Catálogo de libros: Historia del derecho

2874 Catálogo de libros: Historia del derecho

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  • Italian Prisons in the Age of Positivism, 1861-1914
    Mary Gibson
    During a period dominated by the biological determinism of Cesare Lombroso, Italy constructed a new prison system that sought to reconcile criminology with nation building and new definitions of citizenship. Italian Prisons in the Age of Positivism, 1861-1914 examines this "second wave" of global prison reform between Italian Unification and World War I, providing fascinating i...

    173,47 €

  • Domain Name Arbitration, Second Edition
    Legal treatise on trademarks, domain names, and cybersquatting, a practical guide to the uniform domain name dispute resolution policy enacted by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers in 1999. The Second Edition expands on the First and adds a full Index. This is essentially a trademark owner's and domain name registrants' guide to asserting and defend...

    158,28 €

  • Best Men of the Bar
    John Austin Matzko
    Within a narrative history of the early American Bar Association, Matzko illustrates how the organization endeavored to create a traditional professional gatekeeping organization by gaining control of legal education, entrance examinations, and ethical codes. The early ABA supported reformist values of political and social change if such change could be overseen by courts. It w...

    108,24 €

  • Aeschylus The Oresteia
    Rob Hardy
    The essence of Aeschylus’s famous trilogy in a single play that speaks forcefully to today’s audiences. In lean, lyrical poetry, Rob Hardy’s adaptation highlights all the glory of the original:With a foreword, an introduction, notes, and figures. Called 'masterful' by Thomas Van Nortwick, professor of classics (emeritus), Oberlin College.Rob Hardy is a Minnesota poet and classi...

    18,99 €

  • Thomas Jefferson, Legal History, and the Art of Recollection
    Matthew Crow

    35,72 €

  • Stalin’s Soviet Justice
    David M. Crowe
    From the ’show’ trials of the 1920s and 1930s to the London Conference, this book examines the Soviet role in the Nuremberg IMT trial through the prism of the ideas and practices of earlier Soviet legal history, detailing the evolution of Stalin’s ideas about the trail of Nazi war criminals. Stalin believed that an international trial for Nazi war criminals was the best way to ...

    173,86 €

  • Crimen Exceptum
    Gregory J Durston
    As the author notes, ‘The early-modern European witch-hunts were neither orchestrated massacres nor spontaneous pogroms. Alleged witches were not rounded up at night and summarily killed extra-judicially or lynched as the victims of mob justice. They were executed after trial and conviction with full legal process’. A mix of superstition, fear, belief and ready explanations for...

    48,05 €

  • America’s Two Constitutions
    Thomas J. Reed / Thomas JReed
    America’s Two Constitutions examines the history of treatment of antiwar dissenters from the American Revolution by the government and by vigilantes down to post-9/11, concluding that the United States has two constitutions, one for peacetime and another in time of war. ...

    63,08 €

  • Debating Yoga and Mindfulness in Public Schools
    Candy Gunther Brown
    Yoga and mindfulness activities, with roots in Asian traditions such as Hinduism or Buddhism, have been brought into growing numbers of public schools since the 1970s. While they are commonly assumed to be secular educational tools, Candy Gunther Brown asks whether religion is truly left out of the equation in the context of public-school curricula. An expert witness in four le...

    140,55 €

  • Debating Yoga and Mindfulness in Public Schools
    Candy Gunther Brown
    Yoga and mindfulness activities, with roots in Asian traditions such as Hinduism or Buddhism, have been brought into growing numbers of public schools since the 1970s. While they are commonly assumed to be secular educational tools, Candy Gunther Brown asks whether religion is truly left out of the equation in the context of public-school curricula. An expert witness in four le...

    56,98 €

  • Women before the court
    Lindsay R. Moore / Lindsay RMoore
    This book is a ground-breaking study of women in Britain and British America through two centuries of pivotal changes in the law, economy and empire. It shows how the expansion of women’s legal status gave them increased financial independence and undermined patriarchal relationships within the household. ...

    157,68 €

  • Legal History of Mississippi
    Joseph a Ranney
    In A Legal History of Mississippi: Race, Class, and the Struggle for Opportunity, legal scholar Joseph A. Ranney surveys the evolution of Mississippi's legal system and analyzes the ways in which that system has changed during the state's first two hundred years. Through close research, qualitative analysis, published court decisions, statutes, and law review articles, ...

    70,70 €

  • The Mueller Report
    U.S. Department of Justice / U.SDepartment of Justice
    This book contains entire The Mueller Report, both Volumes I and II (despite what the one-star reviewer states).  This report is officially known as the Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election as submitted by the Special Counsel's office to Attorney General William Barr on March 22, 2019.  This is a copy of the original versio...

