Catálogo de libros: Otras ramas de la medicina

19130 Catálogo de libros: Otras ramas de la medicina

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  • Marine Polysaccharides Volume 2
    Paola Laurienzo
    The field of marine polysaccharides is constantly evolving, due to progress in the discovery and production of new marine polysaccharides. Seaweed remains the most abundant source of polysaccharides, but recent advances in biotechnology have allowed the production of large quantities of polysaccharides from a variety of micro-algae, by controlling growth conditions and tailorin...

    75,84 €

  • Marine Polysaccharides Volume 3
    Paola Laurienzo
    The field of marine polysaccharides is constantly evolving, due to progress in the discovery and production of new marine polysaccharides. Seaweed remains the most abundant source of polysaccharides, but recent advances in biotechnology have allowed the production of large quantities of polysaccharides from a variety of micro-algae, by controlling growth conditions and tailorin...

    116,84 €

  • Addiction is Addiction Workbook
    Sue Newton
    Addiction is a primary, chronic brain disease. Primary means that it is not caused by anything else and chronic means that it lasts a lifetime. Genetic factors account for more than half the likelihood that an individual will develop Addiction but environment also plays a significant role in its expression. Our goal in writing this workbook is to help you appreciate the princip...

    19,97 €

  • Mind Maps of Clinical Research Basics
    Amrita Akhouri
    The concepts of Clinical Research have been depicted through mind maps in this book which makes the subject fundamentals very easy to understand and convenient to revise. The chapter on career in clinical research gives an insight into the main job roles currently known in this field along with the focus on how to build preparedness for job interviews. Hence, this book will be ...

    25,42 €

  • Effective Psychotherapy
    Hellmuth Kaiser
    One of the most creative, inspired, and inspiring books in its field, this work offers extended reflections on what makes for effective psychotherapy. The author, Hellmuth Kaiser, trained at the Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute in the 1920s, where his analyst was Gustav Bally and his supervisors were Karen Horney, Sándor Radó, Wilhelm Reich, and Hanns Sachs. He then continued wi...

    42,86 €

  • Ego
    Louis D. Cox Ph.D / Louis DCox Ph.D / Ph.D Louis DCox
    The guiding intention for this book is to make a contribution to the processes of self-recovery and self-realization—and to make these processes more user-friendly and more potent. Many people, the author himself included, are susceptible to the hidden inner forces of endarkenment, and can become caught in nasty, self-destructive cycles of confusion, self-doubt, and self-hatred...

    20,57 €

  • Ego
    Louis D. Cox Ph.D / Louis DCox Ph.D / Ph.D Louis DCox
    The guiding intention for this book is to make a contribution to the processes of self-recovery and self-realization—and to make these processes more user-friendly and more potent. Many people, the author himself included, are susceptible to the hidden inner forces of endarkenment, and can become caught in nasty, self-destructive cycles of confusion, self-doubt, and self-hatred...

    32,97 €

  • Dental Assisting
    Dr. Kimberly Harper DDS
    Choosing a career can be intimidating, especially if you have no idea what you want to do or what path you can take to get there. If this is you, why not consider becoming a dental assistant? This frequently overlooked position is essential to the smooth running of a dentist office, and a good dental assistant can be described as the heart of a dental team. In Dental Assisting:...

    17,00 €

  • Identification and Characterization of Antimicrobial Peptides with Therapeutic Potential
    Guangshun Wang
    Antimicrobial peptides are key defense molecules adopted by all life forms to prevent infection. They also have other beneficial effects such as boosting immune response, anticancer, and wound healing. The antiviral effects of antimicrobial peptides have laid the foundations for developing new agents to combat seasonal Flu, HIV-1, RSV, Zika, and Ebola. This eBook is constructed...

    67,96 €

  • Cannabis Thérapeutique
    Aaron Hammond
    Une introduction complète sur la marijuana médicale, ses applications et ses divers avantages pour la santéIl y a un nombre grandissant de patients qui utilisent le cannabis médical et la marijuana devient de plus en plus une médecine pharmaceutique acceptée dans la culture occidentale. Avec la quantité croissante d'utilisateurs médicaux et récréatifs, il existe également u...

    9,51 €

  • CBD or Cannabidiol
    Aaron Hammond
    Discover the relaxing, pain relieving and curing applications of cannabinoids (CBD)The medicinal use of cannabis dates back more than 5000 years. In ancient China, the plant was well known and widely used for its medicinal applications. Today we are faced by new challenges in the medical world. Cancer, anxiety and PTSD are just some of them...The marijuana flowers consist out o...

