Catálogo de libros: Ciencia, ingeniería y tecnología medioambientales

4719 Catálogo de libros: Ciencia, ingeniería y tecnología medioambientales

Libros Eliminar filtro Tecnología, ingeniería, agricultura Eliminar filtro Ciencia, ingeniería y tecnología medioambientales Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Segurança Do Trabalho - Ações Educativas
    José Carlos Vitorino E Itamar Ernandes
    Esta obra tem o propósito de orientar e ensinar, com uma linguagem simples e fácil, o estudante, o profissional e o hobista da área de eletrônica, elétrica, automação industrial, mecatrônica e áreas afins. Para os trabalhos nessas áreas citadas, o estudante ou o profissional precisa conhecer os riscos a que estão expostos na atividade. Importante ter noções sobre: Trabalhar com...

    11,03 €

  • Irrationality of Capitalism and Climate Change
    Kolin Andrew / Vahtina Nastasia
    ENG: The overwhelming scientific evidence indicates that planet Earth is in the process of undergoing dramatic climate change, which threatens to undermine the quality of life around the world. Irrationality of Capitalism and Climate Change demonstrates how the roots of humanity’s assault on the environment are directly associated with the origins of capitalism, an irrational s...

    41,67 €

  • Hidden Connections
    In 'Hidden Connections,' I delve into the intricate web of relationships and dependencies that silently govern our lives, exploring the unseen forces that shape our world in profound and unexpected ways. From the microscopic interactions within our bodies to the global networks of power and influence, this book aims to unveil the hidden connections that define our existence.The...

    12,08 €

    Competing in today’s marketplace requires a holistic view of both products and processes. It requires that companies pay attention to their stakeholders in addition to their customers. Environmental planning lays the foundation to adapt to the needs of the changing world and avoid the hazards, risks and high costs associated with poor environmental practices.Written by an exper...

    166,75 €

  • In The Woodland
    Kaweesa James
    The natural environment is important for our sustainable living. Water bodies provide habitats for thousands of spices of aquatic and terrestrial plants and animals. Actually, wetlands provide values that no other ecosystem can. Trees grips the soils firm preventing landslides. They not only provide food in ecosystem but also produce fresh air, absorb carbon and prevent global ...

    33,78 €

  • Environmental Science and Biotechnology Theory and Techniques
    A. G. Murugesan / C. Rajakumari
    'Environmental Science and Biotechnology: Theory and Techniques' by A. G. Murugesan & C. Rajakumari is a comprehensive textbook that bridges the gap between fundamental concepts and practical applications in the intertwined fields of environmental science and biotechnology. The book is meticulously structured to unfold the theoretical frameworks of environmental biotechnology a...

    36,07 €

  • The Environment Project
    Jeff Morrow
    The Environment Project: Solutions for a Changing World is for students of Environmental Science and also for anyone in classes with an international outlook. Twelve units with a learner-centered approach provide copious practice in all four skills, while covering vocabulary on a range of timely topics such as recycling, pollution, erosion, nuclear energy, and environmental eco...

    26,20 €

  • Be a Climate Warrior
    Eric Wright
    Be a Climate Warrior is an information-driven, nonfiction book about climate change and American society. It is a motivational climate change toolkit that provides individuals guidance for how to contribute to broader climate initiatives while reducing their own carbon footprints. The book casts a blacklight over one’s life and their connection to society, illuminating the carb...

    11,43 €

  • Be a Climate Warrior
    Eric Wright
    Be a Climate Warrior is an information-driven, nonfiction book about climate change and American society. It is a motivational climate change toolkit that provides individuals guidance for how to contribute to broader climate initiatives while reducing their own carbon footprints. The book casts a blacklight over one’s life and their connection to society, illuminating the carb...

    18,53 €

  • Direito Ambiental
    Marcelo Eduardo Freres Stipp
    Bem-vindo ao livro de atividadesDireito Ambiental - Caderno de Atividades . Este recurso foi cuidadosamente desenvolvido para proporcionar aos professores uma ferramenta dinâmica e envolvente, ampliando as possibilidades de ensino e aprendizado no contexto do Direito Ambiental. Nosso objetivo é oferecer uma abordagem prática e diversificada que não apenas transmita conhecimento...

