Catálogo de libros: Matemáticas y ciencia

75150 Catálogo de libros: Matemáticas y ciencia

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  • Gestion des déchets plastiques (Avert Plastic-Revert Green Planet)
    Aruna Sudame
    Ce livre est écrit exclusivement pour les étudiants des différentes branches de l’ingénierie et ceux qui font des études liées à la gestion des déchets en tenant compte de leurs exigences professionnelles. Dans ce livre, toutes les informations relatives au plastique, à ses types, ses propriétés, ses applications, son impact sur l’homme et l’animal et les méthodes de gestion so...

    60,44 €

  • Gestão de resíduos de plástico (Avert Plastic-Revert Green Planet)
    Aruna Sudame
    Este livro foi escrito exclusivamente para estudantes de vários ramos da engenharia e para aqueles que estão a estudar a gestão de resíduos, tendo em conta as suas necessidades profissionais. Neste livro, todas as informações relacionadas com o plástico, os seus tipos, propriedades, aplicação, impacto nos seres humanos, animais e métodos de gestão. Os produtos de plástico torna...

    60,38 €

  • Développement De La Réaction De Biginelli À L’aide D’un Solvant Eutectique Profond
    Hetal Padhiyar / Jemin Avalani
    Ce livre est une étude complète qui explore l’utilisation innovante des solvants eutectiques profonds (DES) pour synthétiser des dérivés de la pyrimidine. Rédigé par une équipe de chimistes, ce livre se penche sur les méthodologies efficaces et respectueuses de l’environnement pour la synthèse organique. Le DES en question, composé de chlorure de choline et d’acide tartrique, c...

    60,13 €

  • Molekularepidemiologische Studie der Lepra in Fortaleza, Ceará
    Cristiane Cunha Frota / Lígia Sansigolo Keer / Luana Nepomuceno Gondim Costa Lima
    In dieser Studie wird die Positivität von Mycobacterium leprae-DNA im Nasensekret (NS) von Leprapatienten und Gesunden sowie die genetische Variabilität zwischen M. leprae-Stämmen untersucht, wobei der Zusammenhang mit klinischen und epidemiologischen Faktoren untersucht wird. Es wurden NHS-Proben von 185 Patienten, 136 Personen ohne Lepra, die das nationale Referenzzentrum für...

    68,80 €

  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
    Mark Twain
    Unabridged and uncensored with the cover from the first edition. SeaWolf Press Mark Twain books are carried by the Mark Twain Museum.SeaWolf Press is proud to offer another book in its Mark Twain 100th Anniversary Collection. Each book in the collection contains the text, illustrations, and cover from the first edition (but it is not a photocopy.) Use Amazon’s Lookinside featur...

    36,56 €

  • The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
    Mark Twain
    Unabridged and uncensored with the cover from the first edition. SeaWolf Press Mark Twain books are carried by the Mark Twain Museum.SeaWolf Press is proud to offer another book in its Mark Twain 100th Anniversary Collection. Each book in the collection contains the text, illustrations, and cover from the first edition (but it is not a photocopy.) Use Amazon’s Lookinside featur...

    50,42 €

  • Untersuchungstechniken für ladungsgekoppelte Bauelemente (CCDS)
    Malek Abunaemeh
    Photometrie und Astrometrie, die mit ladungsgekoppelten Bauelementen (CCDs) in den Fokalebenen von Großteleskopen durchgeführt werden, sind unverzichtbare Instrumente der modernen beobachtenden Kosmologie, Astrophysik und Astronomie. In der modernen Ära der Präzisionskosmologie können Schwankungen in der Subpixel-Empfindlichkeit und der spektralen Reaktion von CCDs den wissensc...

    56,60 €

  • Anwendung der Röntgen-Kryo-Tomographie-Technik (Cryo-XT)
    Jose Antonio Moreno Serrano / Luis Antonio Jimenez Ávila / Wagner Roberto Morocho Chamba
    VV (Vaccinia-Virus) ist eines der komplexesten Viren mit einer Größe von mehr als 300 nm und mehr als 100 Strukturproteinen. Sein Zusammenbau beinhaltet aufeinanderfolgende Interaktionen und größere Umlagerungen seiner strukturellen Komponenten. In dieser Studie wurden infizierte Zellen mit Hilfe der Lichtfluoreszenzmikroskopie selektiert und anschließend mit Hilfe der Röntgenm...

    60,20 €

    Hafizova K.A. Izzatulaeva D.N. / Kahharova K.S. Nijozov Қ.A.
    Die Untersuchung der Mechanismen des Einflusses von aus Heilpflanzen isolierten Arzneipräparaten auf physiologische und biochemische Prozesse im Organismus auf Membran- und Molekularebene und die Prävention von Krankheiten ist eines der dringenden Probleme. In dieser Hinsicht wird der Schaffung einer neuen Generation von Arzneimitteln der führende Platz im modernen Konzept der ...

