Catálogo de libros: Medicina clínica e interna

7464 Catálogo de libros: Medicina clínica e interna

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  • A Covid Odyssey
    Graham Elder / Mahmoud Radwan / Samia Kholoussi
    A race against time to bring the cure for a deadly virus to a dying spouse.Although the COVID-19 pandemic is ravaging the world, Dr. Mark Spencer’s small town in Northern Ontario is largely unaffected other than being in lockdown and preparing for the potential onslaught. When his wife, Sarah - already attending a conference in Florida when the borders close - becomes deathly i...

    13,04 €

  • The Little Dentist
    Dr. Daniela Cuadra
    Dr. Daniela Cuadra spent much of her youth in Waukesha, Wisconsin. As a young child, she and her family moved to their homeland of Nicaragua, where she later attended dental school. After receiving her Doctorate of Dental Surgery in 2009 she moved to Germany with her husband while he was enlisted in the Army.In 2011, Dr. Cuadra pursued additional dental training and education t...

    18,42 €

  • Epidemiologisch-klinisches Profil von Patienten, die wegen Epilepsie betreut werden
    Marie Buloba / René Kasumbuka
    Epilepsie ist eine chronische Gehirnerkrankung, die durch eine dauerhafte Prädisposition zur Erzeugung von Anfällen und durch neurobiologische, neuropsychologische, soziale und psychiatrische Folgen gekennzeichnet ist. Unsere Studie untersuchte das epidemiologisch-klinische Profil der Patienten, die von 2017 bis 2020 wegen Epilepsie am neuropsychopathologischen Zentrum in Kinsh...

    61,94 €

  • Epidemiological and clinical profile of patients followed for epilepsy
    Marie Buloba / René Kasumbuka
    Epilepsy is a chronic brain disease characterized by a long-lasting predisposition to generate seizures and by neurobiological, neuropsychological, social and psychiatric consequences. Our study focused on the epidemio-clinical profile of patients followed for epilepsy at the Neuropsychopathological Center of Kinshasa from 2017 to 2020.Thus, we conducted a retrospective and des...

    61,82 €

  • Profilo epidemiologico e clinico dei pazienti con epilessia
    Marie Buloba / René Kasumbuka
    L’epilessia è una malattia cerebrale cronica caratterizzata da una predisposizione di lunga durata a generare crisi e da conseguenze neurobiologiche, neuropsicologiche, sociali e psichiatriche. Il nostro studio si è concentrato sul profilo epidemiologico e clinico dei pazienti seguiti per epilessia presso il Centro Neuropsicopatologico di Kinshasa dal 2017 al 2020.Abbiamo quind...

    61,88 €

  • Perfil epidemiológico e clínico dos doentes com epilepsia
    Marie Buloba / René Kasumbuka
    A epilepsia é uma doença cerebral crónica caracterizada por uma predisposição duradoura para gerar convulsões e por consequências neurobiológicas, neuropsicológicas, sociais e psiquiátricas. O nosso estudo centrou-se no perfil epidemiológico e clínico dos pacientes seguidos para epilepsia no Centro Neuropsicopatológico de Kinshasa, de 2017 a 2020.Assim, realizámos um estudo ret...

    61,88 €

  • Эпидемиологический и клинический профиль пациентов с эпилепсией
    Мари Булоба / Рене Касумбука
    Эпилепсия - это хроническое заболевание головного мозга, характеризующееся длительной предрасположенностью к возникновению припадков и нейробиологическими, нейропсихологическими, социальными и психиатрическими последствиями. Наше исследование было посвящено эпидемиологическому и клиническому профилю пациентов, наблюдавшихся по поводу эпилепсии в Нейропсихопатологическом центре ...

    27,98 €

  • Brain Health - How to Have a Healthy Memory and a Healthy Brain
    Patrick Johnson
    Brain HealthHow to Have a Healthy Memory and a Healthy Brain Many people work to improve their physical condition by logging long hours at the gym or on the track. Brain health is frequently disregarded at the expense of physical health. There is no more important organ than your brain. Because of the Brain’s close relationship with the rest of the body, when it is healthy, the...

    10,61 €

  • La sexologie en pratique clinique
    Mohamed Abid / Mouna Elleuch
    La sexualité est une science dont la connaissance de ces bases physiologiques et physiopathologiques est importante pour la pratique médicale. En effet les pathologies sexuelles sont observées dans plusieurs disciplines et spécialités médicales et chirurgicales . Ce livre met le point sur les aspects pathologiques de la sexualité et leurs caractéristiques selon le sexe du patie...

