Genetics of Fingerprints and Lip prints

Genetics of Fingerprints and Lip prints

Omuruka ThankGod C.

79,23 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Genética (no médica)
79,23 €
IVA incluido
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Genetics which is the study of genes, genetic variation and heredity in organisms has given an insight in understanding certain genotypic and phenotypic characteristics. It seeks to understand how genes are transmitted to offspring and variations occurring within organisms. Understanding inheritance patterns enable geneticists to predict the probability of an offspring inheriting certain traits or diseases. Using a digital photo print scanner, the author for the first time systematically and comparatively investigated the genetics and inheritance patterns of fingerprints and lip prints. Gender influence as well as genetic linkage between these polygenic traits and the possible use of these traits to establish parentage and solve paternity problems were also investigated. The concepts of penetrance and expressivity were linked to inheritance patterns of fingerprints and lip prints. Thus, through familial observation and tabular crosses, and statistical test the author in this book proposed different inheritance patterns for fingerprints and lip prints.

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