    77,81 €

  • Vita Worldview
    Guy Lane
    Embracing Vita Worldview will enable you to discern patterns in the growing chaos. It will ground you, alert you to potential dangers, and guide you in contributing to a brighter future. Aligning with Vita Worldview you will find flow, connect deeply with our Living Planet, and become empowered to face the future. ...

    9,09 €

  • Énergie - Analyse énergétique et émissions d’oxyde de carbone (IV)
    Chukwuemeka Jude Diji
    La production de ciment est un processus à forte intensité énergétique qui génère également des polluants atmosphériques, en particulier de l’oxyde de carbone (IV) (CO2). Ce livre décrit l’estimation de la consommation d’énergie, du coût de l’énergie par tonne, de l’efficacité de l’utilisation de l’énergie et des émissions de CO2 de l’industrie de fabrication du ciment au Niger...

    97,14 €

  • Wundinfektionen
    Joy Chinyere Ogbu
    Es wurden Studien zum einheimischen Wissen über die Behandlung von Typhus und Wundinfektionen mit dem Blattextrakt der Pflanze Calotropis procera durchgeführt. Die Blätter wurden gepflückt und an der Luft getrocknet, bis sie zu einem konstanten Gewicht pulverisiert und mit vier verschiedenen Lösungsmitteln getränkt waren: wässrig, n-Hexan, Ethanol und Methanol. Zweihundertfünfz...

    60,20 €

  • Морфологическая характеристика и молекулярное исследование видов Траметесы
    Олусегун Викт Оыетаё
    Идентификация представителей рода Trametes до видового уровня до сих пор не решена, в основном из-за проблемы разделения видов на основе морфологических характеристик. В настоящем исследовании секвенированные данные, полученные от 26 видов Trametes, собранных в Нигерии и обозначенных как VO1-VO26, были проанализированы с целью идентификации образцов до видового уровня. Цель исс...

    48,37 €

  • Técnicas de investigação de dispositivos acoplados com carga (CCDS)
    Malek Abunaemeh
    A fotometria e a astrometria efectuadas com dispositivos de carga acoplada (CCD) nos planos focais de grandes telescópios são ferramentas indispensáveis da cosmologia, astrofísica e astronomia observacionais modernas. Na era moderna da cosmologia de precisão, as variações na sensibilidade sub-pixel e na resposta espetral dos CCDs podem afetar o rendimento científico das observa...

    56,60 €

  • Infecções de feridas
    Joy Chinyere Ogbu
    Foram realizados estudos sobre o conhecimento indígena no tratamento da febre tifoide e infecções de feridas utilizando o extrato de folhas da planta Calotropis procera. As folhas foram arrancadas e secas ao ar até obterem um peso constante, pulverizadas com quatro solventes diferentes: aquoso, n.hexano, etanol e metanol. Duzentos e cinquenta gramas da amostra seca e pulverizad...

    60,20 €

  • Relativity The Special and General Theory By ALBERT EINSTEIN [Find yo Genius Translated Edition]
    This is a groundbreaking scientific work written by Albert Einstein, one of the most renowned physicists of all time. It was Published in 1915, the book revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity. Relativity remains a cornerstone of modern physics and a testament to Einstein’ s intellectual brilliance.This classic master piece provides a comprehensive explorat...

    44,22 €

  • Eight Lectures on Theoretical Physics by Max Planck and his 1920 Nobel Prize Address
    Max Planck
    Eight Lectures on Theoretical Physics (Find yo Genius English Edition) by Max Planck is a comprehensive collection of lectures delivered by the renowned physicist Max Planck. Planck presents complex concepts of theoretical physics in a clear and accessible manner, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles that govern the physical world.Key Aspe...

    59,16 €

  • A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field By James Clerk Maxwell (Find yo Genius Edition)
    James Clerk Maxwell
    'A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field', published in 1865, is the third of James Clerk Maxwell’s papers on electromagnetism, and the paper in which the original set of four Maxwell’s equations first appeared.Maxwell’s classic is organized as follows:Part I. IntroductoryPart II. On Electromagnetic InductionPart III. General Equations of the Electromagnetic FieldPart I...

    44,89 €

  • The Elements of Euclid for the Use of Schools and Colleges; the Fifth, Sixth Books
    Isaac Todhunter
    This version of Euclid’s Elements contains the Fifth, Sixth and portions of the eleventh and twelfth books. It contains all notes, an appendix, and exercises at the back of the book. Thus, the content is perfect for any student of mathematics.The Elements (Ancient Greek: Στοιχεῖα Stoicheia) is a mathematical treatise consisting of 13 books attributed to the ancient Greek mathem...

