Catálogo de libros: Política y gobierno

55082 Catálogo de libros: Política y gobierno

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  • A contribuição da BRI no Egipto para a realização do 9º ODS da ONU
    Mohammed Ghorab
    A Agenda 2030 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável e a Iniciativa 'Uma Faixa, Uma Rota' da China estão interligadas nos seus objectivos e visão. A ICR visa reforçar a cooperação económica mundial através de áreas de colaboração designadas como Listas prioritárias: Integração financeira, comércio desimpedido, conetividade de instalações, coordenação de políticas e laços interpesso...

    90,91 €

  • Il contributo della BRI in Egitto al raggiungimento del 9° SDG delle Nazioni Unite
    Mohammed Ghorab
    L’Agenda 2030 per lo sviluppo sostenibile e la Belt and Road Initiative cinese sono interconnesse nei loro obiettivi e nella loro visione. La BRI mira a rafforzare la cooperazione economica globale attraverso le aree prioritarie di collaborazione elencate: Integrazione finanziaria, commercio senza ostacoli, connettività delle strutture, coordinamento delle politiche e legami tr...

    90,92 €

  • Вклад БРИ в Египте в достижение 9-й ЦУР ООН
    Мохаммед Гхораб
    Повестка дня в области устойчивого развития на период до 2030 года и китайская инициатива 'Пояс и путь' взаимосвязаны по своим целям и видению. БРИ направлена на укрепление глобального экономического сотрудничества через обозначенные приоритетные области взаимодействия по спискам: Финансовая интеграция, Беспрепятственная торговля, Соединяемость объектов, Координация политики и ...

    90,86 €

  • A mortalidade dos novos partidos políticos na África Austral
    Paixão António José
    Este livro aborda o problema da mortalidade de novos partidos políticos na região da África Austral entre 1987 e 2022. O processo de democratização na região ocorreu na década de 1990, quando houve uma transição do regime do Socialismo Africano para a Democracia, de um partido único para um sistema multipartidário. No entanto, esta transição foi caracterizada por uma série de a...

    89,38 €

  • La mortalità dei nuovi partiti politici in Africa meridionale
    Paixão António José
    Questo libro affronta il problema della mortalità dei nuovi partiti politici nella regione dell’Africa meridionale dal 1987 al 2022. Il processo di democratizzazione della regione ha avuto luogo negli anni ’90, quando si è passati dal socialismo africano alla democrazia, dal sistema monopartitico a quello multipartitico. Tuttavia, questa transizione è stata caratterizzata da un...

    89,40 €

  • Смертность новых политических партий на юге Африки
    Паихãо Антóнио Ёсé
    В этой книге рассматривается проблема смертности новых политических партий в регионе Южной Африки с 1987 по 2022 год. Процесс демократизации в регионе пришелся на 1990-е годы, когда произошел переход от режима африканского социализма к демократии, от однопартийной к многопартийной системе. Однако этот переход характеризовался рядом событий, таких как появление новых партий и ко...

    89,29 €

  • الدور السعودي في مواجهة النفوذين الإيراني والتركي في المنطقة
    د. عبد الحفيظ عب محبوب / دعبد الحفيظ عب محبوب
    تتعرض المنطقة العربية اليوم إلى تفتيت وتجزئة الإسلام كدين أممي إلى طوائف ومذاهب تحت تأثير عنصري إقليمي بقيادة ملالي إيران المتستر بإرهاب ديني في اليمن ومتدخلا بالمذهب في العراق ومليشاويا مخترقا الغالبية السنية خصوصا العربية في سوريا ولبنان، استفادت دولة الملالي من إقصاء أوباما السعودية عمدا عن مفاوضات الاتفاق النووي، لكن التمرد السعودي على أمريكا جعل ترمب يعيد مراجعة الاستراتيج...

    17,91 €

  • Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations (Esprios Classics)
    Rev. A. H. Sayce / RevAHSayce
    The Rev. Archibald Henry Sayce (1845-1933), was a pioneer British Assyriologist and linguist, who held a chair as Professor of Assyriology at the University of Oxford from 1891 to 1919. He was able to write in at least twenty ancient and modern languages, and was known for his emphasis on the importance of archaeological and monumental evidence in linguistic research. He was a ...

    23,67 €

  • Patriarchal Palestine (Esprios Classics)
    Rev. A. H. Sayce / RevAHSayce
    The Rev. Archibald Henry Sayce (1845-1933), was a pioneer British Assyriologist and linguist, who held a chair as Professor of Assyriology at the University of Oxford from 1891 to 1919. He was able to write in at least twenty ancient and modern languages, and was known for his emphasis on the importance of archaeological and monumental evidence in linguistic research. He was a ...