    35,44 €

  • The Mueller Report
    Robert S. Mueller III / Robert SMueller III / U.S. Department of Justice / U.SDepartment of Justice
    This book contains entire The Mueller Report, both Volumes I and II (despite what the one-star reviewer states).  This report is officially known as the Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election as submitted by the Special Counsel's office to Attorney General William Barr on March 22, 2019.  This is a copy of the original versio...

    24,21 €

  • Legal Development in Colonial Massachusetts 1630-1686
    Charles J. Hilkey / Charles JHilkey
    Explores a fascinating aspect of the early colony’s legal system: its denial of the binding force of English law in favor of an original legal system. Although the common law played a role, the colonists used it selectively and combined it with the provisions of the colony's charter, local statutes and scripture. One of the earliest books on the history of American law, thi...

    28,06 €

  • Council and Courts in Anglo-Norman England (1926)
    George Burton Adams
    The judicial system constructed by the Normans after 1066 rested on a broad foundation of Anglo-Saxon institutions. Adams traces the evolution of this construction with an emphasis on the ways Anglo-Saxon and Norman practices influenced one another. He proceeds to demonstrate how the resulting judicial hybrid contributed to the development of the English constitution. Reprint o...

    55,71 €

  • Great Christian Jurists in Spanish History

    49,74 €

  • A Dictionary of Law, Consisting of Judicial Definitions and Explanations of Words, Phrases, and Maxims, and an Exposition of the Principles of Law (1889)
    William C. Anderson / William CAnderson
    An authoritative legal reference work for all libraries. Published two years previously, Anderson’s was one of the sources of  Black’s Law Dictionary. It is heavily referenced, citing countless cases, treatises and other sources. It provides judicially framed definitions whenever possible to illustrate the application of judicial principles. Moreover, many entries such as “citi...

    258,65 €

  • The Jews and the English Law (1908)
    H. S. Q. Henriques / HSQHenriques
    This informative, deeply researched and well-written study traces the legal history of English Jews from the Saxon period to the early 1900s. Reprint of the sole edition. With a table of statutes and a table of cases. ...

    42,96 €


    26,83 €

  • Reflections on Hanging
    Arthur Koestler
    Reflections on Hanging is a searing indictment of capital punishment, inspired by its author's own time in the shadow of a firing squad. During the Spanish Civil War, Arthur Koestler was held by the Franco regime as a political prisoner, and condemned to death. He was freed, but only after months of witnessing the fates of less-fortunate inmates. That experience informs eve...

    23,87 €

  • The Elements of the Common Laws of England (1630)
    Sir Francis Bacon
    The Elements of the Common Laws of England is the general title for a work that is comprised of two different treatises: A Collection of Some Principall Rules and Maximes of the Common Lawes of England and The Use of the Law, Provided for the Preservation of Our Persons, Goods and Good Names. The first contains a set of twenty-five maxims, or regulae. One of the earliest, if no...

    49,98 €

  • Ready Aim Fire
    James Unkles
    In 1902, three Australian volunteers who served with the British Army during the Anglo Boer War were tried and sentenced for executing Boer combatants. Lieutenants Harry ‘Breaker’ Morant and Peter Handcock were executed and George Witton sentenced to life imprisonment.The manner in which these men were treated remains controversial, shrouded in protest that they were scapegoate...

    15,91 €

  • Sovereignty, International Law, and the French Revolution
    Edward James Kolla

    35,48 €

  • In The Warmth of the Limelight
    Robert G Alloo
    The Story of the Pivotal Figure behind Sir Walter Scott’s Later MasterpiecesIn the Warmth of the Limelight relies on primary materials from archival and secondary sources to uncover the impact of the John Gibson-Sir Walter Scott relationship during Scott’s final decade. Scott was at the peak of his career as an internationally acclaimed poet/author/celebrity when Gibson becomes...

    17,89 €

  • Impeachment-A Political Sword
    Scott S Barker
    The author, a Harvard Law School graduate and a distinguished trial lawyer, brings to the reader, through insights into the Clinton and Johnson impeachments and the Nixon near impeachment, an understanding of the process of impeachment, the differing of what constitutes an impeachable offense, and an exploration of those differing perspectives. The author takes the reader throu...

    27,45 €

  • In The Warmth of the Limelight
    Robert G Alloo
    The Story of the Pivotal Figure behind Sir Walter Scott’s Later MasterpiecesIn the Warmth of the Limelight relies on primary materials from archival and secondary sources to uncover the impact of the John Gibson-Sir Walter Scott relationship during Scott’s final decade. Scott was at the peak of his career as an internationally acclaimed poet/author/celebrity when Gibson becomes...

    28,97 €

  • Hermeneutics in the Genre of Mukhta?ar
    Husain Kassim
    This book deals with the genre of Mukhtaṣar in Islamic law and the significance of its emergence in the development and formation of Islamic law. This book comprehensively explores its emergence and analyzes civil and commercial law in four Islamic Sunni schools of law. ...

    129,02 €


    31,09 €

  • How Marriage Became One of the Sacraments
    Philip Reynolds

    37,94 €