Awakened Imagination

Awakened Imagination

Neville Goddard

10,33 €
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National Book Network
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10,33 €
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I want this book to be the simplest clearest frankest work I have the power to make it that I may encourage you to function imaginatively that you may open your 'Immortal Eyes inwards into the Worlds of Thought ' where you behold every desire of your heart as ripe grain 'white already to harvest.'Truth depends upon the intensity of the imagination not upon external facts. Facts are the fruit bearing witness of the use or misuse of the imagination. Man becomes what he imagines. He has a self-determined history. Imagination is the way the truth the life revealed. -Neville GoddardWilder Publications is a green publisher. All of our books are printed to order. This reduces waste and helps us keep prices low while greatly reducing our impact on the environment.

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