    8,60 €

  • The Antropocene and the Humanities
    Merchant Carolyn / Gavrilov Pavel
    ENGA wide-ranging and original introduction to the Anthropocene (the Age of Humanity) that offers fresh, theoretical insights bridging the sciences and the humanities. Using history, art, literature, religion, philosophy, ethics, and justice as the focal points, Merchant traces key figures and developments in the humanities throughout the Anthropocene era and explores how these...

    41,49 €

  • Waste Is Information
    Dietmar Offenhuber

    46,62 €

  • A New Water Future
    Ric Davidge
    Just as cities and nations face the challenge of providing clean water to their citizens and their economies, a new opportunity has finally been constructed that can fix these challenges.  This is a time-sensitive opportunity, and this book is provided to help you move forward. AQUEOUS International, Inc. has developed this over the past 30 years with global research and the co...

    12,86 €

  • Intelligent Engineering Applications and Applied Sciences for Sustainability
    Brojo Kishore Mishra
    Engineering plays a major role in solving real-world problems, from small inconveniences to societal or global concerns around food scarcity, water shortages, environmental damage, problems in housing or infrastructure and more. In today’s rapidly evolving world, the development of the latest generation of engineering and technology is crucial for maintaining productivity, inno...

    354,66 €

  • Intelligent Engineering Applications and Applied Sciences for Sustainability
    Brojo Kishore Mishra
    Engineering plays a major role in solving real-world problems, from small inconveniences to societal or global concerns around food scarcity, water shortages, environmental damage, problems in housing or infrastructure and more. In today’s rapidly evolving world, the development of the latest generation of engineering and technology is crucial for maintaining productivity, inno...

    269,21 €

  • Crafting a Sustainable Future Through Education and Sustainable Development
    In an era where the planet faces unprecedented environmental challenges, such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, and water scarcity, sustainable development has become paramount. Crafting a Sustainable Future Through Education and Sustainable Development delves into the crucial role of educational institutions in shaping a sustainable future from economic, social, and env...

    281,98 €

  • Modeling and Monitoring Extreme Hydrometeorological Events
    In a world experiencing increasingly intense hydrometeorological events driven by climate change, the need for effective solutions is paramount. Modeling and Monitoring Extreme Hydrometeorological Events presents a cutting-edge exploration of the challenges posed by flash droughts and floods, offering innovative methodologies and tools to address these global issues. Through a ...

    327,84 €

  • Biologia Celular E Ecotoxicologia
    Cesar Ariele Gonçalves Batista / Silva
    O descarte diário de substâncias alheias aos conteúdos celulares naturais, os xenobióticos, pode causar sérios danos às diversas organelas que constituem as células que são consideradas a unidade básica dos seres vivos e que constituem os tecidos. Este manual detalha os procedimentos de avaliação histopatológicautilizando o Índice Histopatológico de Bernet para aplicação em est...

    8,43 €

    Irkin Mahamataliev / Zhumagul Turgunbaeva
    La monografia presenta i risultati di studi teorici e sperimentali sullo sviluppo di basi scientifiche per la progettazione ottimale della composizione di calcestruzzi di gesso modificati in modo complesso con filler binari. La monografia presenta i risultati di ricerche complesse sullo studio dei processi di formazione della struttura e delle proprietà del legante composito di...

    68,72 €

    Irkin Mahamataliev / Zhumagul Turgunbaeva
    Die Monographie stellt die Ergebnisse theoretischer und experimenteller Studien zur Entwicklung wissenschaftlicher Grundlagen für die optimale Gestaltung der Zusammensetzung von komplex modifizierten Gipsbetonen mit binären Füllstoffen vor. Die Monographie stellt die Ergebnisse komplexer Forschungen zur Untersuchung der Strukturbildungsprozesse und der Eigenschaften von mit Fli...

    68,71 €

    Irkin Mahamataliev / Zhumagul Turgunbaeva
    The monograph presents the results of theoretical and experimental studies on the development of scientific bases of optimal design of composition of complexly modified gypsum concretes with binary filler. The monograph presents the results of complex research on the study of structure formation processes and properties of composite gypsum binder modified with superplasticizing...

