Catálogo de libros: Psiquiatría

821 Catálogo de libros: Psiquiatría

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  • Nociones de Psiquiatría homeopática
    Xavier Díez Llambrich
    La homeopatía actúa de manera notable sobre la mente. Los trastornos psiquiátricos son muy habituales en las consultas de medicina general. En efecto, una gran parte de la patología tratada en ellas se relaciona con problemas como ansiedad, depresión, fobias, obsesiones, disminución del rendimiento escolar, celos, irritabilidad, insomnio y otros, que afectan a un gran número de...

    15,60 €

  • Depression Since Prozac
    Russell Helms
    The true self, in the face of depression, is the medicated self. Depression renders us incapable of living a full life free from dogged thoughts of  gloom, despair, and even thoughts of self harm. Prior to Prozac, depression was a fuzzy concept that carried much social stigma. Now, more than thirty years since its release, Prozac and depression are household words. Prozac made ...

    14,75 €

  • Who am I in a traumatised and traumatising society?
    Franz Ruppert
    Professor Dr Franz Ruppert’s latest book is part personal account and part an update of his theoretical thinking, specifically as it relates to our society.Identity-oriented Psychotraumatology Therapy (IoPT), developed by Professor Ruppert over the last 25 years, is established as a new way of thinking about trauma, and its influence on our individual lives, and now, this new b...

    30,27 €

  • Madness
    Paul Fallon
    This exciting new book explores the history of major mental disorders by looking at a wide range of historical and contemporary figures that have experienced mental illness. It discusses changing perceptions of mental illness and the treatments used at different historical periods from antiquity to the present day via the biographical sketches. ...

    47,50 €

  • El gran libro práctico de la parapsicología
    Laura Tuan
    ¿De dónde surgen las facultades parapsicológicas? ¿Qué dice cada una de las teorías más interesantes? Un mundo de nuevas sensaciones puesto a su alcance a través de un buen número de ejercicios prácticos, basados en las técnicas más eficaces de la ciencia parapsicológica. El dominio de las técnicas para desarrollar las facultades parapsicológicas: la concentración, la meditació...

    19,71 €

  • Descending with angels
    Christian Suhr
    This book and award-winning film provide a unique account of the invisible dynamics of possession and psychosis, and how Muslim patients are transformed through the treatments offered by mosques and the psychiatric institutions of European nation-states. ...

    157,57 €

  • Descending with angels
    Christian Suhr
    This book and award-winning film provide a unique account of the invisible dynamics of possession and psychosis, and how Muslim patients are transformed through the treatments offered by mosques and the psychiatric institutions of European nation-states. ...

    46,98 €

  • Feeling the strain
    Jill Kirby
    By examining the popular and vernacular discourse of stress, the book traces the ways in which stress became a ubiquitous condition of everyday life by the end of the twentieth century in Britain. ...

    157,26 €

  • The ECT Handbook

    76,12 €

  • A New Perception
    Robert Bugler
    A New Perception avoids the confusion of language, identifies seven elemental behaviours and shows how three biological ‘laws’ shaped the evolution of behaviour: of animal response to change.Human intelligence and ability arose from radical adaptation in early hominids. So radicalthat they are susceptible to instability – to our mental illnesses. 3 ...

    14,50 €

  • Safe Haven
    Ellis Amdur
    Individuals suffering from psychiatric or substance use disorders sometimes display any one of a number of frightening behaviors: verbal outbursts, physical threats and even violence. In this comprehensive guidebook, Ellis Amdur walks professionals working in inpatient and residential settings through a multitude of steps they can take to keep themselves, their colleagues, and ...

    34,92 €

  • The Peculiar Institution and the Making of Modern Psychiatry, 1840-1880
    Wendy Gonaver
    Though the origins of asylums can be traced to Europe, the systematic segregation of the mentally ill into specialized institutions occurred in the United States only after 1800, just as the struggle to end slavery took hold. In this book, Wendy Gonaver examines the relationship between these two historical developments, showing how slavery and ideas about race shaped early men...

    126,94 €

  • The Peculiar Institution and the Making of Modern Psychiatry, 1840-1880
    Wendy Gonaver
    Though the origins of asylums can be traced to Europe, the systematic segregation of the mentally ill into specialized institutions occurred in the United States only after 1800, just as the struggle to end slavery took hold. In this book, Wendy Gonaver examines the relationship between these two historical developments, showing how slavery and ideas about race shaped early men...

    44,68 €

    Michael Rand
    DEDICATION This book is dedicated to the combat soldiers that suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This illness is a Mental Disorder that affects the lives of almost all combat Veterans. WAR is HELL on earth and in combat, there are no unwounded soldiers. PTSD is not visible on the outside of his or her body. ...

    34,04 €

  • DSM-5 Insanely Simplified
    Leonard Cruz / Steven Buser
    Please note a newer edition of this book is now available titled, DSM-5-TR Insanely Simplified: Unlocking the Spectrums within DSM-5-TR and ICD-10The release of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 (DSM-5) marked one of the biggest changes to the field of mental health diagnosis in over 20 years. DSM-5 Insanely Simplified provides a summary of key concepts of the n...

