Analysis of biodiversity management strategy issues

Analysis of biodiversity management strategy issues

Aboubacar Soumah

49,93 €
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KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Ecología, la biosfera
49,93 €
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Following the example of most African countries, Guinea implemented a strategy to exploit its fishery resources as soon as its economy was liberalized in 1984. This strategy seeks to combine maximization of state revenues from the exploitation of these resources, food security and conservation of biological diversity for their sustainable exploitation. The integrated analysis of such a strategy has shown mixed results, reflecting the impact of the country’s political, economic and social environment over the last decade, and the growing demand for fish on the international market. These constraints are detrimental to biodiversity conservation and food security. Solutions are proposed that promote the active involvement of local players in the concerted development of the sector, and enable better control of operations, and the protection and restoration of species and ecosystems, with a view to limiting the causes of biodiversity erosion and ensuring sustainable development in the sector for the benefit of the local community and the State.

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