Catálogo de libros: Astronomía, espacio y tiempo

2720 Catálogo de libros: Astronomía, espacio y tiempo

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  • Síntese de NPs de TiO2 puras e dopadas com Ni utilizando extracto de folha de papaia
    Deepannita Chakraborty / Priyadharsini N / Sakthivel P
    A síntese de nanopartículas de óxido de titânio utilizando extracto de folha de papaia ganhou importância nos últimos anos devido ao seu carácter ecológico e à sua relação custo-eficácia. O extracto de folha de papaia serve como agente redutor e estabilizador verde, eliminando a necessidade de produtos químicos nocivos no processo de síntese. As nanopartículas resultantes mostr...

    60,26 €

  • Синтез чистых и легированных никелем TiO2 NPs с использованием экстракта листьев папайи
    Деепаннит Чакраборты / Приядхарсини Н / Сактхивел П
    Синтез наночастиц оксида титана с использованием экстракта листьев папайи в последние годы приобрел большое значение благодаря своей экологичности и экономичности. Экстракт листьев папайи служит зеленым восстановительным и стабилизирующим агентом, устраняя необходимость использования вредных химических веществ в процессе синтеза. Полученные наночастицы продемонстрировали перспе...

    26,35 €

  • Sintesi di NPs di TiO2 pure e drogate con Ni utilizzando l’estratto di foglie di papaia
    Deepannita Chakraborty / Priyadharsini N / Sakthivel P
    La sintesi di nanoparticelle di ossido di titanio utilizzando l’estratto di foglie di papaia ha acquisito importanza negli ultimi anni grazie alla sua ecocompatibilità e al suo rapporto costo-efficacia. L’estratto di foglie di papaya funge da agente riducente e stabilizzante verde, eliminando la necessità di sostanze chimiche nocive nel processo di sintesi. Le nanoparticelle ot...

    60,26 €

  • The Road To Find Out
    William J Wilkins
    Why are some drawn to wisdom and others into a wasteland? It took the sudden departure of the author’s father to awaken questions, which he knew must have answers, but which science, religion and even his own family could not answer. In The Road To Find Out, William J Wilkins seeks out the original sources to expose the 'reality' we have been presented, and lay hold of the tr...

    10,81 €

  • Evolution of Transportation Beyond Cars and Planes
    M.J. Knightly
    Introducing 'Evolution of Transportation Beyond Cars and Planes' the ultimate guide to the future of transportation!Are you tired of being stuck in traffic or waiting for delayed public transportation? Are you curious about the latest technologies that could revolutionize how we travel? Look no further than 'Evolution of Transportation Beyond Cars and Planes' the comprehensive ...

    10,47 €

  • The Second Betrayal of Jesus Christ
    Seddoh Bokor
    The Synoptic Gospels recount how material desires influenced Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus Christ with a traitorous kiss. Thence, he became a religious reference point for sinful conduct. But could there be more to it than literally interpreted? How does the story apply to the spiritual development of those who profess to be Christians?This book is about religion and science. ...

    20,60 €

  • Больший мир возможен!
    Адриано В. Аутино
    Перед человечеством стоят три основные задачи. 'Спасти планету', как того требуют 17 целей повестки дня ООН 2030: борьба с изменением климата и т.д.... Вторая - освоение космоса, возможно, приведет нас на Марс. Третий вызов - спасение цивилизации. Этой третьей задачей пренебрегают и пренебрегают, но восемь миллиардов землян не смогут спасти свою цивилизацию, если они немедленно...

    61,81 €

  • Eine größere Welt ist möglich!
    Adriano V. Autino
    Die Menschheit steht vor drei großen Herausforderungen. Die 'Rettung des Planeten', wie sie in den 17 Zielen der UN-Agenda 2030 angestrebt wird: Bekämpfung des Klimawandels usw... Die zweite ist die Erforschung des Weltraums, die uns vielleicht zum Mars führen wird. Die dritte Herausforderung besteht darin, die Zivilisation zu retten. Diese dritte Herausforderung wird vernachlä...

    101,03 €

  • Un monde meilleur est possible !
    Adriano V. Autino
    L’humanité est confrontée à trois grands défis. ' Sauver la planète ', comme le poursuivent les 17 objectifs de l’agenda 2030 de l’ONU : lutte contre le changement climatique, etc.... Le deuxième, l’exploration spatiale, nous amènera peut-être sur Mars. Le troisième défi est de sauver la civilisation. Ce troisième défi est délaissé et négligé, mais huit milliards de terriens ne...

