Catálogo de libros: Matemáticas

9539 Catálogo de libros: Matemáticas

Libros Eliminar filtro Matemáticas y ciencia Eliminar filtro Matemáticas Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Building Math Confidence
    Jay B. Cutts
    Building Math Confidence: A Self-Paced Curriculum Using Intuitive Strategies is for anyone who struggles with math or wants to build their math intuitions. This book teaches you intuitive, common-sense tools that even the most math-anxious students can understand and apply to college-level math. As one of our adult math-phobic students once said, 'I can understand this! I can d...

    65,73 €

  • Relationale Datenbankmanagementsysteme
    M. Moses Antony Rajendran / V. Jothi Francina
    In diesem Buch tauchen wir in die faszinierende Welt der Datenverwaltung mithilfe des relationalen Modells ein, einem weit verbreiteten Ansatz im Bereich der Datenbankverwaltung.Da die Technologie weiterhin in beispiellosem Tempo voranschreitet, ist der Bedarf an effizienter und zuverlässiger Datenspeicherung und -abfrage immer wichtiger geworden. Relationale Datenbankmanagemen...

    94,69 €

  • Sistemi di gestione di database relazionali
    M. Moses Antony Rajendran / V. Jothi Francina
    In questo libro ci addentriamo nell’affascinante mondo della gestione dei dati utilizzando il modello relazionale, un approccio ampiamente adottato nel campo della gestione dei database.Poiché la tecnologia continua ad avanzare a un ritmo senza precedenti, la necessità di un’archiviazione e di un recupero dei dati efficienti e affidabili è diventata fondamentale. I sistemi di g...

    94,74 €

  • Sistemas de gestão de bases de dados relacionais
    M. Moses Antony Rajendran / V. Jothi Francina
    Neste livro, mergulhamos no fascinante mundo do gerenciamento de dados utilizando o modelo relacional, uma abordagem amplamente adotada na área de gerenciamento de banco de dados.À medida que a tecnologia continua a avançar a um ritmo sem precedentes, a necessidade de armazenamento e recuperação de dados eficientes e fiáveis tornou-se primordial. Os sistemas de gerenciamento de...

    94,74 €

  • Systèmes de gestion de bases de données relationnelles
    M. Moses Antony Rajendran / V. Jothi Francina
    Dans ce livre, nous plongeons dans le monde fascinant de la gestion des données à l’aide du modèle relationnel, une approche largement adoptée dans le domaine de la gestion de bases de données.Alors que la technologie continue de progresser à un rythme sans précédent, le besoin d’un stockage et d’une récupération de données efficaces et fiables est devenu primordial. Les systèm...

    94,70 €

  • Системы управления реляционными базами данных
    В. Джоти Франсина / М. Мозес А Раджендран
    В этой книге мы погружаемся в увлекательный мир управления данными с помощью реляционной моделимодели - широко распространенного подхода в области управления базами данных.В условиях беспрецедентного развития технологий потребность в эффективном и надежном хранении и поиске данных приобрела первостепенное значение. Реляционные системы управления базами данных (СУБД) стали основ...

    48,97 €

  • Matemática financiera
    Sergio Iván Pilares Casas
    La matemática es una ciencia que, si bien muchos pueden considerar altamente difícil, es al mismo tiempo indispensable en nuestro día a día. Todo es matemática, todo puede resumirse en una suma, una resta, una multiplicación o una división, y no es mentira: una compra, una venta, una transacción, el pago de nuestros servicios. Los números y las operaciones matemáticas están más...

    15,08 €

    Roberta Bowman
    'Python Machine Learning: Leveraging Python for Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications' is your comprehensive guide to mastering the art of machine learning using the powerful capabilities of Python. This book provides practical insights and effective techniques for understanding, implementing, and deploying a wide range of machine learning algorithms to solv...

    19,43 €

    This introductory book contains a rich collection of exercises and worked examples in Metric Spaces. Other than questions in the traditional setting, plenty of True-or-False type questions and open-ended questions are included. With detailed solutions, these are highly effective in helping students gain a bird’s eye view and master the subject and pitfalls better. The presentat...

    178,59 €

    H M Srivastava / H M SRIVASTAVA HARENDRA SINGH / Harendra Singh
    This book presents an introduction to the key topics in Real Analysis and makes the subject easily understood by the learners. The book is primarily useful for students of mathematics and engineering studying the subject of Real Analysis. It includes many examples and exercises at the end of chapters. This book is very authentic for students, instructors, as well as those doing...

