Be What You Believe - Expanded Edition Lectures

Be What You Believe - Expanded Edition Lectures

Neville Goddard

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BE WHAT YOU BELIEVE EXPANDED EDITION LECTUREBASED ON THE LECTURE BY NEVILLE GODDARDWRITTEN BY NEVILLE GODDARDABOUT THIS BOOKThis book is a public domain ebook, enriched with new content that delves into the life and teachings of the original author. The additional material serves as an insightful expansion, designed to provide readers with a deeper understanding of the context surrounding the author’s work. By incorporating details about the author’s life and the philosophical underpinnings of their teachings, this enhanced edition offers a comprehensive exploration that goes beyond the original text. Readers are invited to engage with a more comprehensive narrative, gaining not only knowledge of the author’s literary contributions but also a nuanced perspective on the factors that influenced their work.ABOUT NEVILLE GODDARD:Neville Goddard was a mystic and spiritual teacher who lived from 1905 to 1972. He was born in Barbados and later moved to New York City, where he began to study spiritual and mystical teachings. He also studied the work of psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.Goddard’s main teachings focus on the power of the imagination to create one’s reality. He believed that everything in our lives, from our circumstances to our health, is a result of our imaginal acts. He taught that by changing our thoughts and beliefs, we can change our lives and manifest our desires.BOOK CONTENT:About This BookBrief Book IntroductionBrief Biography Of Neville GoddardIntroductionEarly Life And AwakeningTeachings And PhilosophyNotable Works And LegacyAbout Neville GoddardLECTURE:BE WHAT YOU WISH; BE WHAT YOU BELIEVEEXPANDED CONTENT10 LESSONS FROM THE LECTURE01. The Power Of Truth02. Seeking Truth And Love03. Imaginative Love04. Imagination And Feeling05. The Importance Of A Religious Attitude06. Change Starts Within07. Mind Renewal08. Feelings And Creation09. Solitude And Self-Reflection10. The Aristocracy Of GoodnessKEY THEMES IN NEVILLE GODDARD’S TEACHINGSThe Power Of ImaginationConsciousness And AwarenessLiving From The EndRevision And ReimaginingFaith And BeliefInner Conversations And Self-TalkThe Law Of AssumptionGratitude And AppreciationOneness And InterconnectednessPersonal Responsibility And Empowerment

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