Catálogo de libros: Política y gobierno

55082 Catálogo de libros: Política y gobierno

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  • The Glorious History of the United States
    Jagath Jayaprakash
    A detailed and engrossing examination of the defining milestones in American history. From the earliest explorers to set foot on the continent, to the creation of the United States, to the difficulties and successes of the Civil War, and beyond, this book takes readers on a journey through the nation’s challenges and achievements.In addition, this book explores the lives and le...

    41,80 €

  • The Buddha and His Dhamma
    Bhimrao Ambedkar
    Dr. Ambedkar’s 'Buddha and his Dhamma' is considered an important work in the field of Buddhist studies and has been widely read and studied by Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. The book emphasizes the practical nature of Buddha’s teachings and how they can be applied to everyday life. ...

    58,51 €

  • Война - Это Рэкет (War Is A Racket)
    Смедли Батлер (Smed Butler)
    Это русскоязычное издание книги 'Война - Это Рэкет', написанной генерал-майором морской пехоты США Смедли Батлером. За 34 года службы в морской пехоте США генерал Батлер участвовал во многих военных операциях по всему миру. Когда он вышел в отставку, то был самым орденоносным морским пехотинцем в истории США.Генерал Батлер понял, что десятилетия его службы в морской пехоте не б...

    7,09 €

  • Corrupción
    Carlos Antonio Carrasco
    El diplomático, político, escritor y periodista Carlos Carrasco pone de manifiesto todas aptitudes en su interesante recopilación de artículos bajo el título 'Corrupción: sumisión o rebelión'. El título pone ya el dedo en la llaga más lacerante de la Sociedad en que vivimos: la corrupción y sus nefastas consecuencias para un sistema que ha fracasado. ...

    24,04 €

  • 当代中国评论 (2023夏季刊)总第13期
    本期杂志推出的特稿《中华民族向何处去?》是作家光目最近在博登书屋出版的小说《重生之门》的后记,这本小说上架不到一个月被亚马逊网站评为当月最畅销书。这是一本政治小说,也是一本预言小说,博登书屋正在积极翻译英文版尽快出版。本期学者专辑推出著名自由主义学者理论家胡平的三篇近作。胡平先生几十年如一日,笔耕不缀,著书立说,至今依然是当代中国学人自由主义的一面旗帜。本期思想与理论研究选登了许章润教授和郝建教授的文章。这样有思想深度和真知灼见的文章不可能在国内媒体或学术杂志上刊登,《当代中国评论》杂志义不容辞将继续肩负这个责任,为保留我们这个时代的民族精英的思想结晶和学术成果不被这个极权政权所打压而泯灭。此外本期特别选登了在华语世界目前风声鹊起的 MeeToo 运动的一些文章和报道。特别推荐本期关于海峡两岸推出的主编特邀的两篇重要文章:《台海:习一个人的战争》和《...

    43,77 €

  • Come cambia il Progetto di Provvedimento e il Procedimento Amministrativo con la Legge 241 del 1990
    Rocco Mela
    Esplora la previsione degli Effetti nel Procedimento Amministrativo e nella Legge 241 del 1990Entra nell’universo intricato del procedimento amministrativo e della legge 241 del 1990 con una guida studiata appositamente per i giuristi in cerca di chiarezza e competenza. Questo manuale è il tuo compagno indispensabile per navigare nei complessi meandri del diritto amministrativo...

    18,65 €

  • Contemporary China Review 2023 Spring Issue
    Bouden House
    Bouden House has translated, edited, and published the Translation Series ofContemporary Chinese Scholars aiming to launch a series of independent scholars incontemporary China. These scholars and their research represent the unremitting efforts of our nation’s elites in contemporary China to think about the reality and future development of contemporary China, as well as the u...

    43,85 €

  • العرب وثقافة حقوق الإنسان في عالم متغير
    د. عبد الله تركماني
    في الوقت الذي تبلورت فيه منظومة حقوق الإنسان، فإنّ الواقع الملموس يكشف عن هوة واسعة بين هذا التبلور النظري، وبين الصعوبات والعراقيل المناهضة لهذه الحقوق. فقد كانت المجموعة الدولية شاهدة خلال السنوات الأخيرة على حقيقة أنّ حماية كرامة الإنسان وحرمته الجسدية والمعنوية مرتهنة إلى حد بعيد بأولويات السياسة الدولية. ولعلَّ الكارثة السورية التي لم يشهد العالم مثيلاً لها منذ الحرب العال...

