Catálogo de libros: Control y libertades políticas

3470 Catálogo de libros: Control y libertades políticas

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  • Hands Off My Food!
    Dr. Sina McCullough
    Americans have stopped being watchdogs over their own food supply. Roughly 100 years ago, with the birth of the FDA, we handed that responsibility over to the government and the food industry. They, in turn, have fundamentally transformed our food supply and it’s making us sick, including our children. Not only are we losing our health to food related illnesses like cancer and ...

    11,29 €

  • A New Map for Relationships
    Dorothie L. Hellman / Martin E.. Hellman
    What if you never had another fight or argument? And what if doing that helped bring peace to the world?You are invited to eavesdrop as Dorothie and Martin Hellman reveal the secrets that  allowed them to transform an almost failed marriage into one where they reclaimed the true love that they felt when they first met fifty years ago. Their marriage became a laboratory, where t...

    26,40 €

  • Thousand Cricket Song
    Catherine Strisik
    The keen eye of compassion in each detail, the steady touch of its cadence in each unfolding line. Olga Broumas Author of Rave: Poems Here is a perfect, clean and delicate (powerful and often terrifying) work of art. In its simplicity lies profound emotion, both beautiful and laden with sadness. These masterful slim poems speak with...

    15,05 €

  • Political Dawn
    An Anonymous American Author
    You are not reading this by happenstance.      The United States government no longer represents the American people. Money has become the dictator of the democratic process. Congress is divided and arguably entirely dysfunctional.      Lawmakers conspire with lobbyists and special interests to create legislation and regulation in their favor, mismanage the public purse, and ...

    34,79 €

  • Cases on Grassroots Campaigns for Community Empowerment and Social Change
    Rebecca Nthogo Lekoko
    In modern times, political and social reform often starts at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder; common people with ordinary lives enact change through community organization and the desire to improve their own lives and the lives of those around them. Governments that support such movements can experience great advances and achievements in the long term. Cases on Grassroot...

    230,00 €

  • Human Rights and Risks in the Digital Era
    Globalization, along with its digital and information communication technology counterparts, including the Internet and cyberspace, may signify a whole new era for human rights, characterized by new tensions, challenges, and risks for human rights, as well as new opportunities. Human Rights and Risks in the Digital Era: Globalization and the Effects of Information Technologies ...

    236,37 €

  • Tishio la Ukombozi
    Amrit Wilson / Ahmada Shafi Adam
    Tishio la Ukombozi examines the role of the Umma Party of Zanzibar and its leader in the turbulent years of the Zanzibar revolution of the 1960s that was perceived in those Cold War years as a threat to the interests of the US and Europe. Based on declassified US and British documents, in-depth interviews and information released by WikiLeaks, Amrit Wilson offers an insightful ...

    16,00 €

  • The View From First Mountain
    William G. Hanne / William GHanne
    The Croatian War of Independence ended with the success of Operation Storm on August 7, 1995.  Less than five months later, Bill Hanne found himself part of the Democracy Transition Long Range Management Program and packing for Zagreb.  With his background in military intelligence, plus graduate degrees in political geography and education policy and planning, Dr. Hanne brought...

    35,53 €

  • Children’s rights in crisis
    Salvador Santino F. Regilme
    This book explores the intricacies of contemporary children’s rights on a global scale, scrutinizing the challenges they face from a multidisciplinary perspective. ...

    169,62 €

  • As Origens Da Quarta Guerra Mundial
    Jeffrey Nyquist
    Centrado no tema da segurança americana e global,As Origens da Quarta Guerra Mundialapresenta uma análise franca, ainda que perturbadora, dos desafios do século vinte e um. ...

    38,19 €

  • Poor No More
    James Conner
    Extreme poverty can be alleviated one village at a time.The current practices of global aid agencies, governments, and NGOs all focus on the same failed strategy: transfer payments. The problem is that moving money without growing local economic systems for sustainability does not work. People need jobs and businesses, not handouts. There is a better way.In this book you will d...

    40,64 €

  • La Barbarie Represiva de la Narcodictadura de Nicolás Maduro
    Rodulfo Gonzalez
    En este tomo: Zulmith Espinoza, madre de Luis Guillermo, joven de 15 años que murió tras participar en las protestas de 2017, habló en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de Naciones las Unidas. Denunció ante el organismo la impunidad en su caso.El 20 de agosto de 2022 el portal Costa del Sol, con información de Luis De Jesús de El Nacional, reveló que el régimen distribuyó las func...

    25,24 €

  • Una hormiga contra el sistema
    Pablo Cambronero Piqueras
    Aquí tienen información única de las entrañas del Congreso de los Diputados, y lo es porque la relata un diputado llamado Pablo Cambronero (el autor) que se enfrentó en solitario a los modos y formas de actuar de un parlamento muy alejado de lo que un día fue, y de lo que debería ser. El autor desnuda desde dentro a la principal Cámara de las Cortes Generales y a un Gobierno au...

    20,97 €

  • Fixing Australian Politics
    David Lewis / Eddy Jokovich
    Australia’s political landscape stands on the precipice of transformation. The need for comprehensive reform is palpable, driven by evolving societal values, demands for greater transparency, and a push towards inclusivity. Fixing Australian Politics: How to change the system of government outlines a multifaceted strategy to reshape Australian politics across various fronts-ele...

