Catálogo de libros: Estructura y procesos políticos

5978 Catálogo de libros: Estructura y procesos políticos

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Política y gobierno Eliminar filtro Estructura y procesos políticos Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (Second Edition Text)
    Joseph Alois Schumpeter
    Schumpeter’s Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy is perhaps the most important and influential book on the subject ever writtenThis volume is the result of an effort to weld into a readable form the bulk of almost forty years’ thought, observation and research on the subject of socialism. The problem of democracy forced its way into the place it now occupies in this volume bec...

    36,14 €

  • Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann
    Walter Lippmann
    Public Opinion exposes how media can shape public perception and how that perception changes society. Walter Lippmann is a two-time Pulitzer Prize-winner and visionary. ...

    36,95 €

  • Governing Under Constraint
    In 2015, Matteo Renzi's government continued to elicit contrasting reactions while dealing with both internal and external constraints. Some say it passed crucial reforms for economic development in fields such as the labor market, the banking system, education, and public administration, in addition to passing a new electoral law. However, others criticize the substance an...

    175,10 €

  • Digital Activism in Asia Reader
    The digital turn might as well be marked as an Asian turn. From flash-mobs in Taiwan to feminist mobilisations in India, from hybrid media strategies of Syrian activists to cultural protests in Thailand, we see the emergence of political acts that transform the citizen from being a beneficiary of change to becoming an agent of change. In co-shaping these changes, what the digit...

    22,19 €

  • Pursuit of Unity
    Michael Perman
    In Pursuit of Unity, Michael Perman presents a comprehensive analysis of the South’s political history. In the 1800s, the region endured almost continuous political crisis--nullification, secession, Reconstruction, the Populist revolt, and disfranchisement. For most of the twentieth century, the region was dominated by a one-party system, the 'Solid South,' that ensured both po...

    47,39 €

  • In Search of the Next P.O.T.U.S.
    Judy M Frankel
    The U.S. Government is Broken! In Search of the Next POTUS (President of the United States) tackles the seemingly impossible task of making Congress work! In this true adventure, political activist Judy Frankel shows how to combat corruption in Congress while choosing a qualified leader for the White House. Her humorous and heartbreaking crusade to overhaul Washington from th...

    14,10 €

  • Love, Not Guns
    Jay Breitlow D.C
    Discussion surrounding America’s violence problem often centers on the gun debate, an issue with no acceptable solution for half the population. Author Jay Breitlow, D.C., who lost his father in a school shooting, makes the case that addressing issues completely separate from the gun debate may provide more sustainable answers.Dr. Breitlow takes a comprehensive look at the bene...

    12,82 €

  • Holistic Public Agency in Complex Environments
    Mirko Pečarič
    Public administration faces a critical challenge: the need for transformative adaptiveness in public agencies. Despite diverse organizational structures and functions, agencies worldwide need help navigating complexity, dynamics, and agility. Traditional approaches often need to be revised, and they cannot address the interconnected challenges of modern governance. This book, H...

    347,42 €

  • Holistic Public Agency in Complex Environments
    Mirko Pečarič
    Public administration faces a critical challenge: the need for transformative adaptiveness in public agencies. Despite diverse organizational structures and functions, agencies worldwide need help navigating complexity, dynamics, and agility. Traditional approaches often need to be revised, and they cannot address the interconnected challenges of modern governance. This book, H...

    261,98 €

  • Check 'American' and the 2020 Census
    Peter A. Thalheim / Peter AThalheim
    What color is an American? There is no color but we are a people, whether we were born here or immigrated here! It is an individual’s choice what he or she is? 'American' should be the first category on any federal/state/local form that asks your race, creed, color or ethnicity? The adoption of the Check 'American' legislation set forth in this book will be the first day ...

    9,61 €

  • Constituição Do Brasil
    Álvaro Sérgio Amorim De Souza
    ? Você quer que o voto seja facultativo, escrito com caneta em cédula de papel, a qual seja depositada em urna física lacrada, e que haja contagem pública dos votos, com a livre fiscalização pelo Povo Brasileiro, inclusive com a possibilidade de haver recontagem ?? Quer ter plena liberdade de expressão, inclusive nas redes sociais de comunicação digital, sem nenhuma censura ?? ...

