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New plant nitrogen measurements for fertilizer recommendations

New plant nitrogen measurements for fertilizer recommendations

Luis Rivacoba

110,45 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Botánica y ciencias de las plantas
110,45 €
IVA incluido
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The main objective of the book is to find tools to support the fertilizer recommendation, in order to obtain a quality crop and to reduce the fertilizer content to be applied with the consequent reduction of costs and, of course, always taking into account the respect for the environment. The first is based on the analysis of nitrogen balances, which is the most important nutrient in cauliflower cultivation, using different doses of nitrogen fertilizer to observe the behavior of the crop. The other part of the book, in which different mathematical models have been obtained, refers to the use of sensors. In this case they are reflectance sensors, which act as a 'communication channel' with the plants, allowing us to understand in a non-invasive way what is happening inside them. The results obtained in this study highlight, once again, the importance of agronomic work through the study of the soil-plant system and the incorporation of new technologies in agriculture.

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