Catálogo de libros: Psicología de la educación

1937 Catálogo de libros: Psicología de la educación

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Educación pedagogía Eliminar filtro Psicología de la educación Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Die Kleine Stimme
    Joss Sheldon / Martina Moser
    Liebe Leser,  Meine Romanfigur wurde von zwei entgegengesetzten Kräften geformt; dem Druck, den sozialen Normen zu entsprechen und dem Druck, ehrlich zu mir selbst zu sein. Ich will ehrlich zu Ihnen sein. Diese Kräfte haben mich innerlich wirklich zerrissen. Sie haben mich erst in eine und dann in die andere Richtung gezogen. Es gab Zeiten, da haben sie mich dazu gebracht, mein...

    15,79 €

  • Psicología Oscura
    Robert Dawn
    ¿Alguna vez te han manipulado para conseguir lo que deseaban de ti? ¿Te hubiera gustado conseguir un resultado diferente en una reunión o conversación de negociación?Por primera vez, las técnicas secretas más efectivas y poderosas de psicología oscura reunidas en un libro. En el mundo en el que vivimos hay buenas y malas intenciones, gente que coopera contigo y otra muy diferen...

    16,78 €

  • Codependency No More
    Trevor Coleman
    Introducing 'Codependency No More' - a liberating guide that will empower you to break free from the chains of codependent patterns and reclaim your life with confidence, independence, and self-love.In a world where relationships are vital, it’s easy to lose sight of your own identity and needs while tending to others. 'Codependency No More' is your roadmap to unraveling the co...

    102,63 €

  • Complete Guide to Vision Boards
    Patricia Louise
    Unleash the power of visualization and manifest your dreams with the ultimate tool for personal transformation - 'Complete Guide to Vision Boards.' Immerse yourself in this comprehensive masterpiece that illuminates the path to turning your aspirations into reality through the art of vision boarding.���� Your Dreams, Your Canvas: 'Complete Guide to Vision Boards' is your blank ...

    102,38 €

  • Learning Theories Simplified
    Bob Bates

    118,36 €

  • Learning Theories Simplified
    Bob Bates

    40,06 €

  • Sociocultural Psychology and Regulatory Processes in Learning Activity
    Lynda D. Stone

    36,24 €

  • Renacer Como Pareja
    Phillip A. Johansen
    Los conflictos de pareja, ya sean leves o violentos suponen una gran tensión para los integrantes de la familia porque amenazan una base esencial de nuestra vida. Los conflictos de pareja duraderos significan estrés crónico, que tiene un impacto masivo en nosotros tanto física como mentalmente. Por lo tanto, las crisis de pareja más largas pueden poner en peligro significativam...

    11,88 €

  • Ler, Pensar, Sentir E Agir
    Carlos Henrique Musashi
    Ler, Pensar, Sentir e Agir , livro escrito por Carlos Henrique Musashi, explora a conexão vital entre leitura e inteligência emocional na infância. Com exemplos concretos e sugestões práticas, este livro é essencial para pais, educadores e profissionais interessados em promover o desenvolvimento emocional das crianças por meio da leitura. Ao incentivar a reflexão sobre as emoçõ...

    8,10 €

  • Inclusive Phygital Learning Approaches and Strategies for Students With Special Needs
    Efthymia Efthymiou
    For 'A School for All' to be a reality, changes need to be made to the education system regarding culture, policies, and practices within schools. Inclusive education requires more than just a standard educational provision. Teaching and education have been extensively researched during the COVID-19 pandemic, and yet there is little research that has addressed the practices tha...

    216,36 €

  • Under the Weeping Willow Tree
    MSW Linda S. Madison
    'Fortunately for the reading public, Linda Madison is a poetic survivor, bringing pictures of old-fashioned sweat and tears to life in modern- day America. Under the Weeping Willow Tree gave me permission to feel the horror and clarity of courage, the confusion from physical and emotional frailty, not from one’s own choosing.... Learning and seeking for her is living today for ...

    8,57 €

  • Under the Weeping Willow Tree
    MSW Linda S. Madison
    'Fortunately for the reading public, Linda Madison is a poetic survivor, bringing pictures of old-fashioned sweat and tears to life in modern- day America. Under the Weeping Willow Tree gave me permission to feel the horror and clarity of courage, the confusion from physical and emotional frailty, not from one’s own choosing.... Learning and seeking for her is living today for ...

    17,67 €

  • El rincón del pensamiento
    En un mundo globalizado como el actual, múltiples y diversas problemáticas nos invaden, la mayoría dirigidas y organizadas por el ser humano.A lo largo de este libro, se ofrecen diversos artículos cuya intención es concienciar y animar al lector a una reflexión sobre determinadas situaciones conflictivas, inciertas o violentas que nos rodean en el día a día a cualquier persona,...

    12,70 €

  • Direitos Humanos E Inteligência Emocional Na Escola
    Edomberto Freitas Alves Rodrigues
    Neste volume, o autor coloca a disposição da posteridade sua experiência de dezesseis anos trabalhando com os projetos de Direitos Humanos e Inteligência Emocional na escola. O autor entende que a escola sempre privilegiou o cognitivo em detrimento da dimensão emocional. O resultado disso é o grande contingente de analfabetos emocionais na sociedade. O coletivo de professores j...

    26,08 €

  • Discurso E Prática
    Max Oliveira Myo
    Inspiração: ato ou efeito de inspirar (se), conselho, sugestão, influência (fazer algo por, de alguém).Ter atitude para fazer questionamentos e mudar conceitos. Isso, sem dúvida, é o que mais nos conduz a inspiração!Como definir o que é inspiração? A palavra, em si, já inspira uma ação. Essa luz pode se expressar por diversas formas, e, é como a Fé: é preciso fechar os olhos e ...

