistry that specializes in correcting or restoring the function and form of teeth. Periodontal plastic surgery is the surgical procedure performed to correct or eliminate anatomic, developmental, or traumatic or disease induced defects of the gingiva, alveolar mucosa or bone. The goal of periodontal therapy is to establish and maintain the dentition and periodontium in health, comfort and function with optimal esthetics throughout the lifetime of the patient. The addition of 'optimal esthetics' to the goal of periodontal therapy parallels a paradigm shift in all of dentistry.

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