Catálogo de libros: Ingeniería civil, topografía y construcción

824 Catálogo de libros: Ingeniería civil, topografía y construcción

Libros Eliminar filtro Tecnología, ingeniería, agricultura Eliminar filtro Ingeniería civil, topografía y construcción Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • El arte de construir con madera
    Hernan Nottoli
    Este libro es el resultado de trabajos de investigación desarrollados en la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Es destacable asimismo señalar, que si bien existe una muy variada bibliografía sobre construcción en madera, no es fácil descubrir un texto que sintetice con eficiencia las características de sus particularidades constructi...

    28,08 €

  • SMART CITY 2.0
    Almost a century since the idea of creating more humane - more human-centric - cities was brought to the fore, how far has mankind progressed towards creating a true 'city with a heart'? How far off are we, and what can we do to close the gap?The first generation of smart cities showed the limits of top-down planning, in which cities contracted out design and implementation to ...

    182,09 €

  • Impact of Digital Twins in Smart Cities Development
    Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes
    Recently, a new digital twin consortium has been established that aims to deploy digital twin technology in new markets as well as in the development of smart cities. Designing smart cities, smart communities, and smart ecosystems powered by optimal digital twin deployments is a vision that currently only futurists can entertain and requires some time to reach large-scale adopt...

    261,90 €

  • Introducción al conocimiento y al diseño de las estructuras
    Enrique Botto Tripodaro
    El Arquitecto y los estudiantes de Arquitectura deben conceptualizar que no puede concebirse una obra sin su estructura resistente; es fácil percibir que la estructura es parte genéticamente integrante de todo diseño; motivo por el cual merece su consideración desde los primeros croquis del proyecto; se debe haberconcientizado morfológicamenteelsistemaestructural;laestructurata...

    35,36 €

  • Patologías habituales en la construcción
    Enrique Botto Tripodaro
    Amigo lector, en forma cotidiana encontramos en nuestro hogar o lugar de trabajo distintas deficiencias o patologías que provocan el paulatino deterioro del hábitat; a partir del momento en que detectamos una de estas anomalías que nos afectan tanto en el aspecto funcional como en el estético, es que surge la necesidad de encarar tareas de mantenimiento.Las lesiones manifestada...

    24,96 €

    K Murali / S A Sannasira / S A SANNASIRAJ & K MURALI V SUNDAR / V Sundar
    Coastlines, like many things around us, are constantly evolving. Keeping pace with the changes and their development is necessary to ensure their stability and to maintain eco-equilibrium for nearshore hydrodynamics and morphodynamics. Supported with field measurements for model validation, several numerical and analytical tools are available to us to understand the physical pr...

    145,17 €

    This book expounds the hydraulics of fine sediment which is almost ubiquitously found in coastal and estuarine waters, and in rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Although the basic subject may be categorized as applied marine physics in shallow waters, several physicochemical and biological effects on particulate transport have been addressed.In this second edition most of the chapt...

    187,99 €

  • Impact of Digital Twins in Smart Cities Development
    Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes
    Recently, a new digital twin consortium has been established that aims to deploy digital twin technology in new markets as well as in the development of smart cities. Designing smart cities, smart communities, and smart ecosystems powered by optimal digital twin deployments is a vision that currently only futurists can entertain and requires some time to reach large-scale adopt...

    340,82 €

  • Paneles de mampostería en estructuras civiles en zonas sísmicas
    Alberto La Tegola / Antonio La Tegola / Walter Mera Ortiz
    Los paneles de mampostería presentes en estructuras aporticadas como resultado de eventos sísmicos están sujetos a cinemáticas de deformación con los consiguientes estados tensionales hasta su agrietamiento.Por lo tanto, es conveniente el reforzar estos paneles, con el fin de conferir una ductilidad necesaria, con el uso de materiales adecuados utilizando matrices inorgánicas d...

    18,72 €

  • Urban Life and the Ambient in Smart Cities, Learning Cities, and Future Cities
    H. Patricia McKenna
    The topic of urban life and the ambient in smart cities, learning cities, and future cities is a timely one, fitting as it does in the world today by responding in an interdisciplinary way across many areas of research and practice. It is essential for researchers to think about and engage with the notion of flourishing in increasingly challenging environments in smarter ways. ...