    22,18 €

  • 新盛世危言 --荣剑时政评论录(2012-2020)
    荣剑 著

    33,18 €

  • Resistencia y Lucha contra el Posmodernismo
    Roberto Vaquero
    Resistencia y lucha contra el posmodernismo pretende dar una visión crítica desde la izquierda obrera de la situación actual de la sociedad y del papel que tiene la izquierda del sistema, progre y acomplejada, ante los problemas que afectan al mundo y en especial a nuestro país. La corrección política los ha llevado a que no puedan posicionarse en nada relevante salvo siguiendo...

    22,31 €

  • أنماط من بناء الدولة القومية في التاريخ الحديث
    د. عبدالله تركماني / دعبدالله تركماني
    لقد قامت الدول القومية الأوروبية إثر انهيار الإمبراطوريات، في التاريخ الحديث، على فكرة الاستقلال في جميع الميادين الجغرافية والاقتصادية والسياسية والثقافية. حيث تجسّد الاستقلال الجغرافي في حدود واضحة بين الدول الأوروبية، وتجسد الاستقلال الاقتصادي بالتنافس بين هذه الدول على تحقيق التقدم داخل حدودها، والهيمنة على الطرق التجارية والمواقع الاستراتيجية ومصادر الثروة والمواد الأولية ...

    17,66 €

  • The French Revolution, Volume I (Esprios Classics)
    Hippolyte A. Taine / Hippolyte ATaine
    Hippolyte Adolphe Taine (1828 -1893) was a French critic and historian. He was the chief theoretical influence of French naturalism, a major proponent of sociological positivism and one of the first practitioners of historicist criticism. Literary historicism as a critical movement has been said to originate with him. Taine is also remembered for his attempts to provide a scien...

    29,69 €

  • The European Anarchy (Esprios Classics)
    G. Lowes Dickinson / GLowes Dickinson
    Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson (1862-1932), known as Goldie, was a British political scientist and philosopher. He lived most of his life at Cambridge, where he wrote a dissertation on Neoplatonism before becoming a fellow. He was closely associated with the Bloomsbury Group. Dickinson was deeply distressed by Britain’s involvement in the First World War. Within a fortnight of the...

    19,45 €

  • صراع الهويات القومية
    صلاح المختار
    يريد هذا الكتاب ازالة الاوهام بنقد النظريات التي تسرب لنا وتعتمد من قبل البعض في تفسير واقعنا رغم خطأها الجوهري، ووضع القارئ العربي امام واقعه الحقيقي بمحركاته وعقده ومن يقف وراء ما يجري واهدافه. ولكن ما هو اهم هو النجاح في تشخيص الخيط الفولاذي الرابط بين تحركات الاطراف الاقليمية والدولية وما يغطيه من عمليات تضليل تجعلنا عاجزين عن الفهم الصحيح لما يجري في وطننا العربي الكبير، و...

    15,36 €

  • The Modern Regime, Volume II (Esprios Classics)
    Hippolyte A. Taine / Hippolyte ATaine
    Hippolyte Adolphe Taine (1828 -1893) was a French critic and historian. He was the chief theoretical influence of French naturalism, a major proponent of sociological positivism and one of the first practitioners of historicist criticism. Literary historicism as a critical movement has been said to originate with him. Taine is also remembered for his attempts to provide a scien...

    25,97 €

  • American Men of Action (Esprios Classics)
    Burton E. Stevenson / Burton EStevenson
    Burton Egbert Stevenson (1872-1962) was an American author, anthologist, and librarian. He was born in Chillicothe, Ohio, and attended Princeton University 1890-1893. While at Princeton, Stevenson was a correspondent for United Press and for the New York Tribune. He was city editor for the Chillicothe Daily News (1894-1898), and worked for the Daily Advertiser (1898-1899). Stev...

    25,21 €

  • As We Go (Esprios Classics)
    Charles Dudley Warner
    Charles Dudley Warner (1829 - 1900) was an American essayist, novelist, and friend of Mark Twain, with whom he co-authored the novel The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today. Warner traveled widely, lectured frequently, and was actively interested in prison reform, city park supervision, and other movements for the public good. He was the first president of the National Institute of Art...

    18,67 €

  • 制度简史
    崔新生 / 崔新生 (Xinsheng Cui)
    由一只公螳螂与母螳螂的情感生活,所引发的有关生命起源、人类自我组织型式以及非理性经济行为历史的寓言沉浸---有关雌雄螳螂生死欢爱的'补白',仅仅是本书的一个'楔子':雌雄螳螂多么像人与制度之间的关系,人被制度吞食的同时,制度亦在孵化人性。制度,即为'性',欲望即为极权性,生命的极权性以及极权与家长所有制规律、极权与虚拟理论,由此构成非理性经济制度理论解释之肇始。作者崔新生为非理性经济制度理论/量子指数理论/产业投资理论创立者以及与此相关的理论实验模型发明人,广泛应用于人类极权行为博弈和国家集权制度建构的实证性研究。2017年开始实证《量子指数理论》系统应用,并进行'信息量子数链''量子能赋测序'数据量化项目研发;同时,以量子指数为应用工具,研发'崔氏指数Cui Value Index'系列指数产品、并进行信息数据标准应用专业咨询;迄今为止,发表相关著...

