Catálogo de libros: Finanzas y contabilidad

10340 Catálogo de libros: Finanzas y contabilidad

Libros Eliminar filtro Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión Eliminar filtro Finanzas y contabilidad Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Mental Hacks for Traders
    This book is for you if you want to learn how to trade crypto like a pro and achieve your financial goals. You will discover the secrets of successful crypto traders and avoid the mistakes that most traders make. You will also master your emotions and psychology in crypto trading and overcome fear, greed, and stress. This book will teach you the mental hacks for traders that wi...

    25,91 €

    The banking industry plays a critical role in ensuring global economic and financial stability. Effective governance is essential for mitigating bank risk-taking and limiting managerial opportunism in this industry, which is constantly under regulatory and market scrutiny. However, the complexity and diversity of banking financial instruments and transactions gives rise to subs...

    190,46 €

    In contrast to non-financial firms, banks have undergone significant turbulence in the past decade, enduring severe financial crises and unprecedented regulatory reforms. New regulations, including heightened capital and liquidity requirements, measures to address regulatory migration, resolution authority, stress testing, and capital planning, have spurred the development of n...

    182,21 €

    Ronald Anderso / RONALD ANDERSON XUEBIN CHEN / Xuebin Chen
    With the deepening of China’s reform and opening up, and the sustained development of the Chinese economy, the Chinese bond market has become an important player in the global bond market. As at the end of 2022, the custodial balance of the Chinese bond market reached RMB14.48 trillion, ranking second in the world and the largest bond market in Asia. As a maturing emerging mark...

    213,89 €

  • Cultivating Wealth #1
    James Holles
    'Cultivating Wealth - Property How To Win & Never Lose: The Timeless Blueprint for Generational Wealth in Property Investment'Are you ready to embark on a journey towards building lasting wealth that will echo through generations? In 'Enduring Estates,' discover the number one property investment strategy that unveils the secrets to creating enduring hereditary wealth in the re...

    16,46 €

  • Управление оборотным капиталом для промышленных компаний
    Джеймс Кунгу
    Почему промышленные компании в развивающихся странах разоряются? Это происходит из-за высоких издержек производства или проблем с ликвидностью? Эти вопросы не дают покоя исследователям. Оборотный капитал составляет большую часть богатства предприятия. В производственных компаниях оборотный капитал составляет более девяноста процентов от общей стоимости ресурсов фирмы. Таким обр...

    98,37 €

  • Gestion du fonds de roulement des entreprises industrielles
    James Kung’u
    Pourquoi les entreprises industrielles des pays en développement font-elles faillite ? Est-ce en raison de coûts de production élevés ou de problèmes de liquidité ? Telles sont les questions qui taraudent les chercheurs. Le fonds de roulement constitue une grande partie de la richesse d’une institution. Dans les entreprises manufacturières, le fonds de roulement représente plus...

    98,45 €

  • Principes fondamentaux du système national de paiement en Namibie
    Albert Mutonga Matongela
    Les systèmes de paiement sont extrêmement importants dans toute économie, y compris pour l’homme de la rue. Ils sont le moteur du secteur bancaire et financier, des marchés et de l’économie en général, et leur instabilité entraîne un risque systémique qui perturbe le flux normal des paiements pour les biens et les services. Malgré leur importance, les systèmes de paiement ne so...

    32,82 €

  • Основы национальной платежной системы в Намибии
    Альберт Му Матонгела
    Платежные системы имеют огромное значение для любой экономики, включая человека с улицы. Они управляют банковской деятельностью, финансовым сектором, рынками и экономикой в целом, а их нестабильность приводит к системному риску, нарушая нормальный поток платежей за товары и услуги. Несмотря на свою важность, платежные системы недостаточно хорошо изучены. О платежных системах на...

    32,82 €

  • Sold
    Paul Baird
    Follow real estate investor Paul Baird of 1-800-BUY-HOUSES as he leads you through nine important steps to successfully sell your home for cash. Paul will give you the inside information other investors don’t want you to know. Step by step, he will take you through the process of identifying the most common pitfalls that make cash offers fall through. Learn how to:• Know what a...