    17,67 €

  • Imperfect Democracies
    Jan Kermer / Yves Mény
    This book re-examines what democracy is, in the context of democratic disenchantment and surge of support for populist parties, in most, if not all, democratic systems. It argues that these popular protests and claims are not by themselves anti-democratic but they are manifestations of a fundamental misunderstanding about what democracy is and can be. The starting point is to u...

    107,72 €

  • The Masks of the Political God
    Luca Ozzano
    The book analyses the influence of religion on political parties and party politics in contemporary democracies. To do so, it compares five cases of democracies belonging to different geographic-cultural areas, and marked by different religious majorities: India, Israel, Italy, Turkey, and the US. The time span of the analysis is the period between 1980 (year which can be conve...

    107,34 €

  • Multilingual Democracy
    Nenad Stojanović
    Most experts on divided societies and institutional design broadly agree that it is more difficult to establish and maintain a stable, functioning democracy in a country with multiple languages and linguistically fragmented public spheres than in more homogeneous countries. Multilingual countries such as Canada and Belgium have been experiencing considerable difficulties in pas...

    107,46 €

  • Post-World War One Plebiscites and Their Legacies
    Sergiusz Bober
    Plebiscites, or referendums, are epitomes of direct democracy and the right of self-determination. While direct democracy has always been a key subject in the theory and practice of western liberal democracies, the issue of self-determination has been propelled to the fore by the hegemonistic moves of Russia. By providing a historical analysis of the post-World War One plebisci...

    121,46 €

  • J.D. Ponce sobre Thomas Hobbes
    J.D. Ponce
    Este emocionante ensaio centra-se na explicação e análise de Leviatã, de Thomas Hobbes, uma das obras mais influentes da história e cuja compreensão, pela sua complexidade e profundidade, escapa à compreensão na primeira leitura. Quer você já tenha lido Leviatã ou não, este ensaio permitirá que você mergulhe em cada um de seus significados, abrindo uma janela para o pensamento ...

    19,85 €

  • Reinventing Democracy
    David Kauders
     90% of electors want political reform. But how to escape the mess? Britain should adopt a federal structure with a written constitution and an elected apolitical People’s Council replacing autocratic and ineffective bodies.Growing concern about the relative economic deterioration of the United Kingdom led to realisation that the system of political governance is probably an un...

    22,99 €

  • Domine As Eleições
    Harald Dinelly
    Domine as Eleições: Seu guia completo para uma campanha vitoriosaé um guia indispensável para candidatos e profissionais envolvidos em campanhas eleitorais, especialmente aqueles que estão embarcando nesse desafio pela primeira vez. Escrito por Harald Dinelly, um veterano em gestão pública e campanhas políticas, este livro oferece uma abordagem abrangente e prática para planeja...

    21,79 €

  • Direito E Bíblia
    Daniel Costa Rodrigues
    Direito e Religião, genealogicamente, têm a função de interdição. Logo, na medida em que se utilizam da linguagem como referencial simbólico, são instrumentos de dominação e de opressão. Paralelo a isso, é esse veículo de comunicação, outrossim, que reduz a criminalidade e o ato ilícito, instituindo uma moral social. A relação teopolítica está montada na confiança, ou seja, na ...

    73,86 €

  • The Official Record
    The construction, control and preservation of the Official Record is inherently contested. This volume interrogates the boundaries between national security, accountability, oversight, and the Official Record in the context of democratic states. ...

    157,72 €

  • J.D. Ponce sur Thomas Hobbes
    J.D. Ponce
    Cet essai passionnant se concentre sur l’explication et l’analyse de Léviathan, de Thomas Hobbes, l’une des œuvres les plus influentes de l’histoire et dont la compréhension, en raison de sa complexité et de sa profondeur, échappe à la compréhension à la première lecture. Que vous ayez déjà lu Léviathan ou non, cet essai vous permettra de vous immerger dans chacune de ses signi...

