Catálogo de libros: Física

7847 Catálogo de libros: Física

Libros Eliminar filtro Matemáticas y ciencia Eliminar filtro Física Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
    Daryoush Shiri / DARYOUSH SHIRI M P ANANTRAM / M P Anantram
    This introductory book is aimed at students of engineering and material science who want to learn the necessary toolboxes of practical quantum mechanics. The authors have made sure that all the calculations are complete, and they have avoided the usage of the familiar phrase, 'it can be easily shown' while being mathematically rigorous. Knowledge of the sophomore level introduc...

    244,63 €

    Daryoush Shiri / DARYOUSH SHIRI M P ANANTRAM / M P Anantram
    This introductory book is aimed at students of engineering and material science who want to learn the necessary toolboxes of practical quantum mechanics. The authors have made sure that all the calculations are complete, and they have avoided the usage of the familiar phrase, 'it can be easily shown' while being mathematically rigorous. Knowledge of the sophomore level introduc...

    110,73 €

  • La science de la nanotechnologie
    Ce livre offre une vue d’ensemble des processus de synthèse, y compris des approches physico-chimiques et écologiques, ainsi que de nombreuses méthodes de caractérisation et d’applications des nanotechnologies dans un large éventail de domaines. Le livre comporte cinq chapitres : Le premier chapitre traite de l’histoire des nanotechnologies, des tendances actuelles en matière d...

    85,63 €

  • Наука нанотехнологии
    ХЕЛЕН МЕРИНА АЛБЕРТ / Ц. Алосиоус Гонсаго
    В этой книге представлен обзор процессов синтеза, включая физико-химические и экологичные подходы, а также многочисленные методы определения характеристик и применения нанотехнологий в широком спектре областей. Книга состоит из пяти глав: В первой главе рассматривается история нанотехнологий, современные тенденции в области нанотехнологий, поведение и различные типы наноматериа...

    85,62 €

  • Applications and Principles of Quantum Computing
    Alex Khang
    In a world driven by technology and data, classical computing faces limitations in tackling complex challenges like climate modeling and financial risk assessment. These barriers impede our aspirations to revolutionize industries and solve intricate real-world problems. To bridge this gap, we must embrace quantum computing. Edited by Alex Khang PH, Principles and Applications o...

    295,14 €

  • Threads of a Needle
    DG Zitting
    Embark on a captivating journey into a not-so-distant future where the world teeters on the edge of transformation. Meet Hope Valencia, one of the world’s most accomplished PT-SOF agents for the League of Consciousness, as she embarks on a mission that defies the boundaries of time and space. Her adventure commences in the future city of Amsterdam, cloaked in an aura of uncerta...

    20,74 €

  • Emerging Applications of Plasma Science in Allied Technologies
    The scientific application of plasma across a variety of fields continues to expand with new research at a remarkable rate. The convergence between plasma science and domains such as energy materials, semiconductor systems, textiles, medicine, agriculture, and space exploration is merely scratching the surface of the known possibilities of this technology. Scientists require a ...

    373,54 €

  • Emerging Applications of Plasma Science in Allied Technologies
    The scientific application of plasma across a variety of fields continues to expand with new research at a remarkable rate. The convergence between plasma science and domains such as energy materials, semiconductor systems, textiles, medicine, agriculture, and space exploration is merely scratching the surface of the known possibilities of this technology. Scientists require a ...

    281,55 €

  • Predicting the Eclipse
    Stephen Wolfram
    Total eclipses of the Sun are rare and dramatic--and on April 8, 2024, one will cross the US. But when exactly will it happen? In this short but richly illustrated book, prominent scientist and computation pioneer Stephen Wolfram tells the triumphant and hard-won story--spanning more than two thousand years--of how science, mathematics and computation have brought us to the poi...

    13,52 €

  • Light Quanta
    Ghanshyam Jadhav
    Many may wonder about the title of this book. But one thing to note is that in 1951, Einstein told his friend Basso that,All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question 'What are light quanta?' Nowadays every Tom, Dick, and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken.This phrase has been mentioned by many people in their lect...

    12,85 €

    This book aims to popularize physics by emphasizing conceptual ideas of physics and their interconnections, while avoiding mathematics entirely. The approach is to explore intriguing topics of daily relevance by asking and discussing questions: thereby the reader can participate in developing answers, which enables a deeper understanding than is achievable with memorization.The...