    21,56 €

  • الفضحية المستورة يا شعب لبنان
    هشام العاملي
    لا شيء أفضل من كلمة صدق،.. حتى ولو بدت قاسية. كما لا شيء أفضل من الحقيقة حتى ولو بدت مُرة. والجرح لا يشفى إلا ببعض حرقة وألم. المرارة العنيفة التي كتب بها هشام عاملي هذا الكتاب، هي بعض من ذلك الشفاء المطلوب من الرزايا التي ظلت تلاحق لبنان، حتى أتت على دماره. أنصافُ الحلول والتسويات المخادعة صارت هي العنوان الوحيد لخلاصٍ مؤقتٍ من أزمةٍ قبل الوقوع بأخرى أشد هولا منها. وفي عالم من...

    21,56 €

  • Cartoons Davenport
    Comic Books Restore / Davenport
    Discover the Cartoon’s Davenport, edited and new Layout by Comic Books Restore!From original 1898. - Black and white edition- 58 pages- Format: 8’x 10’The drawings come from William Randolph Hearst’s New York Journal and cover the period leading up to the 1896 elections. By 1896, most Democratic newspapers - including Pulitzer’s mighty New York World - had dropped their suppor...

    22,13 €

  • Españoles al Sur del Paralelo 17º NE
    Editorial Alvi Books
    Breve historiografía de la presencia de España en Cochinchina desde la arribada de Miguel López de Legazpi. Continuando con la presencia de nuestros soldados en la guerra del año 1946 y finalmente la primera misión humanitaria del ejército español allende nuestras fronteras.Para finalizar con un recordatorio a cómo de alguna forma en el siglo XXI, continuamos presentes en la vi...

    43,30 €

  • Living for His Glory Longing for His Presence
    Glenn V. Tomlinson
    A biography of Canada’s second prime minister, focusing on his spirituality. ...

    14,59 €

  • An Historical Sketch of the Brahmo Somaj
    Sophia Dobson Collet
    An Historical Sketch of the Brahmo Somaj by Sophia Dobson Collet first published in 1873.The following Sketch was written at the desire of Dr. Max Krenkel of Dresden, as an Introduction to a German translation which he is about to publish of the ' Lectures and Tracts' of Babu Keshub Chunder Sen. Its publication in India at the present time having been thought desirable by frien...

    16,95 €

  • Indian Caste System - A Study
    C. Hayavadana Rao
    Indian Caste System: A Study by C. Hayavadana RaoIn issuing this little book on a subject of great complexity but of considerable practical value, I have been guided mainly by two considerations: first, that what has been said on it by observers and writers of some authority should be more widely known among those who are desirous of seriously studying it; and secondly, that th...

    26,14 €

  • Is India Civilized?
    Sir John George Woodroffe
    Is India Civilized? Essays on Indian Culture by Sir John George WoodroffeTHE question which forms the title of this book is of course absurd. Even the most antipathetic or ignorant would admit that India has a civilization (as he would say) 'of sorts.' There is an acute difference as to the value of it. The question however is not mine but is raised by Mr. Wm. Archer, a literar...

    57,05 €

  • La psicologia dell’inganno
    Richard J. Kaspar
    Attraverso esempi concreti e analisi approfondite, 'La Psicologia dell’Inganno' non solo insegna a riconoscere i segnali della menzogna, ma anche a comprendere le sue radici psicologiche e culturali.Offre strumenti pratici per affrontare la disonestà nelle relazioni personali, nel mondo degli affari e nella sfera politica. ...

    65,45 €

  • Awakening Amidst the Chaos
    William Vincent
    In 'Awakening Amidst the Chaos: Unveiling the Economic Deception,' readers are taken on a compelling journey through the intricate web of economic and political maneuvers shaping today’s global landscape. The book delves deep into the actions and plans of the deep state, corrupt politicians, the private Western central bank, and the World Economic Forum, unraveling their concer...

    17,33 €

  • Intersectionality in Criminology
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Title: Intersectionality in CriminologyBook Description:In a world that is increasingly recognizing the complexities of human identity and social justice, 'Intersectionality in Criminology' emerges as a groundbreaking exploration of the multifaceted relationships between social identities, crime, and the criminal justice system.This thought-provoking book takes you on a journey...

    60,76 €

  • The History of Сaste in India
    Shridhar Venkatesh Ketkar
    I have said regarding the scope of the book in the introductory chapter and here I make only such remarks, which I could not include in the book itself.The second and seventh chapters of this book were reported to the general seminary of the Department of History and Political Science at Cornell University during the year 1907-8. I am indebted to the professors and students for...