    61,69 €

  • Principios de Conducta, Octava Edición
    Kelly T. Kohler / Richard W. Malott
    Conocido tanto por su estilo narrativo como por su rigor científico, Principios de conducta ha sido durante más de cincuenta años el principal manual de introducción al análisis de conducta. A través de una exploración de conceptos experimentales, aplicados y teóricos, los autores resumen los temas clave en este campo. Dan vida al contenido utilizando un lenguaje humorístico y ...

    135,82 €

  • Cases on Multimorbidity and Its Impact on Elderly Patients
    Adil Hamad Alharthi
    As old age is increasing globally, some challenges arise such as multimorbidity, a unique medical condition that has multiple potential complications and thus needs high-quality care directed by qualified healthcare providers. Multimorbidity is an important daily challenge to internists worldwide due to its many difficulties. Junior physicians dealing with multimorbidity must h...

    436,27 €

    David Rowland
    Heart disease is the leading cause of death, killing 655,000 Americans annually.  One in four deaths is caused by heart disease.  This is the equivalent of one person dying every 36 seconds.Every year, 805,000 Americans have a heart attack.  Of these, 605,000 are a first heart attack.  About one in five attacks is silent:  the damage is done but the person is unaware of it. The...

    10,90 €

    David Rowland
    Heart disease is the leading cause of death, killing 655,000 Americans annually.  One in four deaths is caused by heart disease.  This is the equivalent of one person dying every 36 seconds.Every year, 805,000 Americans have a heart attack.  Of these, 605,000 are a first heart attack.  About one in five attacks is silent:  the damage is done but the person is unaware of it. The...

    19,20 €

  • Global Perspectives on Health Assessments for an Aging Population
    Today’s society recognizes that the last decades of an individual’s life are usually those in which health tends to deteriorate and chronic pathologies increase. Action at this level is verified through the increased concern of government officials with the elderly population motivated by the socio-economic impact of costs associated with the provision of healthcare in this gro...

    485,34 €

  • My Journey with Twin Angels
    Gifty Kwaku-Addison
    Has being labelled as a special needs mum or caregiver reshaped your identity? There is no reason to buy into your fears or allow limiting beliefs to take hold of your life. Whether you are a special needs mum, family member or friend experiencing burnout or going through challenging times who wants to prioritise self-worth, this inspirational resource is for you. In My Journey...

    15,57 €

  • Épreuve d’Effort en Rythmologie
    Ilham Bensahi / Mouna RAHMI
    L’électrocardiogramme d’effort est un outil diagnostique et pronostique important en cardiologie. Il s’agit d’un exercice maximal ou limité par les symptômes, avec enregistrement continu d’un électrocardiogramme, de la PA et d’autres variables telle la mesure des échanges respiratoires. Ses indications pouvant s’étaler au-delà de l’insuffisance coronarienne et concerner la path...

    61,63 €

  • Vaskuläre Kompressionssyndrome - Was Sie wissen müssen
    Mohammad E. Barbati
    Vaskuläre Kompressionssyndrome sind eine Gruppe von Erkrankungen, bei denen Blutgefäße durch umliegende Strukturen zusammengedrückt oder eingeklemmt werden, was zu einer Reihe von Symptomen und gesundheitlichen Problemen führt. Die Diagnose und das Management dieser Syndrome sind seit vielen Jahren ein Diskussionsthema unter Medizinern.Dieses Buch bietet einen umfassenden Überb...

    10,48 €

  • Adventures of a Disease Detective
    Mark White
    Memoir of disease detective.When Mark White quit his job as head bubonic plague epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and fell in love with a beautiful Filipina, he had no idea they’d find themselves traveling the world training teams to fight epidemics and natural disasters, including Ebola virus, cholera, typhoid, malaria, AIDS, earthquakes, and vol...

    19,96 €

  • Dementia Prevention
    Emily Clionsky / Mitchell Clionsky
    Worried about memory loss and dementia risk? This new book will show you easy-to-follow steps to keep your brain healthy.Emily Clionsky, MD, and Mitchell Clionsky, PhD, are a physician and neuropsychologist couple who have cared for their own parents with dementia, created a test used by doctors to measure cognitive function, and treated more than 25,000 patients with cognitive...