    11,79 €

  • Underworld & Archetypes Fully Illustrated
    James Bennett
    Looking at today’s culture through the lens of mythology, James Bennett sees a split between heaven and earth, and believes that to restore global health we must turn our attention downwards, to the Underworld. He proposes that:• Heaven and hell represent the intellect and body if they become polarized. The darkness of the underworld symbolizes its obscurity to intellect.• Inte...

    16,45 €

  • Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships in Drug Design, Predictive Toxicology, and Risk Assessment
    Kunal Roy
    Quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) represent predictive models derived from the application of statistical tools correlating biological activity or other properties of chemicals with descriptors representative of molecular structure and/or property. Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships in Drug Design, Predictive Toxicology, and Risk Assessment discus...

    387,85 €

  • Cheating Spouse
    Bowe Packer
    'Do You Suspect Your Spouse Is Cheating?' 'Curious to understand what are the cheating spouse signs?' 'Want to discover how to catch your cheating spouse?' This Practical Guide Is Designed For Those That Suspect That Their Spouse Is Cheating and How They Can Prove It With Sound Evidence. Believe it or not, there are effective strategies on ways to identify if your spouse is che...

    6,96 €

  • Five Survivors, a Hundred Lives
    Kaija Anttonen
    Five Survivors, a Hundred Lives is a book that will help us understand trauma and dissociation: that is, the way mistreatment in childhood can have an impact on one’s life and personality structure. The book brings a new level to a collective awareness that is being created. With this new awareness, trauma-related mental health problems can be met in an appropriate and healing ...

    57,02 €

  • Dark Hearts
    Loren E Pedersen
    A fresh and intriguing perspective on men's behavior, attitudes, and psychological difficulties by tracing the development of masculinity within the context of concept of the anima, C. G. Jung's term for a man's inner nature. Drawing on evolution, anthropology, and mythology, Dr. Pedersen shows how this mysterious 'other' part of man's nature influences his psyc...

    13,78 €

  • 36 Recetas De Comidas Para Prevenir Cálculos Biliares
    Joe Correa
    36 Recetas De Comidas Para Prevenir Cálculos Biliares: Mantenga Su Cuerpo Saludable Y Fuerte Mediante Una Dieta Apropiada y Hábitos Nutricionales Inteligentes Por Joe Correa CSN   La vesícula biliar es un saco pequeño justo debajo del hígado. Almacena, concentra y secreta la bilis, que es esencial para digerir alimentos grasos. La bilis también ayuda a absorber vitaminas sol...

    20,54 €

  • Different From The Other Kids
    Angela Tsounis
    Don't Give Up! I want to talk about what no one else wants to talk about: Children who struggle with mental health Parents of mentally ill children live in a parallel universe where overcoming obstacles needs to be second nature. Sadly, parents of these challenging children have little to no support, from either the healthcare system or a society bent on blame. Through th...

    22,06 €

  • 46 Rezepte um Zahnlöchern vorzubeugen
    Joe Correa
    46 Rezepte um Zahnlöchern vorzubeugen: Stärke deine Zähne und die Gesundheit im Zahnraum durch nährstoffreiche Lebensmittel Von Joe Correa CSN Wir putzen unsere Zähne zwei Mal am Tag, wir benutzen täglich Zahnseide, wir verwenden Mundspülung. Aber was ist mit unserem Essen? Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass das Geheimnis für gesunde Zähne im Kühlschrak liegt! Um also Kavität ...

    20,52 €

  • Trauernde Eltern
    Nathalie Himmelrich
    Das Buch zeigt auf, welche Auswirkungen die elterliche Trauer auf die Partnerschaft hat. Es geht darum, wie das Paar den Verlust überlebt und wieder aus der Trauer in ein Leben auftaucht, dass Freude und Melancholie, Lachen und Tränen, Glück und Traurigkeit verbindet. Nicht entweder - oder, sonder sowohl - als auch. Es geht darum, aus dieser verrückten Reise durch die Dunkelhei...

    21,24 €

  • Cancer, Sex, Drugs and Death
    Toni Lindsay
    This book is a must read for any psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist or counsellor dealing with a young client undergoing cancer treatment. A strong clinical focus throughout the text provides guidance and structure, showing how to work effectively with young people through learning the language of cancer diagnosis and treatment so that the therapeutic skills you already pos...

