Catálogo de libros: Ovnis y seres extraterrestres

399 Catálogo de libros: Ovnis y seres extraterrestres

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  • Simple Truths
    Shaun Peavy
    Every person has thoughts about his/her existence; what he/she was purposed to do in life and how God fits into this equation of destiny. Such pondering on this existence quandary could cause one to reach the point of utter mental exhaustion, or to begin a path that leads one further away from God. What benefits these important matters of the heart most is consulting the Bible ...

    9,05 €

  • Brimstone Deceit
    Joshua Cutchin
    SOMETHING FOUL THIS WAY COMESWitnesses the world over claim to see spirits, UFOs, Sasquatch, and other phenomena that are not supposed to exist. Most cannot believe their eyes, yet some of these observers have also detected evidence of a more ephemeral nature--odors abound, in particular the stench of brimstone.In the first book of its kind, Joshua Cutchin, author of the highly...

    35,98 €

  • The Brimstone Deceit
    Joshua Cutchin
    SOMETHING FOUL THIS WAY COMESWitnesses the world over claim to see spirits, UFOs, Sasquatch, and other phenomena that are not supposed to exist. Most cannot believe their eyes, yet some of these observers have also detected evidence of a more ephemeral nature-odors abound, in particular the stench of brimstone.In the first book of its kind, Joshua Cutchin, author of the highly ...

    26,88 €

  • They Live in the Sky
    Trevor James Constable
    Constable’s first full-length book reissued, which reveals otherwise hidden creatures and objects traversing our skies that were exposed with his groundbreaking infrared photo techniques. Also covered is a series of telepathic communications the author had developed with what was claimed to be an extraterrestrial intelligence. He abandoned this line of research in future work b...

    19,69 €

  • Quest for the Invisibles
    Nik Hayes
    There exists an entire world around us that cannot be seen. The human eye sees only about 2.5% of the electromagnetic spectrum, so a number of people have questioned what is hidden from us, and are exploring the invisible world around us.  Trevor James Constable was a pioneer who began this work in the California desert in the 1950s, photographing what he considered to be UFO-t...

    11,95 €

  • Strangers from the Skies
    Brad Steiger
    This reprinted book is the first in a new series called MUFON Classics and is considered one of the Top 100 must have books for any serious student of UFOlogy.  Flying saucers, UFO’s Great Balls of Fire! Where do they come from? What do they want? Why has the air force adopted a policy of silence and ridicule? Do the UFO’s hold the key to man’s future? Do they explain mysteries...

    20,80 €

  • The Halt Perspective
    Charles Irwin Halt / John Hanson
    A successful conference took place on the 11th July 2015, at Woodbridge Community Centre, Suffolk, United Kingdom, involving a talk by retired USAF Colonel Charles Irwin Halt (who was previously a Deputy Base Commander at RAF Woodbridge, during the 1980s) with regard to his involvement following reports of UFO activity over the airbase. Unfortunately, the publicised event, whic...

    107,59 €

    Chris Aubeck / Martin Shough
    THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF UFOsPeople have always been fascinated by lights in the sky. Early astronomers and astrologers, medieval pamphleteers, scientists, navigators, and weather observers, all recorded sightings of strange phenomena. The question is: Were these the same as our modern UFOs?The authors of Return to Magonia have taken a serious, critical look at some of those sight...

    46,90 €

  • More Encounters with Star People
    Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
    AUTHENTIC STORIES OF ALIEN CONTACT WITH URBAN AMERICAN INDIANSFollowing on her bestselling book, Encounters with Star People, which told the stories of those living on the reservation, Ardy Sixkiller Clarke's new book details the UFO stories of American Indians who live off the reservation. One intriguing difference between the two groups: there were more cases of physical ...