    70,47 €

  • The Elements of Euclid for the Use of Schools and Colleges; the First Four Books
    Isaac Todhunter
    This version of Euclid’s Elements contains the first four books. It contains all notes, an appendix, and exercises at the back of the book. Thus, the content is perfect for any student of mathematics.The Elements (Ancient Greek: Στοιχεῖα Stoicheia) is a mathematical treatise consisting of 13 books attributed to the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid in Alexandria, Ptolemaic Egy...

    82,33 €

  • The Discovery of Radium and Radio-Active Substances By Marie Curie (Find yo Genius Edition)
    Marie Curie
    'It is my earnest desire that some of you shall carry on this scientific work and will keep for your ambition the determination to make a permanent contribution to science'.-M. CurieIN HER recent visit to America, Madame Curie conferred a special honor upon Vassar College by delivering in the chapel on the evening of May fourteenth the only extended address which she made in th...

    55,13 €

    James Clerk Maxwell
    'From a long view of the history of the world-seen from, say, ten thousand years from now-there can be little doubt that the most significant event of the 19th century will be judged as Maxwell’s discovery of the laws of electromagnetism. The American Civil War will pale into provincial insignificance in comparison with this important scientific event of the same decade.'-Richa...

    50,16 €

  • ON PHYSICAL LINES OF FORCE (Find Yo Genius Edition) BY James Clerk Maxwell
    James Clerk Maxwell
    This science classic is a four-part paper written by James Clerk Maxwell published in 1861. In it, Maxwell derived the equations of electromagnetism in conjunction with a 'sea' of 'molecular vortices' which he used to model Faraday’s lines of force. Maxwell had studied and commented on the field of electricity and magnetism as early as 1855/6 when 'On Faraday’s Lines of Force' ...

    42,27 €

  • NEWTON’S SYSTEM OF THE WORLD (Find Yo Genius Edition)
    Isaac Newton
    Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was an English physicist and mathematician who is widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution.This system of the world classic supplied the momentum for the Scientific Revolution and dominated physics for over 200 years.It was the ancient opinion of not a few, in the earlie...

    53,81 €

  • The Science of Vitamin D (Color Print)
    La Fonceur
    If you are looking for a comprehensive guide to understanding Vitamin D, then 'The Science of Vitamin D' book is a must-read for you!This book covers the critical role of vitamin D in maintaining good health and discusses the latest scientific findings that can help you make informed decisions about your vitamin intake. It provides detailed information on fortified foods and wh...

    40,94 €

  • The Science of Vitamin E
    La Fonceur
    Get answers to all your questions about Vitamin E in the book The Science of Vitamin E.Vitamin E is known to have various health benefits, some of which are still being researched. Consuming vitamin E supplements may not be as effective as obtaining it naturally from food sources. If you’re not prioritizing getting your required vitamins from your diet, you’re missing out on ma...

    57,95 €

  • The Science of Vitamin D (Color Print)
    La Fonceur
    If you are looking for a comprehensive guide to understanding Vitamin D, then 'The Science of Vitamin D' book is a must-read for you! This book covers the critical role of vitamin D in maintaining good health and discusses the latest scientific findings that can help you make informed decisions about your vitamin intake. It provides detailed information on fortified foods and w...

    51,10 €

  • COVID-19 Essays from the Front
    Christopher A. Haines / MA / MD
    In 2020 and 2021, Christopher Haines, MD, a family physician from Philadelphia, ran his department’s inpatient response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Along the way, he wrote. The essays contained in this book give a timeline as the pandemic developed locally, nationally and worldwide between March 2020 and September 2021. Along the way, Dr. Haines explains the science and medicine ...

    23,59 €

  • Autismo e alimentazione
    Di Biagio - Verdino
    Spesso nei bambini autistici troviamo disturbi legati all’alimentazione. Questo genera ansia e frustrazione nei genitori e in tutti gli operatori che hanno a che fare con il bambino.Il bambino autistico, a tavola, viene esposto alla seguente situazione: alimenti diversi da quelli familiari, sapori sconosciuti, colori che si toccano o sovrappongono, consistenze miste, odori mesc...

    16,37 €

  • Kitab Suci Al-Quran (القران الكريم) Surat 001 Al-Fatihah Dan Surat 114 An-Nas Edisi Bahasa Arab
    Jannah Firdaus Mediapro
    Kitab Suci Al-Quran (القران الكريم) Surat 001 Al-Fatihah (Pembukaan) Dan Surat 114 An-Nas (Umat Manusia) Dalam Bahasa Arab.The Holy Quran is a compilation of the verbal revelations given to the Prophet Muhammad SAW Last Messenger of Allah SWT (God) over a period of twenty three years. The Holy Quran is the Holy Book or the Scriptures of the Muslims. It lays down for them the la...

    23,71 €