    129,86 €

  • American Rocket Math
    Carol Campodonica
    American Rocket Math is a math program to help students in elementary school improve their mathematics skills. Both teachers and parents will find my program useful in advancing their children’s skills. Areas of focus are on addition, subtraction and multiplication. The book has also been crafted to feature dual language and all instructions are given both in English and Spanis...

    41,44 €

  • Factorización METODO ALFA
    Javier De Llano Lopez
    Este libro es fruto de un Descubrimiento a Nivel Mundial en Matemáticas, en el Campo de la Factorización (Algebra), realizado en Santa Cruz, en la ciudad de 'CAMIRI', Capital Petrolera de BOLIVIA. El objetivo principal de este Libro, es presentar un nuevo método de Factorización: 'El Método Alfa'. Actualmente hay 14 métodos de Factorización, que se enseñan en los Colegios de Se...

    27,64 €

  • Dinâmica das bibliotecas
    Babita Gaur / Rahul Kumar Singh
    Dinâmica das bibliotecas: Navegar pelas paisagens da informação na era digital é uma exploração abrangente e perspicaz da evolução e dos desafios enfrentados pelas bibliotecas no panorama digital moderno. A Parte I analisa o desenvolvimento histórico das bibliotecas, desde os antigos arquivos até aos modernos centros de informação que conhecemos atualmente. Destaca o papel fund...

    63,44 €

  • Bibliotheksdynamik
    Babita Gaur / Rahul Kumar Singh
    Bibliotheksdynamik: Navigieren durch Informationslandschaften im digitalen Zeitalter ist eine umfassende und aufschlussreiche Untersuchung der Entwicklung und der Herausforderungen, denen sich Bibliotheken in der modernen digitalen Landschaft stellen müssen. Teil I befasst sich mit der historischen Entwicklung von Bibliotheken, von antiken Archiven bis zu den modernen Informati...

    63,42 €

  • Dynamique des bibliothèques
    Babita Gaur / Rahul Kumar Singh
    Dynamique des bibliothèques : Naviguer dans les paysages de l’information à l’ère numérique est une exploration complète et perspicace de l’évolution et des défis auxquels sont confrontées les bibliothèques dans le paysage numérique moderne. La première partie se penche sur l’évolution historique des bibliothèques, depuis les anciennes archives jusqu’aux centres d’information m...

    63,42 €

  • Dinamiche di biblioteca
    Babita Gaur / Rahul Kumar Singh
    Dinamiche di biblioteca: Navigare nei paesaggi dell’informazione nell’era digitale è un’esplorazione completa e perspicace dell’evoluzione e delle sfide che le biblioteche devono affrontare nel moderno panorama digitale. La prima parte analizza lo sviluppo storico delle biblioteche, dagli antichi archivi ai moderni centri di informazione che conosciamo oggi. Evidenzia il ruolo ...

    63,44 €

  • Динамика библиотеки
    Бабита Гаур / Рахул Кумар Сингх
    Динамика библиотеки: Навигация по информационным ландшафтам в цифровую эпоху - это всестороннее и глубокое исследование эволюции и проблем, с которыми сталкиваются библиотеки в современном цифровом ландшафте. Часть I посвящена историческому развитию библиотек - от древних архивов до современных информационных центров, которые мы знаем сегодня. В ней подчеркивается важнейшая рол...

    49,04 €

    Aimé Mbobi / Gaëlle Mbobi / Peggy Thimothée Mauline
    Explorez et découvrez le fascinant univers des statistiques descriptives à travers l’ouvrage ’Statistiques Descriptives - Le Poids des Nombres, la Force des Données et la Puissance de l’Information. Cet ouvrage est une ressource incontournable pour les étudiants et les professionnels évoluant dans divers domaines. Il offre une approche exhaustive et accessible pour maîtriser l’...

    103,22 €

  • Geschichte der Trigonometrie
    Diego Dias Felix
    In dieser Arbeit werden wir historische Daten organisieren und eine statistische Erhebung dieser Daten durchführen, die sich auf Arbeiten zur Trigonometrie aus dem Fachbereich Mathematik - CCT-UEPB stützt. Ein weiteres Ziel ist es, die Geschichte der Trigonometrie aufzuwerten und dieses Material als Nachschlagewerk für alle, die sich für dieses Thema interessieren, zu erstellen...

    53,60 €

  • Storia della trigonometria
    Diego Dias Felix
    In questo lavoro, organizzeremo i dati storici ed effettueremo un’indagine statistica su questi dati, basandoci sulle opere di trigonometria del Dipartimento di Matematica - CCT-UEPB. Un altro scopo è quello di dare valore alla storia della trigonometria, creando questo materiale che serva da riferimento per chi è interessato a questo argomento. Daremo uno sguardo storico alla ...