    36,23 €

  • More Encounters with Star People
    Ardy Sixkiller Clarke
    AUTHENTIC STORIES OF ALIEN CONTACT WITH URBAN AMERICAN INDIANSFollowing on her bestselling book, Encounters with Star People, which told the stories of those living on the reservation, Ardy Sixkiller Clarke’s new book details the UFO stories of American Indians who live off the reservation. One intriguing difference between the two groups: there were more cases of physical evid...

    23,22 €

  • The Man Who Walked Out of the Pages of History I
    Daniel Masias
    Likewise, because mankind has no idea that extremely advanced godlike entities live on the sun, man does not truly understand nature. There's no doubt that these entities have, over a couple billion years, 'engineered' the Earth's physical environment. We know this environment as nature and specifically clouds. The water from clouds, combined with solar energy, has given rise t...

    15,11 €

  • Haunted Skies Volume 7
    Dawn Marina Holloway / John Hanson
    Haunted Skies Publishing 2012Haunted Skies is the most ambitious series of books ever attempted in the history of UFO research. They provide a new benchmark in the quality of such publications, despite ridicule and scepticism constantly aimed at the subject by those who claim there is very little evidence of its existence. This Volume of Haunted Skies covers UFO reports from 19...

    39,40 €

  • Destiny
    Embrosewyn Tazkuvel
    It was just supposed to be a short, little sightseeing tour of another dimension! Oh boy, that was false advertising!In preparation, before beginning their training as immortal Guardians of the Earth, Lazarus of Bethany and his wife Hannah were asked to go on a short visit to a world in another dimension. “Just to look around a bit and get a feel for the differences,” Lazarus&#...

    24,74 €

  • The Kelly Green Men
    Geraldine Stith
    The Kelly Green Men: Alien Legacy Revisited is a companion book to Alien Legacy. Many people have come forward giving their accounts of that night in 1955. In this book, we will learn of things that happened that very, very few people know about. Was the military involved? Why is our government not telling us what we need to know? You will also get to learn about other places t...

    16,54 €


    18,66 €

  • Formation
    Matt Bialer
    In June 1947, Kenneth Arnold reported seeing a strange, disc-like object in the sky. His sighting received nationwide publicity, became a cause celebre, and in what might, or might not, have been mass hysteria, hundreds more reports of such phenomena quickly followed. This was the birth of the flying-saucer age. Poet of the extraordinary Matt Bialer, who has long been fascinate...

    17,28 €

  • Mysteries of Time and Space
    Brad Steiger
    'A little over four decades ago... a monumental literary classic entitled MYSTERIES OF TIME AND SPACE was first published. Its author, the prolific, legendary, not to mention one of the most tireless, pioneering investigative journalists in the ’truth is out there’ field of all things unexplained, is the one and only Brad Steiger. Steiger has compiled in this book a truly compr...

    20,94 €

  • UFOs and Aliens
    Lochlainn Seabrook
    UFOs and Aliens: The Complete Guidebook, by award-winning author-historian Colonel Lochlainn Seabrook, is the ultimate primer for beginners, an invaluable resource for veteran ufologists, and a one-of-a-kind work that’s packed with just about everything you’ll ever want to know about extraterrestrials and their out-of-this-world craft.Colonel Seabrook writes knowledgeably, with...

    45,39 €

  • The UFO/Bigfoot Connection
    B.AJLa Tulippe
    The extraterrestrial presence in our universe and even that which is evident on our planet is becoming more and more of an accepted reality, as droves of evidence continues to mount in the form of government-released documents, amateur video, research, witness testimonies from citizens, the military, and more.The UFO/Bigfoot Connection covers how incredulously old mankind reall...

    27,24 €

  • The UFO/Bigfoot Connection
    B.AJLa Tulippe
    The extraterrestrial presence in our universe and even that which is evident on our planet is becoming more and more of an accepted reality, as droves of evidence continues to mount in the form of government-released documents, amateur video, research, witness testimonies from citizens, the military, and more.The UFO/Bigfoot Connection covers how incredulously old mankind reall...