    225,65 €

  • Urban Life and the Ambient in Smart Cities, Learning Cities, and Future Cities
    H. Patricia McKenna
    The topic of urban life and the ambient in smart cities, learning cities, and future cities is a timely one, fitting as it does in the world today by responding in an interdisciplinary way across many areas of research and practice. It is essential for researchers to think about and engage with the notion of flourishing in increasingly challenging environments in smarter ways. ...

    291,50 €

  • ETABS V20 Black Book
    Gaurav Verma
    The ETABS V20 Black Book, the 4th edition of our book on ETABS, is written to help beginners learn the basics of ETABS structure modeling and analysis. The book is based on ETABS V20.1 software. The book follows a step-by-step methodology. This book explains the designing of structure, assigning various properties to structure, applying different load conditions, and performing...

    73,81 €

  • ETABS V20 Black Book
    Gaurav Verma
    The ETABS V20 Black Book, the 4th edition of our book on ETABS, is written to help beginners learn the basics of ETABS structure modeling and analysis. The book is based on ETABS V20.1 software. The book follows a step-by-step methodology. This book explains the designing of structure, assigning various properties to structure, applying different load conditions, and performing...

    113,00 €

  • Plateas de Hormigón Armado 2da edición
    Hugo Donini / Hugo Donini / Rodolfo Orler / Rodolfo Orler
    El presente texto tiene como principal objetivo suplir la demanda de bibliografía específica relacionada con plateas de hormigón armado, tipología estructural utilizada habitualmente en fundaciones. Representa una extensión de nuestro libro Introducción al Cálculo de Hormigón Estructural 4º edición, por el que sus lectores nos han instado a ampliar este tema transmitiendo nues...

    27,04 €

  • Introduccion al cálculo de hormigón estructural tomo 1 4ta edición
    Hugo Donini / Hugo Donini / Rodolfo Orler / Rodolfo Orler
    En esta cuarta edición se han actualizado los contenidos, incorporando nuevos capítulos, actualizando y reordenando varias secciones en función de los nuevos lineamientos y prescripciones del código ACI 318-19. El libro mantiene su división en dos tomos a los efectos de hacer más cómoda y placentera su lectura. El primer tomo posee los contenidos típicos correspondientes a la a...

    67,60 €

  • Introduccion al cálculo de hormigón estructural tomo 2 4ta edición
    Hugo Donini / Hugo Donini / Rodolfo Orler / Rodolfo Orler
    En esta cuarta edición se han actualizado los contenidos, incorporando nuevos capítulos, actualizando y reordenando varias secciones en función de los nuevos lineamientos y prescripciones del código ACI 318-19. El libro mantiene su división en dos tomos a los efectos de hacer más cómoda y placentera su lectura. El primer tomo posee los contenidos típicos correspondientes a la a...

    67,60 €

  • Pass the Civil Professional Engineering (PE) Exam Guide Book
    Tenaya Industries LLC
    The Pass the Civil Professional Engineering (P.E.) Exam Guide Book was developed because practice is the most essential component to passing the Civil Professional Engineering (P.E.) Exam. Training with materials similar in format, timing, language, and style will help to master the exam when it counts the most. The passthecivilPE Guide Book provides necessary information in th...

    36,35 €

  • Drawing for Civil Engineering 2e
    JA van der Westhuizen
    Drawing for Civil Engineering Second Edition has been revised and now includes computer applications and free Internet-downloadable software that can be used by students.The core function of this book is to cover the fundamentals of civil engineering drawing, draughting practice and conventions. Aimed mainly at second-level students at universities of technology and other terti...

    35,99 €

  • Remapping Urban Heat Island Atlases in Regenerative Cities
    In the past decades, protecting the urban environment in the face of environmentalism and environmental rights has become crucial to saving the planet from the dangers of the rapid urban development of new cities and societies. Air temperature is one of the factors influenced by climate change and contemporary city morphology that lacks compact city features. Contemporary citie...

    327,60 €

  • Remapping Urban Heat Island Atlases in Regenerative Cities
    In the past decades, protecting the urban environment in the face of environmentalism and environmental rights has become crucial to saving the planet from the dangers of the rapid urban development of new cities and societies. Air temperature is one of the factors influenced by climate change and contemporary city morphology that lacks compact city features. Contemporary citie...