    36,12 €

  • The Kitten Who Wants to Say Goodbye to Diapers
    Leaves of Gold Press
    What is different about this children’s toilet training book? It uses language patterns and proven, powerful psychological techniques that really get results. Motivation is the key to toilet training. This story is designed to be gently persuasive on both the conscious and unconscious levels. It can be be read aloud to children by an older person, and is intended as an aid to a...

    13,76 €

  • Understanding Human Nature
    Alfred Adler
    2024 Hardcover Reprint of 1927 English Edition. Adler provides a practical understanding of how childhood shapes adult life, which in turn might benefit society as a whole. Unlike the culturally elitist Freud, Adler believed that the work of understanding should not be the preserve of psychologists alone, but a vital undertaking for everyone to pursue, given the bad consequence...

    36,65 €

  • Growing Up Undiagnosed
    Becca Lory Hector
    What can experiences of social and sensory invalidation teach us about what in means to be autistic in a world created for the neuromajority?Living as an undiagnosed autistic person in the loudest sensory city in the world, NYC, author Becca Lory Hector details her lived experience of social and sensory invalidation. Whether she refused to put on shoes, wore sunglasses inside, ...

    22,51 €

  • Microsponges
    Jaya Raja Kumar Kalaimani
    Dans ce travail, nous avons présenté des microéponges enrichies de gel contenant des agents topiques. Le système d’administration de la micro-éponge répond à ces exigences. Les systèmes d’administration par micro-éponge sont des particules de polymère uniformes et sphériques. Leur haut degré de réticulation permet d’obtenir des particules insolubles, inertes et suffisamment rés...

    49,81 €

  • Pharmakologie - I Praktikum
    Dr. Jaya Raju Nandikola / Dr. Keerthi Priya Mekala / S. Dinesh Kumar
    Dieses Pharmakologie-Praxishandbuch, das auf den PCI-Lehrplan für das zweite Jahr der Pharmazie abgestimmt ist, befasst sich mit der dringenden Notwendigkeit, neue Wirkstoffe zu entdecken, die sowohl veränderten als auch neu auftretenden unerwünschten Wirkungen entgegenwirken. Die Suche nach effizienten Methoden zur schnellen, kostengünstigen und effektiven Bewertung von Testme...

    84,34 €

  • Pharmacologie - I Pratique
    Dr. Jaya Raju Nandikola / Dr. Keerthi Priya Mekala / S. Dinesh Kumar
    Ce manuel de laboratoire pratique de pharmacologie, aligné sur le programme du PCI pour la deuxième année de licence en pharmacie, répond au besoin pressant de découvrir de nouveaux agents pour contrer les effets indésirables modifiés et émergents. La recherche de méthodes efficaces pour évaluer les médicaments à l’essai de manière rapide, abordable et efficace est primordiale....

    84,34 €

  • Приверженность медикаментозному лечению и пациенты с заболеваниями СС Часть 02
    Пракаш Х. Патил / Пунам Р. Пал / Сугхош В. Упасани
    В этой книге (часть 02) сделана попытка сосредоточиться на одном из аспектов соблюдения пациентом режима лечения. Приверженность хронической фармакотерапии оставляет желать лучшего. Соблюдение режима приема лекарств - важная проблема здравоохранения. Для лучшего понимания ее значимости среди уязвимых групп населения требуется наличие валидного, надежного и практичного подхода к...

    68,04 €

  • Medikamentenadhärenz und Patienten mit CV-Erkrankungen Teil 02
    Prakash H. Patil / Punam R. Pal / Sughosh V. Upasani
    In diesem Buch (Teil 02) wird versucht, einen Aspekt der Patientencompliance zu beleuchten. Die Adhärenz bei chronischer Pharmakotherapie ist schlecht. Die Therapietreue ist ein wichtiges Gesundheitsthema. Um ihre Bedeutung in gefährdeten Bevölkerungsgruppen besser zu verstehen, muss ein gültiger, zuverlässiger und praktischer Messansatz zur Verfügung stehen. Forscher haben ver...

    68,04 €

  • Aderenza ai farmaci e pazienti con malattie CV Parte 02
    Prakash H. Patil / Punam R. Pal / Sughosh V. Upasani
    Questo libro (Parte 02) cerca di concentrarsi su un aspetto della compliance del paziente. L’aderenza alla farmacoterapia cronica è scarsa. L’aderenza ai farmaci è un problema sanitario importante. Per comprendere meglio la sua rilevanza tra le popolazioni vulnerabili è necessario disporre di un approccio di misurazione valido, affidabile e pratico. I ricercatori hanno proposto...

    68,04 €