    24,56 €

  • Peace in India
    S M. Mitra
    This little book is published with a view to help men and women of education in this country not only to understand the real causes of the present peril in India, but to consider some remedies hither to unthought of even by the most sympathetic British rulers of India. ...

    13,88 €

  • Mohomed Ali Jinnah, an Ambassador of Unity
    Sarojini Naidu
    MOHOMED ALI JINNAH: AN AMBASSADOR OF UNITY by Sarojini Naidu first published in 1919.The brief biographical study entitled 'An Ambassador of Unity' which prefaces this volume of the Hon’ble Mr. Mohamed Ali Jinnah’s speeches was originally intended for the 'Indian Nation Builders' series, and claims to be no more than a hasty and imperfect sketch of a remarkable personality, mea...

    27,77 €

  • The Wants and Means of India
    Dadabhai Naoroji
    The Wants and Means of India by Dadabhai Naoroji first published in 1876.After the able paper of Mr. Prichard, and the calm, earnest, and thoughtful address with which we have been so kindly favoured by Sir Bartle Frere, I intended to plead some justification for troubling you to meet a fourth time upon the subject of finance. I think, however, that now I need not offer any apo...

    13,95 €

  • A Criticism of Montagu-Chelmsford proposals of Indian Constitutional Reform
    Madan Mohan Malaviya
    A Criticism of Montagu-Chelmsford proposals of Indian Constitutional Reform by Madan Mohan Malaviya first published in 1918.A few days after the publication of the Montagu-Chelmsford proposals for constitutional re¬form, when some people of extreme views were urging their total rejection, the following from the Hon’ble Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya was published in the Leader : '...

    17,59 €

  • Artificial Intelligence in Political Campaigns
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Book Title: AI in Political CampaignsBook Description:In the era of digital politics, the fusion of technology and democracy has never been more profound. 'AI in Political Campaigns' takes you on an enlightening journey through the complex and transformative intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the world of political campaigns.From voter profiling to predictive anal...

    46,96 €

  • The Use of AI Technology in US 2024 General Election
    Emmanuel Joseph
    Description:Delve into the unprecedented intersection of artificial intelligence and democracy in ’Digital Democracy.’ This groundbreaking book unravels the intricate web of AI technologies woven into the fabric of the 2024 US general election, offering a comprehensive exploration of their multifaceted impact on the democratic process.From the strategic deployment of AI in poli...

    50,52 €

  • Trump and Biden Policies that will Play Significant Role in Voter Choice in the 2024 Election
    Emmanuel Joseph
    **Book Description:**'Divergence and Decision: Trump vs. Biden Policies in the Crucible of 2024' offers an in-depth exploration of the contrasting policy landscapes forged by the Trump and Biden administrations. As the 2024 election looms, this comprehensive analysis dissects key policy areas, providing readers with a nuanced understanding of the choices, consequences, and lega...

    54,66 €

  • All Things Considered
    G K Chesterton
    All Things Considered is an extensive collection of essays by the great English author and humorist G K Chesterton. This collection contains the following titles: The case for the ephemeral -- Cockneys and their jokes -- The fallacy of success -- On running after one’s hat -- The vote and the house -- Conceit and caricature -- Patriotism and sport -- An essay on two cities -- F...

    14,48 €

  • Areopagitica
    John Milton
    Areopagitica; A speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicenc’d Printing, to the Parlament of England is a 1644 prose polemic by the English poet, scholar, and polemical author John Milton opposing licensing and censorship. Areopagitica is among history’s most influential and impassioned philosophical defences of the principle of a right to freedom of speech and express...

    11,25 €

  • An Inquiry into the Nature of Peace
    Thorstein Veblen
    An Inquiry into the Nature of Peace and the Terms of Its Perpetuation is a political science classic book that examines the peace that was established following the conclusion of the first world war. This great book contains this passage: 'It is now some 122 years since Kant wrote the essay, Zum ewigen Frieden. Many things have happened since then, although the Peace to which h...

    18,54 €

    Christopher Lee Philips
    CAPITAL CITY ANTHOLOGYWashington, D.C., the 'District of Columbia,' has served as the permanent capital of the United States of America since 1800. From its post-revolutionary era founding through the American Civil War, the fledgling capital city slowly but persistently evolved from an ambitious plan conceived on paper into a rapidly expanding national metropolis. During this ...

    20,76 €