    96,73 €

    Dimensional and order-of-magnitude estimates are practiced by almost everybody but taught almost nowhere. When physics students engage in their first theoretical research project, they soon learn that exactly solvable problems belong only to textbooks, that numerical models are long and resource consuming, and that 'something else' is needed to quickly gain insight into the sys...

    93,56 €

  • Mars Colonization
    Randy Jones
    Life as we know it has always been confined to our single blue planet called earth. But will it always be that way? Discover just how close we are to changing life as we know it forever, and what it will take to push humanity into a new era of exploration and discovery. Find out how the next steps for our future will be unlike anything civilization as we know it has experienced...

    16,03 €

  • Études et caractérisation des couches minces de ZnS
    Arunkumar Alagesan
    Les semi-conducteurs composés II-VI sont d’une grande importance en raison de leur application dans divers dispositifs électro-optiques. Les films minces de ZnS trouvent de nombreuses autres applications dans le domaine de la fabrication de dispositifs optoélectroniques tels que les diodes émettrices de lumière UV, les diodes émettrices de lumière bleue, les écrans plats émissi...

    49,68 €

  • Исследование и характеристика тонких пленок ZnS
    Арункумар Алагезан
    Соединенные полупроводники II-VI имеют большое значение благодаря их применению в различных электрооптических устройствах. Тонкие пленки ZnS находят множество применений в области производства оптоэлектронных устройств, таких как УФ-излучающие диоды, синие светодиоды, эмиссионные плоские экраны, электролюминесцентные устройства и антиотражающее покрытие в технологии солнечных б...

    49,68 €

    Tian-You Fan / Xian-Fang Li / XIAN-FANG LI XIAO-HONG SU TIAN-YOU FAN / Xiao-Hong Sun
    This book gives a detailed description on mathematical theory of elasticity and generalized dynamics of solid quasicrystals and its applications.The Chinese edition of the book Mathematical Theory of Elasticity of Quasicrystals and Its Applications was published by the Beijing Institute of Technology Press in 1999, written by Prof Tian-You Fan. In this English edition of the bo...

    220,31 €

  • A Odisséia Celestial Crônicas do Sonhador Astral
    Prof. (Dr.) Pawan Kumar
    Bem-vindo a um reino onde os sonhos transcendem os limites do comum - um lugar onde o cosmos tece a sua tapeçaria encantadora através da lente de um Sonhador Astral. Nestas crónicas, embarque numa odisseia celestial guiada pelos devaneios místicos do protagonista. O Sonhador Astral, um canal para o desconhecido cósmico, desvenda os segredos das constelações, dança com as nebulo...

    87,07 €

  • L’Odyssée céleste Chroniques du Rêveur Astral
    Prof. (Dr.) Pawan Kumar
    Bienvenue dans un royaume où les rêves transcendent les frontières de l’ordinaire, un lieu où le cosmos tisse sa tapisserie enchanteresse à travers l’objectif d’un rêveur astral. Dans ces chroniques, embarquez pour une odyssée céleste guidée par les rêveries mystiques du protagoniste. Le Rêveur Astral, un conduit vers l’inconnu cosmique, dévoile les secrets des constellations, ...

    87,04 €

  • L’Odissea celeste, Cronache del Sognatore Astrale
    Prof. (Dr.) Pawan Kumar
    Benvenuti in un regno in cui i sogni trascendono i confini dell’ordinario: un luogo in cui il cosmo tesse il suo incantevole arazzo attraverso la lente di un Sognatore Astrale. In queste cronache, imbarcatevi in un’odissea celeste guidati dalle fantasticherie mistiche del protagonista. Il Sognatore astrale, un condotto verso l’ignoto cosmico, svela i segreti delle costellazioni...

    87,07 €

  • Небесная Одиссея Хроники Астрального Мечтателя
    Проф. (Др.) Паван Кумар
    Добро пожаловать в царство, где сны переступают границы обыденности, где космос ткет свой чарующий гобелен через призму Астрального сновидения. В этих хрониках вы отправитесь в небесную одиссею, руководствуясь мистическими грезами главного героя. Астральный мечтатель, проводник в космическую неизвестность, раскрывает тайны созвездий, танцует с туманностями и перемещается по зап...