    16,45 €

  • Punk Rock and UFOs
    Damante Mike
    “Punk rock and UFOs: Cryptozoology meets Anarchy” challenges our own inner process of belief by examining our cognition, memories, and media literacy. Raise your fist and rebel against the conventions of traditional thought and nightly news coverage to expand your mind to accept the countless possibilities that are out there. Personal experiences, anecdotes and thought-provokin...

    13,16 €

    Janice A. Stork / Janice AStork
    Janice Stork’s personal paintings take readers on an extraordinary journey involving aliens, UFO’s, reincarnation, and hypnosis. Readers see the shocking thing that happened to the author under an alien’s scalpel. Janice Stork has trained herself to tune into an inner force that speaks to her. While this force has different divine names in various cultures, she simply calls it ...

    35,70 €

  • Reality
    Michael Brumfield
    Respected UFO author, Mike Brumfield, tackles the ever present threat of a rogue meteor hitting Earth and snuffing out the human race in Reality: Escape from Earth. Brumfield posits that very real possibility of an extinction level event should bring humanity together to seek refuge among the stars from whence humanity sprang. Taking examples from his own personal experiences,...

    16,75 €

  • Intelligent Mars I
    Arthur Raymond Beaubien
    Intelligent Mars is a 3-volume series devoted to the study of Martian topography. The key finding of this work is that the landscape did not come about solely by natural processes but has been largely engineered by a highly advanced civilization many eons ago. Using special techniques to obtain accurate coordinates of mountain positions, it is shown in Intelligent Mars I that t...

    21,61 €

  • Arcanum
    Sean Maclaren
    ARCANUM by Sean Maclaren is one of two sequels to Who Really Owns Your Gold by William Dean A. Garner, an introductory historical perspective about the Jesuits and their malevolent actions and behaviors over the past 100-plus years in America. The 388-page sequel is a highly detailed and provocative three-part essay:Part One is an unsparing, meticulous and diligent analysis and...

    24,64 €

  • The 10th Demon
    Bruce Hennigan
     Evil Reigns From the Skies! Jonathan Steel is a man with no past who is destined to spend his future hunting down the most powerful demons on Earth. The forces of evil now dominate the heavens with the arrival of the tenth demon and his army of extraterrestrials. Determined to locate a secret cadre of enhanced human children, the demon and his human host must face Jonathan Ste...

    15,30 €

    R. Scott Lemriel (AKA - Rochek) / RScott Lemriel (AKA - Rochek)
                                                 THE PARALLEL TIME TRILOGY(Book One)                                                 THE EMERALD DOORWAY                                                     (Three Mystic Crystals)100,000 years ago, Earth’s poles changed one hundred and eighty degrees overnight, destroying the lands as they sank beneath exploding lava in seething ocea...

    14,97 €

    Chris Aubeck / Martin Shough
    THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF UFOsPeople have always been fascinated by lights in the sky. Early astronomers and astrologers, medieval pamphleteers, scientists, navigators, and weather observers, all recorded sightings of strange phenomena. The question is: Were these the same as our modern UFOs?The authors of Return to Magonia have taken a serious, critical look at some of those sight...

    33,31 €

  • Inception
    Embrosewyn Tazkuvel
    Could it be possible that there is a man alive on the Earth today that has been here for two thousand years? How has he lived so long? And why? What secrets does he know? Can his knowledge save the Earth or is it doomed?The humble little world of Caravan Master, Lazarus of Bethany, is about to get much bigger! Inception, the first book of the Secret Earth series, reveals the hi...

    20,24 €

  • Priorities for a Planet in Transition - The Space Brothers’ Case for Justice and Freedom
    Gerard Aartsen
    Beyond speculation and sensationalism, this book brings together a significant body of authentic information about life on the other planets in our solar system, as reported by contactees the world over. By showing the similarities among the stories of the original contactees and providing a relevant context through observations about the state of the world, it uncovers how the...

    19,22 €