Catálogo de libros: Enfermería y servicios auxiliares

2603 Catálogo de libros: Enfermería y servicios auxiliares

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  • Law and Professional Issues in Nursing
    Cassam A Tengnah / Cassam Tengnah / Richard Griffith
    Mapped to the 2018 NMC Standards and written specifically for nursing students, this book provides a crash course in law and associated professional issues, using case studies and activities to demystify complex legal concepts and jargon. ...

    138,59 €

  • Gestão de resíduos médicos na província de El Hajeb
    Adil Essahale
    Este livro destina-se ao pessoal de saúde, investigadores e ao público em geral para os ajudar a compreender o sistema de gestão de resíduos médicos e farmacêuticos. É um resumo metodológico e prático das diferentes normas que devem ser empreendidas para evitar os efeitos destes resíduos na saúde e no ambiente. Este trabalho é levado a cabo na província de El Hajeb através de u...

    49,68 €

  • Medical waste management in El Hajeb province
    Adil Essahale
    This book is intended for health care personnel, researchers and the general public. It helps to understand the medical and pharmaceutical waste management system (or health care activity waste). It is a synthesis, methodological and practical, which proposes a summary of the different standards to be undertaken to avoid the effects of these wastes on health and their impacts o...

    49,68 €

  • Management von medizinischen Abfällen in der Provinz El Hajeb
    Adil Essahale
    Dieses Buch richtet sich an Mitarbeiter des Gesundheitswesens, Forscher und die breite Öffentlichkeit. Es hilft, das System der Entsorgung von medizinischen und pharmazeutischen Abfällen (oder Abfällen von Pflegetätigkeiten) zu verstehen. Es handelt sich um eine methodologische und praktische Synthese, die eine Zusammenfassung der verschiedenen Normen bietet, die zur Vermeidung...

    49,68 €

  • Gestione dei rifiuti sanitari nella provincia di El Hajeb
    Adil Essahale
    Questo libro si rivolge al personale sanitario, ai ricercatori e al pubblico in generale per aiutarli a comprendere il sistema di gestione dei rifiuti medici e farmaceutici. Si tratta di una sintesi metodologica e pratica delle diverse norme che devono essere adottate per evitare gli effetti sulla salute e sull’ambiente di questi rifiuti. Questo lavoro è stato realizzato nella ...

    49,68 €

  • Управление медицинскими отходами в провинции Эль-Хаджеб
    Адиль Эссахале
    Эта книга предназначена для медицинского персонала, исследователей и широкой общественности, чтобы помочь им понять систему управления медицинскими и фармацевтическими отходами. Она представляет собой методологическое и практическое резюме различных стандартов, которые необходимо соблюдать, чтобы избежать последствий этих отходов для здоровья и окружающей среды. Данная работа п...

    26,17 €

  • Arte del sogno futuro
    Faouzi Metina / Meryem Khellouf
    Il presente libro si propone di raccogliere le tecniche più avveniristiche nel campo delle neuroscienze e delle malattie neurologiche e di dare una definizione approfondita e una visione prospettica delle loro applicazioni e della loro applicabilità, con la previsione dello sviluppo tecnologico che sarà il supporto di ogni singolo metodo, per l’appunto la struttura del presente...

    54,97 €

  • Искусство будущего сна
    Мерием Хеллуф / Фаузи Метина
    В данной книге собраны самые футуристические технологии в области нейронауки и заболеваний, связанных с нейрорасстройствами, и дано глубокое определение и перспективное видение их применения и применимости с предвидением технологического развития, которое станет поддержкой каждого отдельного метода, ибо структура данной книги является единой. Автор привел несколько примеров, чт...

    26,29 €

  • Arte do Sonho Futuro
    Faouzi Metina / Meryem Khellouf
    O presente livro trata de reunir as técnicas mais futuristas no campo das neurociências e doenças neurodegenerativas e dar uma definição profunda e uma visão prospectiva das suas aplicações e aplicabilidade com a previsão do desenvolvimento tecnológico que seria o suporte de cada um dos métodos, para o instantâneo da estrutura se o presente livro for um só. O autor deu vários e...

