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In defense of identity

In defense of identity

Alfons Olivares Niqui

59,21 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
59,21 €
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We present two Bulgarian manuscripts from very different periods and written in very different historical and political circumstances. But they both have in common the intention to legitimize the existence of their nation and the inalienable right to their language and culture. These are the works: O pismenehŭ 'On Letters' by Černorizec Hrabăr, from the 10th century, and Istorija slaveno-bolgarskaja 'Slavic-Bulgarian History' by Paisij Hilendarski, from the end of the 18th century.The important lesson we can draw from reading these curious manuscripts is that we should never be ashamed of being what we are, nor try to be or pretend to be what we are not.

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