    8,03 €

  • Financial Accounting and Reporting for Non-Accounting Students
    Stephen Frost
    This textbook introduces the essential principles of financial accounting to non-accounting students, written for an international audience with global case studies and a suite of learning features. Using terminology which is compliant with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Financial Accounting and Reporting for Non-Accounting Students covers topics such as th...

    196,20 €

  • Financial Accounting and Reporting for Non-Accounting Students
    Stephen Frost
    This textbook introduces the essential principles of financial accounting to non-accounting students, written for an international audience with global case studies and a suite of learning features. Using terminology which is compliant with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Financial Accounting and Reporting for Non-Accounting Students covers topics such as th...

    50,14 €

  • Anatomy of a Ponzi Scheme
    Colleen Cross
    Is Your Money Safe? The biggest Ponzi scheme of all time is about to collapse in 2016, and most victims are unaware they are caught in its web.  Are you one of them?Bernard Madoff, Tom Petters and others amassed fortunes in massive Ponzi schemes, ruining unsuspecting investors who were unaware that their investments were connected to these criminals. Just like the investors on ...

    17,43 €

  • Governance and Policy Transformations in Central Banking
    In central banking, the need for effective governance and policy transformations has never been more pressing. Central banks serve as the bedrock of a nation’s financial stability, and yet, they face an array of complex challenges in the modern era. The delicate balance between autonomy from government influence and the necessity of adapting to external economic forces has beco...

    360,40 €

  • How to Invest Money
    George Garr Henry
    The aim of this book is to present in clear form the simple principles of investment, and to afford the reader a working knowledge of the various classes of securities which are available as investments and their relative adaptability to different needs. The book is an outgrowth of the writer’s personal experience as an investment banker. Most of the matter which is presented h...

    9,42 €

  • The Easy Route
    Ganta Kishore Kumar
    Goal: To help you learn the main ideas to trade well. By the end of this book, you will know how the Stock Market works.We also explain:Tools like BB, RSI, and the ATR, Stock, Broker, Places to trade, How to buy and sell, How to read charts and patterns, How to manage risk and money, How to think like a trader, IPO, Stock Market history and changes, Different places to trade (N...

    21,43 €

  • One Thousand Ways to Make Money
    Page Fox
    THE object of this work is to help people who are out of employment to secure a situation; to enable persons of small means to engage in business and become their own employers; to give men and women in various lines of enterprise ideas whereby they may succeed; and to suggest new roads to fortune by the employment of capital. The author has been moved to the undertaking by the...

    17,09 €

  • Business Forensics 101
    Johnathon Vermaelen
    Business Forensics combines the aspects of Forensic Accounting, Business Administration, Industrial Engineering, and Organizational Psychology into one discipline. Learn how ot solve problems inside and outside ones’ organization order to keep employees productive and customers happy. This book will help you be a corporate crime fighter to identify red flags and suspicious acti...

    35,73 €

  • UAE 2050,Quantum Leap to Global Supremacy
    Mustafa Nejem
    Let’s fast forward and imagine the year is 2050. The United Arab Emirates is a country whose character was changed forever by the tremendous power of quantum management and became one of its unique voices on the world stage. The UAE’s journey from early childhood to an economic superpower that is respected for its visionary leaders and technological innovations provides a story...

    18,14 €

  • Aprender a Administrar o Dinheiro
    Publicações de Alexandria
    Libere o potencial financeiro de seus filhos com 'APRENDA A GERENCIAR DINHEIRO'!Descubra a chave para cultivar uma mentalidade financeira sólida desde a infância até a adolescência com este livro inovador. Ensinar seus filhos a economizar, gastar e investir com sabedoria é essencial no mundo atual, e este ebook é seu guia abrangente para alcançar exatamente isso. Por que este l...