    62,67 €

  • Let’s Be Real About Reflux, Getting To The Heart of Heartburn
    ND DHANP Steven Sandberg-Lewis
     With humor, illustrations, and empowerment, Let’s Be Real About Reflux lays out in simple terms the complicated causes of reflux . The author, Dr. Steven Sandberg-Lewis, explains how his focus as a naturopathic physician is on finding the root cause of a person’s heartburn, considering all aspects of the patient’s medical, dietary, behavioral, emotional, and pharmacologic hist...

    33,37 €

  • Диабет, стресс и малоподвижный образ жизни
    Бибиан Валеро / Карина Ал Белло Мунар / Соланжи Рианьо
    Европейские рекомендации опубликовали пересмотр первых рекомендаций Второй объединенной целевой группы в 1998 году, которые устанавливали образ жизни, факторы риска и цели лечения для профилактики сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, показывая снижение факторов риска в европейской популяции, позволяя контролировать заболевание и улучшая качество жизни пациентов с сердечно-сосудисты...

    27,73 €

  • The A-Z companion guide to orthopaedic surgery
    Chris Maslin
    As we get older, the likelihood of orthopaedic surgery increases and the NHS is overwhelmed with outstanding hip and knee operations, designed to enable us to age gracefully and pain-free. I am extremely grateful to our NHS for their help with my operation and the experience has inspired me to write this companion guide for those who may also be feeling unsettled and very appre...

    9,88 €

  • The Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreams
    Patrick McNamara

    50,13 €

  • The Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreams
    Patrick McNamara

    147,15 €

  • Diabetes, stress and sedentary lifestyles
    Bibian Valero / Karina Alexandra Bello Munar / Solangie Riaño
    The European Guidelines published a revision of the first recommendations by the Second Joint Task Force in 1998, which established lifestyle, risk factor and treatment objectives for cardiovascular prevention, showing a reduction in risk factors in the European population, allowing control of the disease and improving the quality of life of patients with cardiovascular patholo...

    55,10 €

  • Diabetes, Stress und Bewegungsmangel
    Bibian Valero / Karina Alexandra Bello Munar / Solangie Riaño
    Die europäischen Leitlinien sind eine Überarbeitung der ersten Empfehlungen der Zweiten Gemeinsamen Task Force aus dem Jahr 1998, in denen Lebensstil, Risikofaktoren und Behandlungsziele für die kardiovaskuläre Vorbeugung festgelegt wurden, die eine Verringerung der Risikofaktoren in der europäischen Bevölkerung belegen, die Kontrolle der Krankheit ermöglichen und die Lebensqua...

    55,16 €

  • Diabetes, stress e estilos de vida sedentários
    Bibian Valero / Karina Alexandra Bello Munar / Solangie Riaño
    As Directrizes Europeias publicaram uma revisão das primeiras recomendações do Segundo Grupo de Trabalho Conjunto em 1998, que estabeleceu objectivos de estilo de vida, factor de risco e tratamento para a prevenção cardiovascular, mostrando uma redução dos factores de risco na população europeia, permitindo o controlo da doença e melhorando a qualidade de vida dos pacientes com...

    55,10 €

  • Diabete, stress e stili di vita sedentari
    Bibian Valero / Karina Alexandra Bello Munar / Solangie Riaño
    Le Linee Guida Europee hanno pubblicato una revisione delle prime raccomandazioni della Seconda Task Force Congiunta del 1998, che stabiliva gli obiettivi di stile di vita, fattori di rischio e trattamento per la prevenzione cardiovascolare, mostrando una riduzione dei fattori di rischio nella popolazione europea, permettendo il controllo della malattia e migliorando la qualità...

    55,10 €

  • COVID-19
    Vernon Coleman
    'Every day that passes it becomes increasingly clear just what the aims really are - and how the billionaires are planning to destroy our normal way of life. They’ve destroyed education, health care and economies, of course - all to soften us up for the vaccine which they say is essential, and for social credit and a single digital currency'.'The chaos that is being caused arou...

    22,24 €

  • Schwangerschaft und Schwangerenbetreuung
    Tariku E. Alemu
    Die Schwangerenvorsorge ist für die Verhütung negativer Schwangerschaftsfolgen von größerem Nutzen, wenn sie früh in der Schwangerschaft in Anspruch genommen und bis zur Entbindung fortgesetzt wird. Trotz des weit verbreiteten Angebots an kostenloser Schwangerenvorsorge suchen die meisten Frauen in unserem Land ihre erste Schwangerenvorsorgeklinik erst spät in der Schwangerscha...

    55,16 €