    68,78 €

    Irkin Mahamataliev / Zhumagul Turgunbaeva
    La monographie présente les résultats d’études théoriques et expérimentales sur le développement des bases scientifiques de la conception optimale de la composition des bétons de gypse modifiés de manière complexe avec des charges binaires. La monographie présente les résultats de recherches complexes sur l’étude des processus de formation de la structure et des propriétés du l...

    68,72 €

    Irkin Mahamataliev / Zhumagul Turgunbaeva
    A monografia apresenta os resultados de estudos teóricos e experimentais sobre o desenvolvimento de bases científicas para a conceção óptima da composição de betões de gesso complexamente modificados com carga binária. A monografia apresenta os resultados de uma investigação complexa sobre o estudo dos processos de formação da estrutura e das propriedades do ligante de gesso co...

    68,73 €

  • Amélioration des propriétés mécaniques des chaussées en asphalte à l’aide du CRM
    Nuha S. Mashaan
    L’augmentation sans précédent du nombre de pneus usagés constitue un immense problème de pollution de l’environnement. En outre, la croissance économique et industrielle rapide génère des quantités croissantes de déchets, dont des millions de pneus usagés. L’absence de contrôle de l’utilisation de ces déchets entraînerait des coûts d’élimination supplémentaires, une augmentatio...

    77,84 €

  • Miglioramento delle proprietà meccaniche delle pavimentazioni in asfalto con l’uso di CRM
    Nuha S. Mashaan
    Un problema immenso che riguarda l’inquinamento ambientale è l’aumento senza precedenti dei veicoli con pneumatici fuori uso. Inoltre, la rapida crescita economica e industriale genera quantità crescenti di materiali di scarto, tra cui milioni di pneumatici fuori uso. La mancanza di un uso corretto e controllato di questi rifiuti comporterebbe un aumento dei costi di smaltiment...

    77,84 €

  • Melhoria das propriedades mecânicas do pavimento asfáltico utilizando CRM
    Nuha S. Mashaan
    Um grande problema que afecta a poluição ambiental é o aumento sem precedentes de resíduos de pneus de veículos. Além disso, o rápido crescimento económico e industrial gera quantidades crescentes de resíduos, incluindo milhões de resíduos de borracha de pneus. A falta de uma utilização correcta e controlada destes resíduos conduziria a um aumento dos custos de eliminação, a um...

    77,84 €

  • Повышение механических свойств асфальтобетонных покрытий с помощью СО
    Нуха С. Машаан
    Огромной проблемой, влияющей на загрязнение окружающей среды, является беспрецедентное увеличение количества отработанных шин автотранспорта. Кроме того, быстрый экономический и промышленный рост порождает все большее количество отходов, в том числе миллионы отработанных резиновых шин. Отсутствие надлежащего контролируемого использования этих отходов приведет к увеличению затра...

    49,05 €

  • Verbesserung der mechanischen Eigenschaften von Asphaltbelägen durch CRM
    Nuha S. Mashaan
    Ein immenses Problem für die Umweltverschmutzung ist die beispiellose Zunahme von Altreifenfahrzeugen. Darüber hinaus entstehen durch das rasche wirtschaftliche und industrielle Wachstum immer größere Mengen an Abfallstoffen, darunter Millionen von Altreifen. Das Fehlen einer ordnungsgemäßen, kontrollierten Verwendung dieser Abfälle würde zu zusätzlichen Entsorgungskosten führe...

    77,84 €

  • Opportunities and Challenges for Women Leaders in Environmental Management
    Our planet is facing the prospect of environmental catastrophe, resulting from decades of reckless human activities. The ongoing degradation of the Earth’s natural resources, climate change, pollution, and habitat destruction have created an urgent global crisis. The responsibility for addressing these challenges has been a significant issue since the 1972 International Confere...

    248,63 €

  • Opportunities and Challenges for Women Leaders in Environmental Management
    Our planet is facing the prospect of environmental catastrophe, resulting from decades of reckless human activities. The ongoing degradation of the Earth’s natural resources, climate change, pollution, and habitat destruction have created an urgent global crisis. The responsibility for addressing these challenges has been a significant issue since the 1972 International Confere...

    327,55 €