Catálogo de libros: Medicina clínica e interna

7467 Catálogo de libros: Medicina clínica e interna

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  • Complicanze della surrenalectomia
    Ahmed Saadi / Marouene Chakroun / Mohamed Riadh Ben Slama
    Situate in profondità nel retroperitoneo, le ghiandole surrenali si trovano in una regione anatomica complessa e pericolosa a causa dei loro rapporti vascolari e con gli organi vicini. Le complicanze delle surrenalectomie sono più spesso legate alle difficoltà di accesso e di esposizione che all’exeresi ghiandolare stessa. Ciò si riflette nella gamma delle possibili complicanze...

    61,51 €

    Jalaleddinne Omar Bouhidel / Rachid MERGHIT / Redha Lakehal
    À partir de recherches bibliographiques pertinentes, colligée par des maitres de conférences universitaires agréés et habilités, Jalaleddinne Omar BOUHIDEL, Rachid MERGHIT et Redha LAKEHAL, nous offrent sur près de soixante-dix pages un florilège de données fondamentales et cliniques ayant comme thématique de fond commune l’usage sécurisé et optimal des produits de contraste io...

    60,58 €

  • 50 Ways to Abuse Your Voice Second Edition
    Jaime E Moore / Mary J Hawkshaw / Robert T Sataloff
    Abuse it, you lose it!  Here is the second edition of the bestselling guide to ruining your voice - and your career prospects. In 50 succinct chapters, you’ll find practical guidance on how you risk damage to your performing and professional voice - even if you’re not a singer. This new edition has been fully revised and updated; incorporates new materials - from vaping to virt...

    26,93 €

    Toufic Zeitoune B.
    Toufic Zeitoune stuttered for most of his life, before he found the key to finally breaking free from this condition. Now he offers you the life-changing opportunity to communicate fluently . . .The technique Toufic proposes is based on the mental concept of speech and focuses on forming words in the mind differently than stutterers normally do. Unlike other methods to stop stu...

    8,77 €

    Toufic Zeitoune B.
    Toufic Zeitoune tartamudeó durante la mayor parte de su vida, antes de encontrar la clave para finalmente liberarse de esta condición. Ahora te ofrece la oportunidad que cambiará tu vida de comunicarte con fluidez. . .La técnica que propone Toufic se basa en el concepto mental del habla y se enfoca en formar palabras en la mente de manera diferente a como lo hacen normalmente l...

    8,77 €

  • My Life With MND
    Daina Mason
    In this moving, brave and insightful story, Daina tells of her journey from first symptoms to diagnosis, and goes on to explain how she has adapted to life with this debilitating condition.The book was written by Daina using eye-gaze technology, through which a camera picks up the motion of her eyebrows, which she uses to spell and select the correct words on her communication ...

    7,40 €

  • Don’t say 'Everything happens for a reason'
    Keith T. Hardeman
    'My friend has cancer. What can I do to best help them?' A cancer diagnosis of a friend, acquaintance, or co-worker will often leave us wondering about the most appropriate things to say to someone suffering from this dreadful disease. In general, cancer fighters much prefer aid and comfort during their agonizing treatment over being subjected to empty clichés and annoyingly di...

    11,22 €

  • Menschen mit Autismus verstehen und unterstützen
    Madi Miled
    "Menschen mit Autismus verstehen und unterstützen - Ein kurzer Leitfaden für Einsteiger" ist ein unverzichtbares Buch für alle, die mehr über Autismus erfahren möchten. Dieses Buch bietet einen umfassenden Einblick in die Welt von Autismus und gibt praxisnahe Tipps und Strategien für den Umgang mit Menschen mit Autismus.In diesem Buch finden Sie eine eingehende Beschreibung der...

    8,08 €

  • Dementia Caregiving
    Janet G Cruz
    DEMENTIA CAREGIVING - A COMPASSIONATE GUIDE FOR CAREGIVERS Dementia is a thief that steals memories and moments, leaving in its wake a shell of the person your loved one used to be. As their caregiver, you find yourself on a rollercoaster of emotions, juggling the needs of your loved one with the demands of life. You want nothing more than for them to feel healthy, happy, and l...

    32,18 €

  • Dementia Caregiving
    Janet G Cruz
    DEMENTIA CAREGIVING - A COMPASSIONATE GUIDE FOR CAREGIVERSDementia is a thief that steals memories and moments, leaving in its wake a shell of the person your loved one used to be.As their caregiver, you find yourself on a rollercoaster of emotions, juggling the needs of your loved one with the demands of life. You want nothing more than for them to feel healthy, happy, and lov...