    18,44 €

  • Comeback
    M. Steven Fish
    The fate of American democracy now hinges on the Democrats’ ability to defeat the Republicans for the foreseeable future. But for the Democrats to win consistently, they must reestablish their credentials as fearless leaders, tough fighters, and fierce patriots.Comeback delivers a bold new take on democracy’s crisis. Many liberals think that escalating economic anxieties and cu...

    17,97 €

  • A Luz De Santa Rita
    João Alberto Brentan
    Santa Rita do Sapucaí se destaca como uma cidade singular, renomada por suas empresas de tecnologia e empreendimentos bem-sucedidos. Este livro busca desvendar a história da essência inovadora da cidade, explorando por que seus eventos de sucesso não são replicáveis em outras localidades. Utilizando como pano de fundo a construção da primeira usina hidrelétrica de maior porte n...

    25,28 €

  • A View from the Horizon
    Peter Duncan
    In A View from the Horizon one of South Australia’s most influential  political reformers  tells his life story with frank disclosure. Five years after he graduated as a lawyer, aged 28, Peter Duncan entered the South Australian Parliament as the member for Elizabeth. In just his first year in parliament, the young reformer introduced a Private Members’ Bill, which later prompt...

    45,74 €

  • Federalismo E Estado Federal
    Leonam Liziero
    A função deste livro é servir como um material de consulta para pesquisas sobre federalismo e Estado federal. Ele também tem o propósito de facilitar a compreensão sistemática do conhecimento federativo, desde sua formulação teórica até sua aplicação na dogmática constitucional. Pretende-se com esta obra, então,fornecer elementos para pesquisas que ampliem a complexidade dos te...

    58,02 €

  • Desconexão Do Mundo Contemporâneo
    Sandro Alex Batsta
    Este livro é uma compilação de uma coletânea de textos escritos em meu blog no período de 2005 a 2021. Nestes textos são abordados diferentes assuntos que incluem crônicas, poesias, narrativas filosóficas, política, economia, tecnologia outros. Cada texto traz em si uma particularidade autoral para fazer com que o leitor possa refletir e se deleitar com os textos. Abordo temas ...

    20,56 €

  • J.D. Ponce zu Thomas Hobbes
    J.D. Ponce
    Dieser spannende Aufsatz konzentriert sich auf die Erklärung und Analyse von Thomas Hobbes’ 'Leviathan', einem der einflussreichsten Werke der Geschichte, dessen Verständnis sich aufgrund seiner Komplexität und Tiefe beim ersten Lesen dem Verständnis entzieht.Unabhängig davon, ob Sie 'Leviathan' bereits gelesen haben oder nicht, dieser Aufsatz wird es Ihnen ermöglichen, in jede...

    19,49 €

  • A Parade of Grief
    Robert Fraga
    Fraga '... traces America’s history ... from the days of Bleeding Kansas to the long tradition of political assassination; exploring the ways that American gun culture has become more radical over time. Related issues of racism; police violence; mental health; and suicide are discussed; as are the numerous ways that efforts to legislate gun control have been stymied at all leve...

    29,12 €

  • Modelo De Plano De Trabalho Para Gestores Públicos
    Joaquim B. De Souza
    Políticas públicas são planos de ação e estratégias elaboradas pelo governo, seja de ordem municipal, estadual ou federal, para lidar com questões sociais, econômicas, ambientais e outras áreas de interesse público. Elas são implementadas para alcançar objetivos específicos, como melhorar a qualidade de vida da população, promover o desenvolvimento econômico, garantir direitos ...

    11,96 €

  • Democracy and Social Ethics
    Jane Addams
    'Democracy and Social Ethics' by Jane Addams is a pioneering work in the field of social ethics and political philosophy. Published in 1902, it reflects Addams’ profound insights into the social and political issues of her time and her commitment to promoting social justice and democracy.The book is a collection of essays that critically examines various aspects of American soc...

    12,04 €