    31,93 €

  • DSM-5 Insanely Simplified
    Leonard Cruz / Steven Buser
    Please note a newer edition of this book is now available titled, DSM-5-TR Insanely Simplified: Unlocking the Spectrums within DSM-5-TR and ICD-10The release of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Version 5 (DSM-5) marked one of the biggest changes to the field of mental health diagnosis in over 20 years. DSM-5 Insanely Simplified provides a summary of key concepts of the n...

    42,39 €

  • What Happened to My Child?
    Heather Rain Mazen Korbmacher
    When Heather Korbmacher’s 10-year-old son began having extreme emotional responses to otherwise normal situations, she began to wonder what was happening to her child.  When these responses erupted into violent rages, severe panic attacks, debilitating anxiety and phobias, an inability to eat, and a rigid need for everything to be just right, this mother knew something was prof...

    20,30 €

  • Handbook of ECT
    Charles H. Kellner

    37,54 €

  • Psychiatry Practice Boosters, Second Edition
    Jordan Thomas
    This second edition teaches you the key points of 42 of the most clinically relevant studies in psychiatry published over the past two years. This book includes a quick course in how to understand research design and statistics--so that you can be a more informed reader of the medical literature. Studies include:  Defining a Role for Nutrition in Managing Children With ADHD ...

    50,24 €

  • The Last Client
    Stan Baxter
    Brad Edwards, a psychologist from Seattle, takes a dream job in New York and finds himself, his wife, and his sister-in-law under the control of a psychopathic psychiatrist, enmeshed in an intricate web of lies, deception, and murder.A psychological mystery of romance, seduction, and redemption that takes the reader, along with Dr. Edwards, on a roller coaster ride through the ...

    19,21 €

  • Back to Life, Back to Normality

    26,46 €

  • They Are Us
    George Edward Spain
    Questions and answers are at the heart of this wonderful new book by author George Edward Spain, as he recounts his fifty years work as a psychiatric social worker, mental health therapist, administrator and advocate for the mentally ill in Tennessee, and recounts colorful facts and fictions of mental hearth needs and services throughout the years. 3 ...

    30,57 €

  • Hablemos de la locura
    Fernando Colina / José María Álvarez
    «Bastante tengo con estar loco, como para aguantar además que me llamen enfermo mental». Este comentario de un paciente transmite con lucidez y precisión la oposición entre locura y enfermedad mental, y muestra, asimismo, su preferencia de la primera a la segunda. Las palabras son muy sensibles a los tiempos, las modas y los contextos. Gustan más o menos y son mejor o peor acep...

    28,00 €

  • Multicultural Counseling Applications for Improved Mental Healthcare Services
    The availability of practical applications, techniques, and case studies by international therapists is limited despite expansions to the fields of clinical psychology and counseling. As dialogues surrounding mental health grow in the East, it is important to maintain therapeutic modalities that ensure the highest level of patient-centered rehabilitation and care are met across...

    347,30 €

  • My Body, My Trauma, My I
    Professor Dr Franz Ruppert is known for his groundbreaking theoretical work with trauma and identity, under the title of Identity-oriented Psychotraumatology Therapy (IoPT). Building on the developments laid out in his eight previous books (five of which are translated into English), in this book his focus is on physical illness as the natural end result of longterm unresolved ...

    33,03 €

  • Breakdown
    Lynn Nanos
    When hospitals release seriously mentally ill patients too soon without outpatient follow-up, the patients can end up homeless, jailed, harming others, or even dead. When patients are deemed suitable for inpatient care, they can languish for weeks in hospital emergency departments before placements become available. Meanwhile, patients who fake the need for care are smoothly an...

    14,94 €

  • Mental Health Policy, Practice, and Service Accessibility in Contemporary Society
    Mental health and wellbeing has become an increasingly important issue that impacts communities in multiple ways. A critical discussion on the understanding and access of mental health services by people from diverse backgrounds is important to improving global healthcare practices in modern society. Mental Health Policy, Practice, and Service Accessibility in Contemporary Soci...

    321,24 €

  • The Child Medication Fact Book for Psychiatric Practice
    Feder D Joshua / Puzantian Talia / Tien Elizabeth
    Child Medication Fact Book The Child Medication Fact Book is a comprehensive reference guide covering all the important facts, from cost to pharmacokinetics, about the most commonly prescribed medications in child and adolescent psychiatry. Composed of single-page, reader-friendly fact sheets and quick scan medication tables, this book offers guidance, clinical pearls, and bott...

    67,02 €

  • Personality Development Through Positive Disintegration
    William Tillier
    In his Theory of Positive Disintegration, Polish psychiatrist and psychologist Dr. Kazimierz Dąbrowski (1902–1980) proposed an approach to personality development in which crises are not only necessary but fundamental in creating opportunities for individual development. Crises force our focus inward, leading us to challenge our established beliefs, roles and routines. While cr...

    57,47 €

  • Personality Development Through Positive Disintegration
    William Tillier
    In his Theory of Positive Disintegration, Polish psychiatrist and psychologist Dr. Kazimierz Dąbrowski (1902–1980) proposed an approach to personality development in which crises are not only necessary but fundamental in creating opportunities for individual development. Crises force our focus inward, leading us to challenge our established beliefs, roles and routines. While cr...

    86,09 €