    27,82 €

  • Revista de saúde e medicina
    Clément TSHIBINDA
    Diz-se que quem quer ir longe prepara o seu cavalo, o sector da saúde continua a ser um capital económico indispensável na vida de um povo que quer ser digno e correcto consigo mesmo. Relegar o sector da saúde para segundo plano é negar a sua própria existência como homem. Tendo em conta certas realidades no terreno em certas partes do mundo, parece que, apesar dos esforços fei...

    61,63 €

  • Journal of health and medicine
    Clément TSHIBINDA
    It is said that he who wants to go far prepares his horse, the health sector remains an essential economic capital in the life of a people who wants to be dignified and correct towards himself. To relegate the health sector to the background is to negate his own existence as a man. In view of certain realities on the ground in some parts of the world, it is possible to believe ...

    61,57 €

  • Rivista di salute e medicina
    Clément TSHIBINDA
    Si dice che chi vuole andare lontano prepara il suo cavallo, il settore sanitario rimane un capitale economico indispensabile nella vita di un popolo che vuole essere dignitoso e corretto nei confronti di se stesso. Relegare il settore sanitario in secondo piano significa negare la propria esistenza come uomo. Alla luce di certe realtà sul campo in alcune parti del mondo, sembr...

    61,63 €

  • Журнал о здоровье и медицине
    Цлéмент Тсхибинда
    Сектор здравоохранения остается важнейшим экономическим капиталом в жизни народа, который хочет быть достойным и корректным по отношению к самому себе. Отодвинуть сектор здравоохранения на задний план - значит отрицать собственное существование как человека. Учитывая реалии, сложившиеся на местах в некоторых регионах мира, представляется, что, несмотря на усилия, предпринимаемы...

    27,79 €

  • Zeitschrift für Gesundheit und Medizin
    Clément TSHIBINDA
    Der Gesundheitssektor ist ein unverzichtbares wirtschaftliches Kapital im Leben eines Volkes, das sich selbst als würdig und anständig betrachtet. Wenn man den Gesundheitssektor in den Hintergrund drängt, verleugnet man seine eigene Existenz als Mensch. Angesichts der Realitäten vor Ort in einigen Teilen der Welt kann man davon ausgehen, dass es trotz der Bemühungen, die Entwic...

    61,76 €

  • Memory Matters-A Guide to Understanding and Supporting Older Adults with Dementia
    Lily J. Thompson
    Are you caring for a loved one with dementia or are you simply interested in learning more about this complex condition? If so, 'Memory Matters: A Guide to Understanding and Supporting Older Adults with Dementia' is the book for you!Written by experts in the field of gerontology and dementia care, this comprehensive guide offers a wealth of information and practical advice to h...

    10,50 €

  • Окклюзионно-протезная реабилитация у детей
    Аффиба Эмиль Н’Чо-Ока / Камон Ж.С. Нсото / Рем Бакаиоко-Лу
    В этой книге рассказывается о возможности изготовления зубных протезов у детей и об использовании этих протезов с их различными характеристиками. Эти протезы, после окклюзионного дисбаланса и нарушения оро-фациальных функций, позволяют вернуть ребенку радость жизни и питания для хорошего роста и правильного развития. Протезы бывают несъемными, съемными и съемными частичными и п...

    27,85 €

  • Okkluso-prothetische Rehabilitation bei Kindern
    Affiba Emilienne N’Cho-Oka / Kamon J.C. N’Cho / Ramata Bakayoko-Ly
    In diesem Buch wird die Möglichkeit der Herstellung von Zahnprothesen bei Kindern und die Anwendung dieser Prothesen mit ihren unterschiedlichen Charakteren hervorgehoben. Diese Prothesen ermöglichen es, dem Kind nach einem Ungleichgewicht des Bisses und einer Störung der orofazialen Funktionen die Freude am Leben und an der Ernährung zurückzugeben, um ein gutes Wachstum und ei...

    38,30 €

  • Occluso-prosthetic rehabilitation in children
    Affiba Emilienne N’Cho-Oka / Kamon J.C. N’Cho / Ramata Bakayoko-Ly
    This book highlights the possibility of making dental prostheses in children and the implementation of these prostheses, with their different characteristics. These prostheses, after occlusal imbalance and disturbance of the oro-facial functions, allow to give back to the child the joy of living and eating for a good growth and a good development. The prostheses are fixed, remo...

    38,18 €

  • Riabilitazione occluso-protesica nei bambini
    Affiba Emilienne N’Cho-Oka
    Questo libro evidenzia la possibilità di realizzare protesi dentarie nei bambini e l’uso di queste protesi, con le loro diverse caratteristiche. Queste protesi, dopo uno squilibrio occlusale e un disturbo delle funzioni oro-facciali, permettono di restituire al bambino la gioia di vivere e di nutrirsi per una buona crescita e un buon sviluppo. Le protesi sono fisse, rimovibili ...

