Catálogo de libros: Termodinámica y calor

446 Catálogo de libros: Termodinámica y calor

Libros Eliminar filtro Matemáticas y ciencia Eliminar filtro Física Eliminar filtro Termodinámica y calor Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
    Byung Chan Eu / BYUNG CHAN EU & MAZEN AL-GHOUL / Mazen Al-Ghoul
    This book enables the reader to learn, in a single volume, equilibrium and nonequilibrium thermodynamics as well as generalized forms of hydrodynamics for linear and nonlinear processes applied to various hydrodynamic flow processes — including chemical oscillation phenomena and pattern formations, shock wave phenomena, sound wave propagations, and Liesegang pattern formation, ...

    153,00 €

  • Énergie - Analyse énergétique et émissions d’oxyde de carbone (IV)
    Chukwuemeka Jude Diji
    La production de ciment est un processus à forte intensité énergétique qui génère également des polluants atmosphériques, en particulier de l’oxyde de carbone (IV) (CO2). Ce livre décrit l’estimation de la consommation d’énergie, du coût de l’énergie par tonne, de l’efficacité de l’utilisation de l’énergie et des émissions de CO2 de l’industrie de fabrication du ciment au Niger...

    97,14 €

    This title is a supplement to lectures and tutorials in a Thermodynamics course and also serves as a guide to more comprehensive texts. Rather than merely hurrying through the principles and then dealing with applications, the book presents the scientific method by discussing the science of thermodynamics starting from empirical observations that are relatable to students. For ...

    178,35 €

    This title is a supplement to lectures and tutorials in a Thermodynamics course and also serves as a guide to more comprehensive texts. Rather than merely hurrying through the principles and then dealing with applications, the book presents the scientific method by discussing the science of thermodynamics starting from empirical observations that are relatable to students. For ...

    93,63 €

    The cost to the world’s economy due to corrosion was said to be two and a half trillion dollars or 3.4% of global GDP in 2013. Electrochemistry as a discipline is of even greater relevance ten years on, in view of the world’s desperate attempts to prevent catastrophic climate change by moving from fossil fuel to 'e-mobility' among other measures. This means that whereas electro...

    120,17 €

  • Thermodynamic Mechanism of Cryogenic Air Minimum Quantity Lubrication Grinding
    The achievement of high-efficiency and precise grinding of difficult-to-cut metals-like titanium alloys-is essential in the aerospace industry. However, the process often results in thermal damage to the workpiece surface, posing a significant technical challenge. While minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) has been used to aid titanium alloy grinding, its effectiveness is limited...

    334,55 €

  • Thermodynamic Mechanism of Cryogenic Air Minimum Quantity Lubrication Grinding
    The achievement of high-efficiency and precise grinding of difficult-to-cut metals-like titanium alloys-is essential in the aerospace industry. However, the process often results in thermal damage to the workpiece surface, posing a significant technical challenge. While minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) has been used to aid titanium alloy grinding, its effectiveness is limited...

    255,62 €

  • Corpi radianti
    Prabhakar Bhandari
    'Corpi radianti' è un’esplorazione dell’affascinante mondo del calore corporeo e del suo impatto multiforme sulla salute umana, sulle relazioni e sulla tecnologia. Questo libro si addentra negli intricati meccanismi della termoregolazione, facendo luce sui modi in cui il nostro corpo genera e gestisce il calore. 'Corpi radianti' si rivolge a un vasto pubblico, dai lettori curio...

    60,20 €

  • Strahlende Körper
    Prabhakar Bhandari
    'Radiant Bodies' ist eine Erkundung der faszinierenden Welt der Körperwärme und ihrer vielfältigen Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit, Beziehungen und Technologie. Dieses Buch befasst sich mit den komplizierten Mechanismen der Thermoregulation und beleuchtet die Art und Weise, wie unser Körper Wärme erzeugt und verwaltet. 'Radiant Bodies' richtet sich an ein breites Pu...

    60,26 €

  • Diseño y clasificación del intercambiador Aspen
    Thomas Rincon
    The 155-C A/B/C heat exchangers, belonging to an olefins plant, which heat the water used in reboilers of some fractionation columns, have historically presented energy efficiency problems due to fouling by polymerization in the tubes, the side through which the process water passes. This was used as a basis for simulating different mechanical models in Aspen EDR, taking into a...