    248,68 €

  • Clean Technologies and Sustainable Development in Civil Engineering
    Energy, economic, and social concerns are becoming increasingly important due to climate change, threats to energy security, depletion of traditional resources, and threats to human health. Integration of green resources and the adoption of clean technologies are of strategic importance for civil engineering. To preserve natural resources and promote responsible engineering, it...

    327,65 €

  • Principles of Reinforced Concrete Construction
    E. R. Maurer / F. E. Turneaure
    Introductory, Historical sketch. Use and advantages of reinforced concrete, Properties of the material, General theory, Tests of beams and columns, Working stresses and general constructive details, Formulas, diagrams and tables, Building construction, Arches, Retaining-walls and dams, Miscellaneous structures, Reinforced-concrete chimneys ...

    37,13 €

  • Reinforced Concrete
    Albert Wells Buel / Charles S. Hill
    Methods of calculation, Economic use and properties of reinforced concrete, Beams and theories of flexure, Columns, Retaining walls, Dams, tanks, conduits, and chimneys, Tests and designs of arches, Representative examples, Foundation construction in reinforced concrete, Reinforce concrete in building construction, Reinforced concrete in bridge and culvert construction, Example...

    38,23 €

  • Introdução ao COBie
    E. William East / John Ford / Shawn O’Keeffe
    Este livro explica os Objetivos de Aprendizagem do Conhecimento Básico para a especificação nacional do COBie - Construction Operations Building information exchange (v 2.4). Os Objetivos Fundamentais de Aprendizagem foram identificados foram identificados no Currículo Educacional COBie da buildingSMART International (bSI). A compreensão destes Objetivos é essencial para aquele...

    124,44 €

  • Administración estratégica de la construcción
    Gabriel Murillo Rountree / Roberto Murillo Bustamante
    Administración Estratégica de la Construcción, es un texto de amplia in­formación requerida para la formación de arquitectos e ingenieros, deseosos de adquirir los conocimientos administrativos fundamentales en su ejercicio contemporáneo. A lo largo de los ocho capítulos que contiene el libro, el lector hallará, en forma ordenada y creciente, un material para guiar y crecer su ...

    23,92 €

    Afshin Asadi / AFSHIN ASADI & GOLI VENKATA S D N SINGH / D N Singh / Goli Venkata Siva Naga Sai
    The rise of rapid and uncontrolled industrialization, its alarming levels of hazardous waste produced, and their negative contribution to the international environmental epidemic of global warming - in addition to the decrease in room to dispose of these wastes safely - have put the pressure for many engineers, researchers, and key decision-makers to find the answers to the con...

    245,03 €

  • Diseño estructural en Hormigón Armado
    Gloria DIEZ
    El diseño estructural, al ser parte inseparable del diseño arquitectónico de la obra, surge desde el mismo momento de la concepción de los espacios, de modo tal que al ir definiendo cada uno de ellos, podremos, a su vez, ir determinando los elementos estructurales que la conforman. Cuando proyectamos la estructura en hormigón armado, debemos tomar en cuenta las características ...

    24,96 €

  • Prácticas de topografía
    Alfonso Correa Perdomo
    Esta obra es una guía para el adecuado desempeño profesional de la topografía. En ella se compilan los procedimientos de campo básicos y se abordan los parámetros, fórmulas matemáticas y conceptos indispensables para las buenas prácticas de la ingeniería civil y la topográfica. En el libro se desarrollan ejercicios de planimetría, altimetría, interpretación y obtención de plano...

    21,41 €

  • Construction Management Primer
    Jagdish Suman
    This is expanded edition (2) of this book. The book follows a sequential arrangement of its chapters similar to the sequence of activities on a construction project. Author is an experienced practicing engineer & mentor, and has managed several projects successfully. And hands on experience gained by the author has been added in the various chapters of this book. And that’s wha...

    102,21 €

  • Hong Kong 1973 - 1998
    Neil Jagger
    A roller-coaster ride to 1997In 2020 China imposed its new ’Security Law’ and broke the ’Joint Declaration’ - an action which prompted the author to publish this memoir and dedicate it to the people of Hong Kong whose democratic aspirations have been so cruelly crushed.The beautiful maritime landscape, expatriate family life, local festivals and excerpts from an exciting constr...

    38,41 €