Environmental and social audit of the Port Autonome de Douala in Cameroon

Environmental and social audit of the Port Autonome de Douala in Cameroon

Galiazi Le Prince Koumetio

88,33 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Ecología, la biosfera
88,33 €
IVA incluido
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The Port of Douala is considered the backbone of Cameroon’s economy. Established in 1881, the port has 10 compartments: container terminal, timber terminal, fruit terminal, general cargo terminal, industrial port, oil terminal, long-stay storage, ship repair center, ship handling and fishing terminal. In view of its creation date, we can clearly see that the construction project for this facility was not subject to an environmental and social impact study. To this end, to ensure that environmental and social aspects are taken into account in operating companies, the government issued Decree N°2013/0172/PM of February 14, 2013, setting out the terms and conditions for carrying out environmental and social audits for structures in operation. It is with this in mind that this brief has set itself the objective of contributing to the environmental and social audit of one of these terminals, which is the fishing terminal, in order to devise sustainable strategies to guarantee and ensure the integration of environmental aspects into its management.

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