    15,36 €

    Ben Sopranzetti / BEN SOPRANZETTI & BRAUN KIESS / Braun Kiess
    Valuation and Financial Forecasting is a clearly written and easy to understand handbook intended to help readers of all skill levels accurately forecast financial statements, analyze capital investments, and value business enterprises. The book’s approach transcends the traditional textbook discussion of business valuation by providing readers with deep insights into the nexus...

    142,40 €

  • The Art of Persuasion
    Clyde N. III Cook
    The first and most crucial step is to overcome any fear or hesitation you may have about cold calling. Remember, practice makes perfect. Embrace the learning process and view each call as an opportunity to refine your skills. With every interaction, you will gain valuable insights and become more comfortable in your role as a real estate wholesaler or investor. ...

    20,12 €

  • Money And Banking
    Chester Arthur Phillips
    Designed mainly for class room use in connection with one of the introductory manuals on the subject of Money and Banking or of Money and Currency, this volume, in itself, lays no claim to completeness. Where its use is contemplated the problems of emphasis and proportion are, accordingly, to be solved by the selection of one or another of the available texts, or by the choice ...

    17,12 €

  • 'The Language of Business
    mustafa abdellatif
    'The Language of Business: How Accounting Tells Your Story' is a comprehensive guide to accounting that covers various aspects of financial management. The book introduces accounting as the process of recording, classifying, and summarizing financial transactions to provide useful information for decision-making. It explains different types of accounting, including financial, m...

    21,41 €

  • Jackpot Tactics
    Embark on a thrilling journey into the heart of lottery success with 'Jackpot Tactics: Mastering Strategic Number Selection for Lottery Success.' This comprehensive guide unveils the secrets, strategies, and real-world techniques employed by seasoned lottery enthusiasts who have mastered the art of winning the jackpot.Unlock the Power of Strategic Number Selection: Delve into t...

    33,83 €

  • Crypto Champions
    Lindsay M. Thompson
    Blockchain is transforming far more than finance through an explosion of decentralized projects aiming to remake entire systems. This book illuminates the expanding universe of DePINs - Decentralized Projects -that leverage blockchain’s unique capabilities to drive revolutionary change.Learn how DePINs are pioneering new models of grassroots innovation across crucial realms lik...

    16,57 €

  • O Perito E A Justiça
    Antonio Carlos Morais E Carlo Rogério Morais
    O Períto e a Justiça é uma obra foi produzida especialmente para auxiliar os operadores do direito, peritos judiciais, extrajudiciais, peritos assistentes, professores e estudantes que queiram desenvolver suas atividades com mais eficiência nessa importante atividade pericial.O livro nessa 3ª Edição, é resultado de vários anos de estudos dos autores, diante de grandes e complex...

    98,11 €

  • The Theory Of Stock Exchange Speculation
    Arthur Crump
    Teaching methods comprise the principles and methods that are used by teachers to facilitate learning by students. Strategies are determined both by the subject matter to be taught and the characteristics of the author.  Topics discussed include: - methods of reading the market- cutting losses short- the danger in overtrading- the recurrence of crises- the tipster- and much mor...

    11,45 €

  • 100 maneras de generar otros ingresos
    Alex Guerra
    Descubre el fascinante mundo de las oportunidades financieras con '100 maneras de generar ingresos'. Este libro es tu guía esencial para explorar formas creativas y prácticas de aumentar tus ingresos más allá de tu salario tradicional. En estas páginas, encontrarás 100 estrategias cuidadosamente seleccionadas para generar ingresos adicionales, desde ideas innovadoras en el mund...

    15,95 €

  • El Poder Transformador de la Mejora Continua.
    La mejora continua, cuando se arraiga en los cimientos del mundo empresarial y personal, emerge como el catalizador definitivo para el progreso. En el ámbito empresarial, su implementación sistemática desencadena una revolución, donde la excelencia se convierte en norma y la innovación, en el motor impulsor. La adaptación constante a los cambios, la optimización de procesos y l...

    47,27 €