    38,24 €

  • Reabilitação ocluso-protésica em crianças
    Affiba Emilienne N’Cho-Oka / Kamon J.C. N’Cho / Ramata Bakayoko-Ly
    Este livro destaca a possibilidade de fazer próteses dentárias em crianças e a utilização destas próteses, com as suas diferentes características. Estas próteses, após desequilíbrio oclusal e perturbação das funções oro-faciais, permitem devolver à criança, a alegria de viver e de se alimentar para um bom crescimento e um bom desenvolvimento. As próteses são fixas, removíveis e...

    38,24 €

  • The Spectrum of Imagination in Autism
    Guo-Hui XIE / Ming-Jie Deng
    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a chronic neuro-developmental disorder that affects the way a person relates to the environment and the people around. The person’s capacity to build relationships with others is impaired and so is his/her ability to comprehend others’ feelings, too. People with ASD manifest the classical triad of impairments (Wing, 1988) in socialization, comm...

    39,61 €

  • Generalities and Essentials of Cardiac Emergencies
    Sara Hassani
    The human heart is a precise and regular instrument that serves the whole body. This muscular organ is the size of a closed human fist and is located in the chest and slightly inclined to the left. The heart beats about 100,000 times a day and pumps about 8 pints of blood throughout the body every 24 hours. This work brings the blood rich in oxygen and nutrients to the tissues ...

    92,37 €

  • Surpoids et obésité chez l’enfant
    Belkacem Bioud / Halima Zerguine
    L’obésité de l’enfant et l’adolescent est une préoccupation urgente de santé publique et un enjeu médical émergent. L’OMS la décrit comme étant la première épidémie non infectieuse et à évolution croissante à l’ échelle mondiale qui concerne tous les pays et toutes les catégories socioéconomiques, elle représente également l’un des défis de santé publique les plus graves du 21è...

    111,64 €

  • The Probiotic Diet
    Dr. Josh Axe / Jordan Rubin / Joseph Brasco
    Effective, Natural Ways to Revolutionize Your Gut HealthAre you tired of suffering from stomach discomfort and digestive issues? Do you want to be free from pain, pills, and prescriptions?From ulcers and constipation to IBS and GERD, these common issues can have uncommonly debilitating effects on your life. But don’t despair-there is hope and healing for even the most stubborn ...

    25,57 €

  • The Probiotic Diet
    Dr. Josh Axe / Jordan Rubin / Joseph Brasco
    Effective, Natural Ways to Revolutionize Your Gut HealthAre you tired of suffering from stomach discomfort and digestive issues? Do you want to be free from pain, pills, and prescriptions?From ulcers and constipation to IBS and GERD, these common issues can have uncommonly debilitating effects on your life. But don’t despair-there is hope and healing for even the most stubborn ...

    36,67 €

  • Enfermera Florence®, ¿Qué es una Infección Renal? (Latinoamérica)
    Michael Dow / Perla Dow
    A veces, parece que solo una enfermera puede llevar la información técnica a un entendimiento que una persona común pueda comprender. La serie de libros Enfermera Florence® proporciona información médica de alta calidad que incluso un niño puede comprender. Al presentarles a los niños pequeños la terminología correcta y los conceptos científicos a una edad temprana, podemos ayu...

    37,85 €

  • Enfermera Florence®, ¿Qué es el Cáncer? (Latinoamérica)
    Michael Dow / Perla Dow
    A veces, parece que solo una enfermera puede llevar la información técnica a un entendimiento que una persona común pueda comprender. La serie de libros Enfermera Florence® proporciona información médica de alta calidad que incluso un niño puede comprender. Al presentarles a los niños pequeños la terminología correcta y los conceptos científicos a una edad temprana, podemos ayu...

    39,10 €

    Stephen G. Perry Ph.D.
    I had an opportunity to establish a Lowry quantitative histochemical laboratory at the Missouri Medical School Missouri Institute of Psychiatry (MIP) in Saint Louis Missouri as an Assistant Professor. While Director of the Missouri Division of Mental Health Dr. George A. Ulett, M.D., Ph.D. established MIP to provide research into the causes of mental problems. As the neurochemi...

    35,78 €

  • Paving the Way for Your Child with Autism
    Madi Miled
    If you’re a parent of a preschooler with autism, you know that your child has unique challenges and strengths. You want to give them the best possible start in life, but may feel overwhelmed and unsure about how to navigate the complex world of autism and early childhood education.This practical guide is here to help. Drawing on the latest research and the author’s own experien...

    8,51 €