Dedicated Lives

Dedicated Lives

Dedicated Lives

Michael Scofield

15,95 €
IVA incluido
Sunstone Press
Año de edición:
Asistencia social
15,95 €
IVA incluido
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This book honors the legions of people in the United States who are dedicating their lives to helping others. The representative thirteen in-depth talks with fourteen people you're about to eavesdrop on took place in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The author has gotten to know many people who dedicate their lives to service and you'll get to know them as well: Tony McCarty of Kitchen Angels, Deborah Tang of St. Elizabeth Shelter, foster-parents Diane Kell and Russel Stolins, geriatric psychiatrist Larry Lazarus, infant mental health specialist Jane Clarke, and eight others. These credits to the human race often involve their families in their work, and borrow evening and weekend hours to get it done. After finishing each chapter, we hope you'll exclaim, 'Thank you for doing what you're doing!' * * * * * Yale University graduate Michael Scofield received his MFA in Writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts in 2002. Sunstone Press has published two collections of his poetry, 'Whirling Backward into the World' and 'Circus Americana.' 'Acting Badly,' the first novel in his Santa Fe trilogy, was followed by 'Making Crazy' and 'Smut Busters.' 'Sand and Other Flash Fiction' followed, all from Sunstone Press. Ali MacGraw said: 'We are blessed to be in this beautiful city of Santa Fe, with its quality of life and values, where so many people give so much of themselves. How privileged we are to spend time with some of them in Michael Scofield's moving and important new book. It will inspire you.' 3

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