    54,97 €

  • L’art du rêve futur
    Faouzi Metina / Meryem Khellouf
    Le présent ouvrage vise à rassembler les techniques les plus futuristes dans le domaine des neurosciences et des maladies neurologiques et à donner une définition approfondie et une vision prospective de leurs applications et de leur applicabilité avec la prévision du développement technologique qui serait le support de chaque méthode, pour l’instant la structure si le présent ...

    54,97 €

  • Kunst des Zukunftstraums
    Faouzi Metina / Meryem Khellouf
    In diesem Buch geht es darum, die zukunftsweisendsten Techniken auf dem Gebiet der Neurowissenschaften und der neurologischen Erkrankungen zusammenzutragen und eine tiefe Definition und Zukunftsvision ihrer Anwendungen und Anwendbarkeit zu geben, mit der Vorhersage der technologischen Entwicklung, die die Unterstützung jeder einzelnen Methode sein würde, für den Augenblick die ...

    55,04 €

  • Wellbeing and Resilience for Nursing, Health and Social Care Students
    Annette Chowthi-Williams
    Responding to the crucial focus on wellbeing, resilience and personal development for those working in health and social care, this book will equip students and practitioners with the necessary tools to support, improve and maintain their wellbeing throughout their programme and into their career. ...

    37,23 €

  • Diversity and Cultural Awareness in Nursing Practice
    Beverley Brathwaite
    Mapped to the 2018 NMC Standards, this book explores core nursing knowledge, skills and attributes through the lens of diversity, from assessment and care planning to effective communication and person-centred care. ...

    121,01 €

  • Diversity and Cultural Awareness in Nursing Practice
    Beverley Brathwaite
    Mapped to the 2018 NMC Standards, this book explores core nursing knowledge, skills and attributes through the lens of diversity, from assessment and care planning to effective communication and person-centred care. ...

    40,53 €

  • Wellbeing and Resilience for Nursing, Health and Social Care Students
    Annette Chowthi-Williams
    Responding to the crucial focus on wellbeing, resilience and personal development for those working in health and social care, this book will equip students and practitioners with the necessary tools to support, improve and maintain their wellbeing throughout their programme and into their career. ...

    111,97 €

  • Supervision of Learning and Assessment in Healthcare
    Neil Gopee
    This bestselling textbook introduces the theories, evidence and research that define supervision, learning and student assessment in healthcare today. ...

    158,46 €

  • Supervision of Learning and Assessment in Healthcare
    Neil Gopee
    This bestselling textbook introduces the theories, evidence and research that define supervision, learning and student assessment in healthcare today. ...

    51,46 €

  • Cases on Teaching Pharmacology to Complementary and Alternative Medicine Students
    Muhammad Shahzad Aslam
    In today’s modern age, educators face a wide range of challenges across subjects and disciplines, particularly in the medical field. To improve pharmacology education in schools and ensure the next generation of students is prepared, further study on the best practices and challenges that face educators is required. Cases on Teaching Pharmacology to Complementary and Alternativ...

    394,49 €

  • Autosoin des personnes vivant avec l’Hypertension artérielle au Togo
    Bili Douti
    L’hypertension artérielle est une maladie multifactorielle dont la gestion est complexe. La personne s’y implique à travers l’autosoin. L’autosoin est la capacité à réduire l’impact de la maladie sur soi par des comportements de santé. Cette recherche vise à identifier les profils d’autosoin, déterminer les facteurs associés et modéliser le processus d’autosoin des personnes vi...

    129,48 €

  • Essential Clinical Skills in Nursing
    A complete solution for modern clinical skills education. Accompanied by over 25 videos and written by an experienced team of nursing educators and practitioners, this innovative textbook supports clinical skills training across all years of the nursing degree. ...

    72,34 €

  • La experiencia de vivir con niños con 'piel de mariposa'
    Wladimir Carassa Díaz
    La epidermólisis bullosa (EB) o enfermedad de piel de mariposa es una enfermedad rara que se expresa mediante un trastorno genético que afecta a la piel y que se manifiesta con la aparición de ampollas, heridas y alteraciones dermatológicas que van desde superficiales a una clínica más grave como afectación del tubo digestivo o incluso una evolución crónica. El propósito de est...