    17,34 €

  • Anti-ideologia
    Lino Porto
    Coletânea de pequenos textos do autor, escritos entre 1996 e 2016 em diários, cadernos e anotações diversas. São textos fragmentados, resenhas, minicrônicas, esboços de ensaios sobre política, ideologia, sociedade brasileira e outros tópicos relacionados que o (nos) atormentaram naquele período. Muitas das análises e elucubrações aqui apresentadas acabaram tornando-se realidade...

    11,02 €

  • Beyond Borders

    41,96 €

  • Human Rights Violations and Peaceful Protests in the Republic of Guinea
    Friki Camara
    Peaceful protest and human rights violations in Guinea are serious issues that have been a cause for concern. Peaceful protests are an essential part of a democratic society, allowing citizens to express their views and grievances without fear of reprisal. However, when these protests are met with violence or suppression by authorities, it can lead to human rights violations. I...

    14,50 €

  • Never to Surrender!
    Frank De Palma / Mary Buser
    ' at last, Frank De Palma provides a thrilling account of the entire ordeal, including lessons from 'Inside' that offer invaluable wisdom about our human condition.'Terry A. Kupers, M.D., M.S.P., author of Prison Madness and Solitary: The Inside Story of Supermax Isolation'...a remarkable story of suffering, but also of resilience... powerful evidence that long-term isol...

    14,56 €

  • Human Justice
    Human and the Lights
    Human Justice tells the compelling true story of a human rights lawyer’s last trial in a 15-year career spent helping people living on the margins enforce civil rights and anti-discrimination laws. Corporate values, which are only about money and nothing else, played out to their logical extreme in the case, signaling that corporatism is incompatible with a sustainable future f...

    9,43 €

  • The True Woman - A series of Discourses, to which is added Woman vs Ballot
    Justin D. Fulton
    'This book grew. Its history is very brief. The lecture entitled 'Woman versus Ballot,' while well received by the majority, has met with a strong opposition from those who do not believe in the position assigned to Woman in the Word of God. This turned the attention of the author to the scriptural argument more and more, and resulted in producing the impression that the effort...

    13,43 €

  • America Beware
    The Water Spiders
    Freedom House, which operates out of Washington DC, is committed to the highest standards of both freedom and democracy in America. They believe 'that freedom flourishes in democratic nations where governments are accountable to their people'.But they have recently (2022) felt obliged to say that all over the world 'democracy is under attack by populist leaders and groups.'And ...

    15,67 €

  • Agency and Ownership in Reconciliation
    Caitlin Mollica
    Drawing on the cases of South Africa, East Timor, Sierra Leone, and the Solomon Islands, examines how Truth and Reconciliation Commissions (TRCs) have engaged with youth in ways that represent their stories and reflect their substantive participatory capacity as political stakeholders. ...

    126,81 €

    'Behind the Wheel' offers a gripping account of a young man’s real-life triumphs and tribulations amidst the backdrop of Detroit’s transformation. From its heyday as the automotive manufacturing capital to its struggles and metamorphosis in the 1960s and 70s, Detroit’s story is one of resilience and resilience against adversity.As the city grappled with economic decline and soc...

    16,61 €

  • Vernacular Rights Cultures
    Sumi Madhok

    42,01 €

  • Analyzing Global Responses to Contemporary Regional Conflicts
    Piotr Pietrzak
    In a world characterized by persistent local and regional conflicts, policymakers and professionals in current affairs and security studies are increasingly challenged. From the ongoing war in Yemen to the complex civil war in Syria and the recent third Nagorno Karabakh Conflict, the global landscape is shaped by violent disruptions that demand a nuanced understanding. Geopolit...

    321,50 €

  • Analyzing Global Responses to Contemporary Regional Conflicts
    Piotr Pietrzak
    In a world characterized by persistent local and regional conflicts, policymakers and professionals in current affairs and security studies are increasingly challenged. From the ongoing war in Yemen to the complex civil war in Syria and the recent third Nagorno Karabakh Conflict, the global landscape is shaped by violent disruptions that demand a nuanced understanding. Geopolit...

    242,58 €

  • Indian Democracy’s Paradoxes
    Prahalad Rao
    We are dealing with a new political form of society whose specificity comes from the articulation between two different traditions. On one side we have the liberal tradition constituted by the rule of law, the defence of human rights and the respect of individual liberty; on the other the democratic tradition whose main ideas are those of equa identity between governing and gov...

    29,82 €

  • El Monólogo del Universo de la Corrupción
    S.T. Mclaughlin
    'El monólogo del universo de la corrupción' es un relato cautivador que sumerge al lector en un mundo donde la corrupción se extiende como una sombra omnipresente. A través de una prosa vívida y penetrante, el autor teje una narrativa que desentraña los entresijos de la moralidad y el poder. Desde las altas esferas del gobierno hasta los rincones más oscuros de la sociedad, cad...

    21,25 €

  • Sikhs
    Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay
    About the BookA SEARING ACCOUNT OF 1984, PACKED WITH STORIES AND MEMORIES.’I want sukh, peace,’ said Shanti. She had watched her three sons, one of them an infant, and husband torched alive by marauding mobs. The sixty-five-year-old Sikh woman from a west Delhi slum said that the police had inserted a stick inside her.The distraught man spoke a single sentence but repeated it t...

    12,66 €

  • On Neoliberal Globalization
    Jose Maria Sison / Julie De Lima
    On Neoliberal Globalization consists of Jose Maria Sison’s writings (articles, speeches, statements, messages and interviews) on the subject from 1972 (before the formal adoption of the neoliberal policy regime) to 2021. They reveal how the policy of neoliberal globalization rationalize the unmitigated greed of the monopoly capitalists. The adoption of neoliberal economy policy...

    31,39 €