Autism and play-sport activities

Autism and play-sport activities

Daniele Giordano

60,13 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Destrezas y técnicas de enseñanza
60,13 €
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As the title suggests, this paper focuses on an issue that is as present as it is sensitive: it refers to the importance of play-sports activities as a teaching methodology to promote greater inclusion and learning for children with autism spectrum disorder.It is usually recognized that learning strategies are multidimensional and that their greater or lesser effectiveness depends, in most cases, on the context in which they are applied. The effect of these strategies is influenced by the way the teacher adapts and applies the method according to the case before him or her.Certainly, new strategies must be sought or even dated and perhaps abandoned methods must be exhumed: the important thing, net of discourse, is to ensure greater inclusion as well as a smoother and more serene life for these students. In this sense, 'play' (even better if self-managed), can be a valuable support.

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