    54,90 €

  • Conception et évaluation de l’échangeur Aspen
    Thomas Rincon
    Les échangeurs de chaleur 155-C A/B/C, appartenant à une usine d’oléfines, qui chauffent l’eau utilisée dans les rebouilleurs de certaines colonnes de fractionnement, ont historiquement présenté des problèmes d’efficacité énergétique dus à l’encrassement par polymérisation des tubes, le côté par lequel passe l’eau de traitement. Cette situation a servi de base à la simulation d...

    54,97 €

  • Progettazione e valutazione dello scambiatore Aspen
    Thomas Rincon
    Gli scambiatori di calore 155-C A/B/C, appartenenti a un impianto di olefine, che riscaldano l’acqua utilizzata nei reboiler di alcune colonne di frazionamento, hanno storicamente presentato problemi di efficienza energetica a causa dello sporcamento da polimerizzazione nei tubi, il lato attraverso cui passa l’acqua di processo. Questo è stato utilizzato come base per simulare ...

    54,97 €

  • Projeto e classificação do permutador Aspen
    Thomas Rincon
    Os permutadores de calor 155-C A/B/C, pertencentes a uma fábrica de olefinas, que aquecem a água utilizada nos reboilers de algumas colunas de fracionamento, têm apresentado historicamente problemas de eficiência energética devido a incrustações por polimerização nos tubos, o lado por onde passa a água do processo. Este facto foi utilizado como base para a simulação de diferent...

    54,97 €

  • Проектирование и оценка теплообменников Aspen
    Томас Ринкон
    Теплообменники 155-C A/B/C, принадлежащие заводу по производству олефинов, которые нагревают воду, используемую в ребойлерах некоторых колонн фракционирования, исторически имели проблемы с энергоэффективностью из-за загрязнения полимеризацией в трубках, через которые проходит технологическая вода. На этой основе в программе Aspen EDR были смоделированы различные механические мо...

    26,23 €

  • Aspen Wärmetauscher Design & Bewertung
    Thomas Rincon
    Die 155-C A/B/C-Wärmetauscher einer Olefinanlage, die das in den Aufkochern einiger Fraktionierungskolonnen verwendete Wasser erwärmen, hatten in der Vergangenheit Probleme mit der Energieeffizienz aufgrund von Verschmutzung durch Polymerisation in den Rohren, der Seite, durch die das Prozesswasser fließt. Dies wurde als Grundlage für die Simulation verschiedener mechanischer M...

    54,97 €

    Transport Phenomena is an umbrella term to describe the fundamental processes of momentum, energy, and mass transfer.This unique compendium covers energy transfer at the microscopic and macroscopic levels in the three stages of problem-solving, namely formulation, simplification, and mathematical solution. The book does not overwhelm students with a large repertoire of problems...

    178,81 €

    This book grew out of an idea to study properties of small subsystems of a large reservoir. Observations were at the time not explainable with standard thermodynamics. But the theory of Hill on thermodynamics of small systems provided the systematic procedure needed to address the problem. Following Hill, thermodynamics can be formulated for the nanoscale!The purpose of this bo...

    182,07 €

    This book provides a pedagogical introduction to the concepts and methods of quantum field theory necessary for the study of condensed matter and ultracold atomic gases. After a thorough discussion of the basic methods of field theory and many-body physics (functional integrals, perturbation theory, Feynman diagrams, correlation functions and linear response theory, symmetries ...

    219,88 €

    About sixty years ago, the anomalous magnetic response of certain magnetic alloys drew the attention of theoretical physicists. It soon became clear that understanding these systems, now called spin glasses, would give rise to a new branch of statistical physics. As physical materials, spin glasses were found to be as useless as they were exotic. They have nevertheless been rec...

    271,55 €

  • Ternäre hybride Nanofluide strömen über verschiedene Geometrien
    G. K. Ramesh / J. K. Madhukesh
    Die grundlegenden Ideen von Nanofluiden, Nanofluidmodellen, hybriden Nanofluiden, ternären hybriden Nanofluiden, thermophysikalischen Eigenschaften und der Begriff der Fluiddynamik werden in diesem Buch behandelt, damit Forscher und Post-Docs das Thema verstehen können. Wir haben die drei Geometrien Dehnungsfolie, parallele Platte, Kegel und Keil ausgewählt. Die Ähnlichkeitsgle...

    87,03 €

  • Écoulement d’un nanofluide hybride ternaire sur diverses géométries
    G. K. Ramesh / J. K. Madhukesh
    Les idées fondamentales des nanofluides, les modèles de nanofluides, les nanofluides hybrides, les nanofluides hybrides ternaires, les propriétés thermophysiques et la notion de dynamique des fluides sont couverts dans le livre afin que les chercheurs et les chercheurs post-doctoraux puissent comprendre le sujet. Les problèmes de la feuille étirée, de la plaque parallèle, du cô...