    60,13 €

  • Dosis der Kommunikation
    Valéria Karina da Rosa
    AIDS, das heute als chronische Krankheit gilt, hat als eines seiner Hauptprobleme die fehlende oder mangelnde Therapietreue. Die Studien in diesem Bereich haben sich aufgrund ihrer Bedeutung vervielfacht. Mehrere Wissensbereiche berühren das Thema und tragen dazu bei, die negativen Auswirkungen der mangelnden Therapietreue auf den Einzelnen, die Gesellschaft, das nationale und ...

    74,88 €

  • Doses of communication
    Valéria Karina da Rosa
    AIDS, now considered a chronic disease, has as one of its main problems the failure or lack of adherence to treatment. The studies in this area have been multiplying due to its importance. Several areas of knowledge cross the theme helping in the attempt to mitigate the negative effects that poor adherence provides to the individual, to society, to the national and global healt...

    74,76 €

  • Doses de communication
    Valéria Karina da Rosa
    Le SIDA, désormais considéré comme une maladie chronique, a pour principal problème l’échec ou le manque d’adhésion au traitement. Les études dans ce domaine se sont multipliées en raison de son importance. Plusieurs domaines de connaissances croisent le thème, aidant à la tentative d’atténuer les effets négatifs qu’une mauvaise observance entraîne pour l’individu, la société, ...

    74,82 €

  • Dosi di comunicazione
    Valéria Karina da Rosa
    L’AIDS, ormai considerato una malattia cronica, ha tra i suoi problemi principali la mancata o insufficiente aderenza al trattamento. Gli studi in quest’area si sono moltiplicati a causa della sua importanza. Diverse aree di conoscenza attraversano il tema aiutando nel tentativo di mitigare gli effetti negativi che la scarsa aderenza fornisce all’individuo, alla società, al sis...

    74,82 €

  • Дозы общения
    Валерия Карин да Роза
    СПИД, который сегодня считается хроническим заболеванием, имеет одной из своих главных проблем несоблюдение или отсутствие приверженности лечению. Исследования в этой области множатся в связи с ее важностью. Несколько областей знаний пересекаются в этой теме, помогая в попытке смягчить негативные последствия, которые плохая приверженность лечению оказывает на человека, общество...

    26,54 €

  • Selbstpflegepraktiken bei Menschen mit Diabetes mellitus Typ 2
    Cynthia de Freitas Sampaio / Lucia de Fátima / Vilani Guedes
    Die Krankenpflege als Pflegewissenschaft konzentriert sich auf den Menschen während seines gesamten Lebenszyklus, sei es in Situationen der Gesundheit, der akuten oder chronischen Krankheit. Dorothea Orem’s Nursing Support-Education System favorisiert eine klinische und pädagogische Pflege, die auf der Selbstpflege basiert, verstanden als die Ausübung von Aktivitäten, die vom I...

    85,76 €

  • Self-care practices in people with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
    Cynthia de Freitas Sampaio / Lucia de Fátima / Vilani Guedes
    Nursing as a science of care focuses on human beings throughout their life cycle, whether in situations of health or acute or chronic illness. Dorothea Orem’s Nursing Support-Education System favours clinical and educational nursing care based on self-care, understood as the practice of activities performed by the individual for their own benefit, in order to maintain life, hea...

    85,79 €

  • Pratiques d’autosoins chez les personnes atteintes de diabète de type 2
    Cynthia de Freitas Sampaio / Lucia de Fátima / Vilani Guedes
    Les soins infirmiers, en tant que science des soins, se concentrent sur les êtres humains tout au long de leur cycle de vie, que ce soit dans des situations de santé ou de maladie aiguë ou chronique. Le système de soutien et d’éducation en soins infirmiers de Dorothea Orem favorise les soins infirmiers cliniques et éducatifs basés sur l’autosoin, compris comme la pratique d’act...

    85,78 €

  • Pratiche di autocura nelle persone con diabete mellito di tipo 2
    Cynthia de Freitas Sampaio / Lucia de Fátima / Vilani Guedes
    L’infermieristica come scienza dell’assistenza si concentra sull’essere umano durante tutto il suo ciclo di vita, sia in situazioni di salute che di malattia acuta o cronica. Il Nursing Support-Education System di Dorothea Orem favorisce un’assistenza infermieristica clinica ed educativa basata sull’autocura, intesa come pratica di attività svolte dall’individuo a proprio benef...

    85,79 €