Genetics and Stem Cells

Genetics and Stem Cells

Arefeh Tajik / Hadis Amani / Maziar Karimzadeh Jouzdani

103,94 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Genética (no médica)
103,94 €
IVA incluido
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Genetic counseling has been approved by ABMG in the past, and now the new Certification Board, called the American Genetic Advisory Board (ABGC), is responsible for certifying genetic counselors. Most medical geneticists and genetic counselors work with major medical centers or reference laboratories for genetic testing.The stem cell is the mother of all cells and has the ability to become all the cells in the body. These cells have the ability to self-renewal and differentiate into different types of cells, including blood, heart, nerve and cartilage cells. They are also effective in regenerating and repairing various tissues of the body following injury and can be transplanted into damaged tissues where most of their cells have been destroyed and replace the damaged cells and repair and repair defects in that tissue.

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