    101,07 €

  • Um mundo melhor é possível!
    Adriano V. Autino
    A humanidade enfrenta três desafios principais. O primeiro é 'salvar o planeta', tal como preconizam os 17 objectivos da Agenda 2030 da ONU: combater as alterações climáticas, etc... O segundo, a exploração espacial, que talvez nos leve a Marte. O terceiro desafio é salvar a civilização. Este terceiro desafio é descurado e negligenciado, mas oito mil milhões de terrestres não p...

    101,09 €

  • Un mondo più grande è possibile!
    Adriano V. Autino
    L’umanità deve affrontare tre sfide principali. Quella di 'salvare il pianeta', come perseguito dai 17 obiettivi dell’agenda 2030 dell’ONU: affrontare il cambiamento climatico, ecc... La seconda, l’esplorazione dello spazio, che forse ci porterà su Marte. La terza sfida è salvare la civiltà. Questa terza sfida è disattesa e trascurata, ma otto miliardi di terrestri non possono ...

    101,13 €

  • The Armaaruss Project
    Anthony of Boston
    Through the use of a prophet, Mars donning the name Armaaruss, is keen to regain acknowledgment as a deity, his ultimate goal at the moment. Armaaruss is also seeking a dwelling place in the form of AI. Anthony of Boston has conveyed to readers that Mars is willing to make a deal or compromise with the state of Israel. Such a compromise involves the creation of dwelling place w...

    26,10 €

  • Pluto
    Kevin M Caruso
    Welcome to Pluto: My Journey from Last to First!  Discover Pluto’s impact on the lives this little world has touched: ·        Percival Lowell - Flagstaff Observatory & Passion for All Things Pluto ·        Clyde Tombaugh - Sketches which led to Pluto’s Discovery·        Venetia Burney - Breakfast conversation which led to Pluto’s Name·        James Christy - The 'bump' which b...

    30,13 €

  • Órion
    Gustavo Muniz
    A voz silenciosa da matemática, que anuncia eventos de grande impacto mundial no futuro, civilizações perdidas e um padrão matemático para os ciclos de mudança na humanidade, como nunca antes se viu!Depois de encontrar estranhos objetos por meio do aplicativo Google Earth, ao segui-los, seremos conduzidos a uma extensa área da Amazônia boliviana conhecida como (Llanos de Moxos)...

    22,19 €

  • Ciência Psicósmica
    Alder D’pass
    O livro é uma apologia da ciência Psicósmica a Psicosmologia, a ciência do conhecimento metafísico psíquico-espiritual. ...

    24,12 €

  • Astronomy 2e (hardcover, full color)
    Andrew Fraknoi / David Morrison / Sidney Wolff
    Original Release Date: March 2022. Printed Color.Designed to meet the scope and sequence of your course, Astronomy 2e is written in clear non-technical language, with the occasional touch of humor and a wide range of clarifying illustrations. It has many analogies drawn from everyday life to help non-science majors appreciate, on their own terms, what our modern exploration of ...

    153,54 €

  • Synthesis of Pure and Ni doped TiO2 NPs using Papaya leaf Extract
    Deepannita Chakraborty / Priyadharsini N / Sakthivel P
    Titanium oxide nanoparticle synthesis using papaya leaf extract has gained importance in recent years due to its eco-friendliness and cost-effectiveness. Papaya leaf extract serves as a green reducing and stabilizing agent, eliminating the need for harmful chemicals in the synthesis process. The resulting nanoparticles have shown promise in a range of biomedical applications, i...

    60,32 €

  • Stellar Atmospheres
    Cecilia H. Payne
    Originally published in 1925, this short, readable, brilliant book was a milestone in the history of astrophysics. This beautiful reprint makes a fantastic gift for any young person interested in science. In its pages, Cecilia H. Payne presented a rigorous and innovative analysis of stellar spectra, which led her to propose that stars were predominantly composed of hydrogen and...

    33,73 €

  • Exercises in Astronomical Data Analysis for Beginners
    Dr. Smriti Mahajan
    This unique book bridges the gap between textbooks and practical research by taking a pragmatic approach towards various concepts in astronomy. It introduces students to astronomy-specific jargon used by professional astronomers, while covering a wide range of topics from stars to galaxy clusters. It will aid learners with preliminary experience in computing and/or astronomy to...