    87,02 €

  • Die himmlischen Odyssee-Chroniken des Astralträumers
    Prof. (Dr.) Pawan Kumar
    Willkommen in einem Reich, in dem Träume die Grenzen des Gewöhnlichen überschreiten - ein Ort, an dem der Kosmos seinen bezaubernden Wandteppich durch die Linse eines Astralträumers webt. In diesen Chroniken begeben Sie sich auf eine himmlische Odyssee, die von den mystischen Träumereien des Protagonisten geleitet wird. Der Astralträumer, eine Verbindung zum kosmischen Unbekann...

    87,02 €

    Chaired by K Wüthrich (Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 2002) and co-chaired by B Feringa (Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 2016), this by-invitation-only conference gathered around 40 participants, who are well-recognized leaders in the diverse field of Chemistry. The highlights of the Conference Proceedings include short prepared statements by all the participants, and the recordings...

    207,11 €

  • Energia Solar Fotovoltaica
    Diego Da Silva Mendonça
    A energia solar fotovoltaica emergiu como uma alternativa crucial na matriz energética global, destacando-se pela sua sustentabilidade e potencial para transformar a maneira como produzimos e consumimos energia. Neste contexto, este livro dedicou-se a analisar e a compreender o marco legal que rege a geração distribuída de energia solar fotovoltaica, identificando os desafios e...

    17,52 €

  • Modeling The Universe
    Robert A. Kirby
    Imagination and science take flight in this new description of our three dimensional universe. The old physics of equations and non-answers is replaced with mechanisms that explain reality. The fundamental particle of matter is modeled and mechanisms for the properties of matter emerge. Our journey takes the reader from a description of matter to the birth and death of our univ...

    29,06 €

  • A New Vision of the Early Universe - Second Edition
    Robert J. Conover
    The current theory for the early universe centers around the Standard Model’s vision of fields, forces, and particles inexplicably popping into existence within the first second of the Big Bang. That conjecture has worked for many years and has inspired an edifice of theoretical support, but it stretches credulity and leaves too many unanswered questions.What if the initial nug...

    26,15 €

  • Universal Consciousness
    Kaisan Daniel
    When you delve into the concept of Panpsychism, you enter a realm where the lines between mind and matter blur, challenging traditional demarcations that have long been established in philosophy and science. At its core, panpsychism suggests that consciousness is not exclusive to human minds but is a fundamental feature of all matter. This captivating view posits that everythin...

    10,63 €

    Scientific problems have an internal 'beauty', called, referred to, precisely speaking, as their 'symmetry'. The symmetry arises, often, from the fact that the scientific problem refers to an object (a molecule, a crystal) and the object itself has some 'symmetry' elements, but in more abstract situations, such as those arising in particle physics and quantum technologies, symm...

    177,61 €

  • Time and Space
    Kenneth Caraballo
    'Time and Space: Einstein’s Theory of Relativity' is a compelling exploration of one of the most revolutionary concepts in the history of physics. Authored with clarity and depth, this book embarks on a journey through the intricate tapestry of Albert Einstein’s groundbreaking theories, unraveling the profound implications they hold for our understanding of the cosmos.The narra...

    22,31 €

  • Die Suche nach der ultimativen Theorie
    Esmail Salehi / Karim Salehi / Leila Soufi Maryo
    Supersymmetrische große vereinheitlichte Theorien (SUSY GUTs) zielen darauf ab, alle fundamentalen Teilchen und Wechselwirkungen in einem einzigen theoretischen Rahmen zu vereinen, indem sie das Standardmodell um die Supersymmetrie erweitern und die starken, schwachen und elektromagnetischen Kräfte in eine einfache Eichgruppe bei einer ultrahohen Vereinigungsenergie von über 10...

    87,15 €

  • La quête de la théorie ultime
    Esmail Salehi / Karim Salehi / Leila Soufi Maryo
    Les grandes théories unifiées supersymétriques (GUT SUSY) visent à unifier toutes les particules et interactions fondamentales dans un cadre théorique unique en étendant le modèle standard pour y inclure la supersymétrie et en intégrant les forces forte, faible et électromagnétique dans un groupe de jauge simple à une échelle d’énergie d’unification ultra-élevée, supérieure à 1...

    87,15 €