Cognitive and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Broks Elizabeth

12,62 €
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Create Your Reality
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12,62 €
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Do you suffer from frequent bouts of severe depression or anxiety? Do you feel that you are weak, needy and/or incompetent? Are you seriously looking for a new direction on the road to recovery?If you’re interested in understanding the ins and outs of behavior therapy, this is just the book to introduce you to some powerful methods for overcoming mental illness! Keep readingWe all have an array of worries, fears and frustrations in our everyday life. After all, it is natural to feel stressed about moving to a new place, beginning a new job, tackling endless to-do lists or turning in projects with tight deadlines. Without a baseline level of stress, we might not be able to carry out our day-to-day responsibilities.  Nevertheless, dealing with a great deal of anxiety, emotional imbalance and excessive stress can cause deeper issues that need to be treated with psychotherapy and, potentially, medication.People are starting to open up more and more about the important topic of mental health. Many public figures have revealed their struggle with bipolar disorder, suicidal thoughts and related issues. These things no longer have to be kept as shameful secrets. Although many people have tried to destigmatize mental illness, it remains a stumbling block for those of us who are left to fight the illness, often alone and without any means of support.In this practical beginner's guide entitled Cognitive and Dialectical Behavior Therapy:  Overcome Anxiety and Depression, Tackle Negative Thought Patterns, Control Your Emotions, and Change Your Mood Through Effective Psychotherapy, Tina Madison offers detailed tactics with regard to living and coping with mental illness using two specific types of psychotherapy: cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).By the end of this book, you will discover: Similarities and differences between CBT and DBT How CBT can help you deal with and react positively to your thoughts Ways in which DBT can retrain your brain to calm down when your emotions become too intense Tips and tricks to assist you in discovering the right treatment for you Mindfulness practices for relaxing and staying in the present moment How CBT and DBT help in coping with mental health conditions including bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders and borderline personality disorder And much more! Your mental health is a crucial part of your well-being. Without it, your physical, emotional and spiritual health will suffer. You do not have to suffer alone. Seek help to get better. Through modifying your thought patterns and behaviors, you will be able to see positive results in your mental health, face your fears, cope with your negative emotions and live with a can-do attitude Check out this helpful book to embark on a journey of discovery in the world of CBT and DBT and learn how these treatments can help you live a better life. Why wait? Get started on the path of wellness and recovery with one simple click of the BUY button today!

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