    53,60 €

  • Sinnvolle Mathematik
    Salete D. M. Reis / Vander Lúcio Sanches / Walkíria Orlandi
    An Mathematik zu denken, bedeutet oft, an Berechnungen, Konten, Summen, Multiplikationen, Divisionen zu denken, kurz gesagt, die Lesart des Wortes ist 'Schwierigkeit, Argumentation', und dies führt zu einer gewissen 'Faulheit' bei der Ausübung des Verbs 'studieren'. Wir können die offensichtliche Beziehung zwischen Mathematik und Denken erkennen, aber dieses Denken wird viel ei...

    59,27 €

  • Meaningful Maths
    Salete D. M. Reis / Vander Lúcio Sanches / Walkíria Orlandi
    Thinking about maths often means thinking about calculation, accounts, sums, multiplications, divisions, in short, the reading of the word is 'difficulty, reasoning', and this leads to a certain 'laziness' in practising the verb 'study'. We can see the obvious relationship between maths and reasoning, but this reasoning becomes much easier when we, as teachers, try to show our ...

    59,14 €

  • Matematica significativa
    Salete D. M. Reis / Vander Lúcio Sanches / Walkíria Orlandi
    Pensare alla matematica significa spesso pensare ai calcoli, ai conti, alle somme, alle moltiplicazioni, alle divisioni, insomma la lettura della parola è 'difficoltà, ragionamento', e questo porta a una certa 'pigrizia' nel praticare il verbo 'studiare'. È evidente la relazione tra matematica e ragionamento, ma questo ragionamento diventa molto più semplice quando noi, come in...

    59,14 €

    Gulchehra Ulug’berdiyeva / Ilhom Ahmadov / Ra’no Ne’matova
    Muntazam ko’pyoqlar geometriyasi qadim zamonlardan beri odamlarni qiziqtirib kelgan. Usha vaqtlarda go’zallik tushunchasi simmetriya bilan bog’liq edi. Ehtimol, bu insoniyatning ko’pburchaklarga bo’lgan ilk qiziqishini vujudga kelishiga sabab bo’lgandir. Ayniqsa, muntazam ko’pyoqlarning go’zalligi, mukammalligi va tabiat bilan uyg’unligi taniqli mutafakkirlarning diqqatini o’zi...

    55,16 €

  • Statistics Using Stata
    Daphna Harel / Sarah Knapp Abramowitz / Sharon Lawner Weinberg

    106,59 €

    Manisha Aggarwal / MANISHA AGGARWAL SUBIMAN KUNDU / Subiman Kundu
    This book offers the comprehensive study of one of the foundational topics in Mathematics, known as Metric Spaces. The book delivers the concepts in an appropriate and concise manner, at the same time rich in illustrations and exercise problems. Special focus has been laid on important theorems like Baire’s Category theorem, Heine-Borel theorem, Ascoli-Arzela Theorem, etc, whic...

    105,63 €

  • Calculus Made Easy
    Silvanus P. Thompson
    Calculus Made Easy is a book on infinitesimal calculus, initially published in 1910 by Silvanus P. Thompson. It is considered a classic and elegant introduction to the subject. The original text continues to be available as of 2023 from Murine Publication. With its epsilon-delta definition, Calculus Made Easy does not use limits. Instead, it uses a way to get close (to any degr...

    20,45 €

    Sardor Xudoyberdiyev
    Ushbu uslubiy qo’llanma Matematika fani amaldagi dasturiga mos bo’lib, uning asosiy bo’limlarini qamrab olgan. Xususan, chiziqli algebra elementlari va analitik geometriya, matematik tahlilga kirish, bir o’zgaruvchili funksiyalar differensial hisobi, integral hisob bo’limlari bo’yicha amaliy mashg’ulotlar o’tkazish uchun uslubiy ko’rsatmalar keltirilgan. Qo’llanmada har bir mav...

    85,74 €

    Sardor Xudoyberdiyev
    Mazkur o’quv qo’llanma Iqtisodchilar uchun matematika fani amaldagi dasturiga mos bo’lib, uning asosiy bo’limlarini qamrab olgan. Xususan, chiziqli algebra elementlari va analitik geometriya, matematik tahlilga kirish, bir va ko’p o’zgaruvchili funksiyalar differensial hisobi, integral hisob, qatorlar va differensial tenglamalar elementlari bo’limlari bo’yicha amaliy mashg’ulot...

    108,84 €

    Publications are the currency of academia. And yet, many people in the sciences, and especially mathematics, are never actually taught how to write. More specifically, they are not taught how to edit, redraft and revise their material so that the presentation is optimal for the reader. Most academic articles are appallingly written, even by native English speakers. One of the c...

    28,92 €