    27,79 €

  • The American
    Henry James
    Henry James was an American born author and literary critic of the late 19th and the early 20th centuries. He contributed to the criticism of fiction, particularly in his insistence that writers be allowed the greatest freedom possible in presenting their view of the world. He spent most of his writing career in Britain. He is best known for a number of novels showing Americans...

    28,96 €

  • Covid-19 Pandemic
    Alex Damale
    How many of us, at least once in our life, has not dreamed of stopping time, of pausing it? To take a breather, to better face a critical situation, reflect on the meaning of one’s life or even dedicate oneself a little more to oneself or one’s family. As often happens, however, we hope for things that, when they manifest themselves, do not always represent reality as we imagin...

    11,38 €

  • Un Giorno Di Ordinaria Pandemia
    Alex Damale
    Quanti di noi, almeno una volta nella vita, hanno sognato di fermare il tempo, di metterlo in pausa? Per prendersi un attimo di respiro, per affrontare meglio una situazione critica, riflettere sul senso della propria vita o anche solo dedicarsi un pò di più a se stessi o alla propria famiglia.Come spesso accade, però, speriamo in cose che, quando si manifestano, non rappresent...

    11,30 €

  • Eurocomunismo es Anticomunismo
    Enver Hoxha
    En Eurocomunismo es anticomunismo, en un lenguaje sencillo y directo, accesible a los trabajadores, Enver Hoxha desvela las causas objetivas y subjetivas del surgimiento del revisionismo contemporáneo. Habla con un agudo espíritu crítico sobre cada una de sus variantes, centrándose en particular en el eurocomunismo. ...

    18,25 €

  • On the Commonwealth (Esprios Classics)
    Marcus Tullius Cicero
    Marcus Tullius Cicero (3 January 106 - 7 December 43 BC) was a Roman statesman, lawyer, scholar, philosopher and Academic Skeptic, who tried to uphold optimate principles during the political crises that led to the establishment of the Roman Empire. His extensive writings include treatises on rhetoric, philosophy and politics, and he is considered one of Rome’s greatest orators...

    20,61 €

  • 美中社会异象透视
    洪朝辉 (Zhaohui Hong)
    此书透视美国与中国社会异象,讨论思想四要素'醒、悟、理、道'的辩证关系,旨在厘清思绪、深化思考、激荡思想,是作者观察美中社会的一份'醒思录'。 本书第一部分源自'纽约聊斋'和博士班学生读书会的演讲和点评,主题涉及历史学、经济学、管理学、中美关系等;第二部分选自过往博客和微博的随笔、杂文,既有留美纪事,也有困惑释惑。 此书的特点一是兼顾思想性、通俗性、趣味性;二是评点人事、谈古论今;三是注重观察、比较、反思,雪泥鸿爪,一种自我心路历程的回溯。 ...

    28,07 €

  • Children of the Market Place (Esprios Classics)
    Edgar Lee Masters
    Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950) was an American attorney, poet, biographer, and dramatist. He is the author of Spoon River Anthology, The New Star Chamber and Other Essays, Songs and Satires, The Great Valley, The Serpent in the Wilderness, An Obscure Tale, The Spleen, Mark Twain: A Portrait, Lincoln: The Man, and Illinois Poems. In all, Masters published twelve plays, twenty-one...

    27,47 €

  • Italian Letters; or, The History of the Count de St. Julian (Esprios Classics)
    William Godwin
    William Godwin (1756 -1836) was an English journalist, political philosopher and novelist. He is considered one of the first exponents of utilitarianism and the first modern proponent of anarchism. Godwin is most famous for two books that he published within the space of a year: An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice, an attack on political institutions, and Things as They Are...

    19,90 €

  • Statesman (Esprios Classics)
    Plato (428/427 or 424/423 - 348/347 BC) was an Athenian philosopher during the Classical period in Ancient Greece, founder of the Platonist school of thought and the Academy, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. He is widely considered one of the most important and influential individuals in human history, and the pivotal figure in the history of Ancie...

    20,70 €

  • The Winning of Popular Government (Esprios Classics)
    Archibald MacMechan
    Archibald McKellar MacMechan FRSC (June 21, 1862 - 7 August 1933) was a Canadian academic at Dalhousie University and writer. His works deal mainly with Nova Scotia and its history. The Halifax Disaster (Explosion) was an official history of the Halifax Explosion. Born in Kitchener, Ontario, he is credited with reviving Herman Melville’s reputation in North America. He had writ...

    19,83 €

  • Political Essays (Esprios Classics)
    James Russell Lowell
    James Russell Lowell (February 22, 1819 - August 12, 1891) was an American Romantic poet, critic, editor, and diplomat. He is associated with the Fireside Poets, a group of New England writers who were among the first American poets that rivaled the popularity of British poets. These writers usually used conventional forms and meters in their poetry, making them suitable for fa...

    24,47 €