    5,64 €

  • The Description of Creation
    The Unknown
    Have you ever wondered what happened before the Big Bang? Astronomers haven’t even considered this before a possibility. I’ve written a story that imagines the seed of creation, beginning with the origins of energy and how it can be used to establish the outline of your universe. Begin your journey here to gain a new perspective on life. ...

    5,81 €

    Tamer Kutdoga
    ALLAH’a yönelen insan erdemli (AHLAK), erdemli insan adaletli (ADALET) olur ve adil insan dünyada BARIŞI sağlar. Barışan insan yine ALLAH’a kavuşur. Bu zincir kırılırsa dünyanın sonu gelir. Çünkü Evrendeki Astral ve Atomik teraziden önce Allah cc. yarattığı zıtlıklardan sonra bu zıtlıklar arasında uyum, uzlaşma ve BARIŞ olur ve insanlar buna karşı hareket edemez. Huzur göze güz...

    56,40 €

  • Los Cientificos Siempre Estarán En Primera Línea
    Eward Montenegro
    Estamos viviendo en una era fascinante del conocimiento humano. Gracias al trabajo arduo e incansable de generaciones de científicos, nuestra comprensión del universo nunca ha sido tan profunda. Desde modelos teóricos hasta datos observacionales, desde telescopios hasta satélites, los científicos nos han brindado una comprensión más clara de nuestro lugar en el espacio y en el ...

    14,84 €

  • Beyond the Horizon
    Kenneth Caraballo
    Beyond the Horizon is a book that delves into the wonders of space science and invites readers to embark on a journey of discovery through the cosmos. From the origins of the universe to the latest discoveries in exoplanet research, this book takes readers on an immersive tour of the universe and its many mysteries.The book begins by introducing readers to the basics of space s...

    23,08 €

  • Astronomy 2e (paperback, b&w)
    Andrew Fraknoi / David Morrison / Sidney Wolff
    Original Release Date: March 2022. Printed in black & white.Designed to meet the scope and sequence of your course, Astronomy 2e is written in clear non-technical language, with the occasional touch of humor and a wide range of clarifying illustrations. It has many analogies drawn from everyday life to help non-science majors appreciate, on their own terms, what our modern expl...

    61,05 €

  • Una storia Astronomica
    Andrea Zullo
    Questo libro ripercorre la storia dell’astronomia attraverso i secoli, svelandone gli intricati dettagli e le straordinarie scoperte. Dalle origini dell’osservazione astronomica fino alle grandi scoperte del XX secolo, il lettore sarà trasportato in un viaggio incredibile attraverso l’Universo. Saranno approfonditi i personaggi storici che hanno lasciato un segno nella storia d...

    11,54 €

  • History of On-Orbit Satellite Fragmentations, 16th Edition
    The first edition of the History of On-orbit Satellite Fragmentations was published by Teledyne Brown Engineering in August 1984 under the sponsorship of the NASA Johnson Space Center and with the cooperation of the U.S. Air Force Space Command and the U.S. Army Ballistic Missile Command. The objective was to bring together information about the 75 satellites, which had, at tha...

    157,19 €

  • Os Cientistas Sempre Estarão Na Linha De Frente
    Edwar Montenegro
    Estamos vivendo em uma era fascinante do conhecimento humano. Graças ao trabalho árduo e incansável de gerações de cientistas, nossa compreensão do universo nunca foi tão profunda. De modelos teóricos a dados observacionais, de telescópios a satélites, os cientistas têm nos presenteado com uma compreensão mais clara de nosso lugar no espaço e no tempo cósmicos.Mas o trabalho do...

    15,34 €

  • Plato’s Timaeus and the Latin Tradition
    Christina Hoenig

    38,96 €

  • Universe Beyond Imagination - Game of Time
    Debasish Talukdar
    Introducing "Game of Time" - a groundbreaking new book that delves into the mysteries of time and offers a fresh perspective on our understanding of the nature of existence itself.Written by renowned physicist Debasish Talukdar, "Game of Time" offers a compelling exploration of the fundamental nature of time - how it operates, how it shapes our lives, and how it is intimately t...

    10,51 €

    Tamer Kutdoga
    A human converging to ALLAH becomes virtuous (ETHIC) the virtuous human becomes equitable (JUSTICE), and equitable people ensure PEACE in the World. People who make peace converge to ALLAH again. If this chain breaks, the world will come to an end. Because, before the Astral and Atomic scale in the Universe, Allah cc. after the contrasts it creates then there is harmony, agreem...

    42,39 €