    87,03 €

  • Flusso di nanofluidi ibridi ternari su varie geometrie
    G. K. Ramesh / J. K. Madhukesh
    Le idee fondamentali di nanofluido, i modelli di nanofluido, il nanofluido ibrido, il nanofluido ibrido ternario, le proprietà termofisiche e le nozioni di fluidodinamica sono trattate nel libro in modo che i ricercatori e i ricercatori post-dottorato possano comprendere l’argomento. I problemi del foglio teso, della piastra parallela, del cono e del cuneo sono le tre geometrie...

    87,03 €

  • Escoamento de nanofluidos híbridos ternários em várias geometrias
    G. K. Ramesh / J. K. Madhukesh
    As ideias fundamentais de nanofluido, modelos de nanofluido, nanofluido híbrido, nanofluido híbrido ternário, propriedades termofísicas e a noção de dinâmica de fluidos são abordadas no livro para que os investigadores e os investigadores de pós-doutoramento possam compreender o tópico. Os problemas da folha extensível, da placa paralela, do cone e da cunha são as três geometri...

    87,03 €

  • Течение тернарных гибридных наножидкостей по различным геометриям
    Г. К. Рамеш / Дж. К. Мадхукеш
    В книге изложены фундаментальные идеи наножидкости, модели наножидкости, гибридной наножидкости, тернарной гибридной наножидкости, теплофизических свойств и понятия гидродинамики, чтобы научные сотрудники и аспиранты могли разобраться в этой теме. В качестве трех геометрий выбраны задачи растягивающегося листа, параллельной пластины, конуса и клина. Уравнения подобия (обыкновен...

    34,77 €

  • Energetische Verwertung von Abfall in einem Zementofen
    Christian Kankolongo
    Als grundlegendes Baumaterial ist Zement Teil unseres täglichen Lebens. Seine Industrie kann direkt mit dem Zustand des Baumarktes im Allgemeinen und der wirtschaftlichen Lage eines Landes in Verbindung gebracht werden. Die weltweite Produktion ist in den letzten Jahren stetig gestiegen und somit auf die Einführung größerer Produktionseinheiten zurückzuführen. Dennoch ist die Z...

    56,21 €

  • Получение энергии из отходов в цементной печи
    Кристиан Канколонго
    Цемент, основной строительный материал, является частью нашей повседневной жизни. Его производство напрямую зависит как от состояния строительного рынка в целом, так и от экономической ситуации в стране. Мировое производство цемента уже несколько лет стабильно растет, что связано с внедрением более крупных производств. Несмотря на это, цементная промышленность подвергается крит...

    27,47 €

  • Energy recovery from waste in a cement kiln
    Christian Kankolongo
    A basic building material, cement is part of our everyday lives. Its industry can be directly linked to the state of the construction market in general, as well as to a country’s economic situation. Global production has been rising steadily for several years, due to the introduction of larger production units. Despite this, the cement industry has been criticized for its heavy...

    56,21 €

  • Recupero di energia dai rifiuti in un forno da cemento
    Christian Kankolongo
    Il cemento, materiale da costruzione di base, fa parte della nostra vita quotidiana. La sua industria può essere direttamente collegata allo stato del mercato delle costruzioni in generale e alla situazione economica di un Paese. La produzione mondiale è in costante aumento da diversi anni, grazie all’introduzione di unità produttive più grandi. Ciononostante, l’industria del c...

    56,21 €

  • Recuperação de energia a partir de resíduos num forno de cimento
    Christian Kankolongo
    O cimento, o material básico de construção, faz parte do nosso quotidiano. A sua indústria pode estar diretamente ligada à situação do mercado da construção em geral, bem como à situação económica de um país. A produção mundial tem vindo a aumentar de forma constante desde há vários anos, o que se deve à introdução de unidades de produção maiores. Apesar disso, a indústria do c...

    56,21 €

  • Grundlagen der Kältetechnik
    Muthuraman Subbiah
    Definieren Sie Kälte- und Klimatechnik als Verfahren zur Übertragung von Wärme von einem Ort zum anderen. Klassifizierung der Hauptkomponenten von Kälteanlagen (Verdichter, Verflüssiger, Verdampfer und Expansionsvorrichtungen). Vergleich und Gegenüberstellung von Kältesystemen sowie mechanischen (VCR) und nicht-mechanischen (VAR) Kältesystemen. Analysieren Sie die charakteristi...

    61,88 €