    5,94 €

  • Why on Earth Do I Feel This Way?
    Jolene Arasz
    Why on Earth Do I Feel This Way? Aims to provide a basic understanding of anxiety and its impact on our daily lives. I’m writing this in hopes that I can raise awareness about and normalize anxiety, trauma, and overall mental health. As a psychologist, my primary focus is helping my clients understand, become more aware of, and get control of their anxiety while also working th...

    27,82 €

  • Overthinking
    Kriz Helens
    Introducing 'Overthinking: Unlocking Your Mind from Analysis Paralysis' - the ultimate guide to breaking free from the shackles of overthinking and reclaiming control over your thoughts, emotions, and actions.Do you find yourself trapped in a never-ending cycle of second-guessing, worrying, and analyzing every decision you make? Is overthinking causing stress, anxiety, and prev...

    102,28 €

  • Why on Earth Do I Feel This Way?
    Jolene Arasz
    Why on Earth Do I Feel This Way? Aims to provide a basic understanding of anxiety and its impact on our daily lives. I’m writing this in hopes that I can raise awareness about and normalize anxiety, trauma, and overall mental health. As a psychologist, my primary focus is helping my clients understand, become more aware of, and get control of their anxiety while also working th...

    40,07 €

  • Learning and Academia-The Capitals’ Educational Landscape
    Kelli Tempest
    Are you curious about the educational landscape of capital cities around the world? Look no further than 'Learning and Academia: The Capitals’ Educational Landscape.'This comprehensive book takes you on a journey through the primary, secondary, and higher education systems of various capital cities. You’ll explore the innovative research and technology being developed in these ...

    10,50 €

  • Mental Notes of Mark Pettinelli
    Mark Rozen Pettinelli
    This is the best psychological writings of Mark Pettinelli. It includes discussions of cognitive psychology and cognitive science, and more simply just how feelings and thoughts work in the mind. ...

    8,15 €

  • Student Wellbeing Handbook
    Leon Furze
    Being a teenager can be tough. There are changes and challenges to deal with, and seemingly endless priorities competing for your attention. It can be hard to find the time and energy to take care of yourself, but it’s vital for your health and happiness to make self-care part of your daily routine.In the Student Wellbeing Handbook, Leon Furze unpacks the key issues impacting h...

    16,43 €

  • Cases on Error Analysis in Foreign Language Technical Writing
    Nadezhda Anatolievna Lebedeva
    There is a clear tendency to consider the errors committed by learners in the process of learning a foreign language not as a negative aspect but as a natural process in the development of their language skills. In the past, teachers and researchers pondered these errors as something unfavorable, something to prevent from occurring at all costs. In order to regulate this appear...

    281,81 €

  • Cases on Error Analysis in Foreign Language Technical Writing
    Nadezhda Anatolievna Lebedeva
    There is a clear tendency to consider the errors committed by learners in the process of learning a foreign language not as a negative aspect but as a natural process in the development of their language skills. In the past, teachers and researchers pondered these errors as something unfavorable, something to prevent from occurring at all costs. In order to regulate this appear...

    215,96 €

  • Inclusive Phygital Learning Approaches and Strategies for Students With Special Needs
    Efthymia Efthymiou
    For 'A School for All' to be a reality, changes need to be made to the education system regarding culture, policies, and practices within schools. Inclusive education requires more than just a standard educational provision. Teaching and education have been extensively researched during the COVID-19 pandemic, and yet there is little research that has addressed the practices tha...

    282,21 €

  • Cognitive Value
    Tatiana Semenova
    In this book from practical psychologist, and expert in clinical psychology and pedagogy, Tatiana Semenova, you will be immersed in the world of knowledge, feel your youth, and simply philosophise about how it is we look to educate others and indeed how we seek to learn ourselves. In the modern world, the profession of teacher is undeservedly belittled - they are given the task...

    11,85 €

  • Building Executive Function and Motivation in the Middle Grades
    Susanne Croasdaile
    'So much of what middle grade students need to do each day depends on their executive function, or the ability to self-monitor and carry out the steps of a plan effectively,' writes Susanne Croasdaile in her first book, Building Executive Function and Motivation in the Middle Grades: A Universal Design for Learning Approach. Using real-life examples, Croasdaile shows educators ...

    32,79 €

    Discover the transformative power of mindfulness in 'Mindfulness Made Simple: Finding Balance in a Busy World.' In this practical and insightful guide, Cameron Grey provides the essential tools and techniques to help you navigate the chaos of everyday life with grace and clarity.Unlock the secrets to reducing stress and enhancing focus as you learn how to incorporate mindfulnes...

    27,79 €

    Discover the transformative power of mindfulness in 'Mindfulness Made Simple: Finding Balance in a Busy World.' In this practical and insightful guide, Cameron Grey provides the essential tools and techniques to help you navigate the chaos of everyday life with grace and clarity.Unlock the secrets to reducing stress and enhancing focus as you learn how to incorporate mindfulnes...

    16,35 €

  • challenged concept learning
    Richard Stöckle-Schobel
    Formostofmylife,Ididn’tknowwhatanaardvarkis.AsfarasIcouldtell,aardvarks couldhavebeentropicalbirds,or’aardvark’couldhavebeenaNorwegianwordfor nightmare.Ifoundoutabouttheexistenceofthewordbyreadingphilosophicalarticles onconcepts,andlearntthattheaardvarkisakindofAfricanmammal,similartothe anteater,bybrowsingtheInternetforinformationaboutaardvarks.Thisistheshort andunremarkablest...

    25,36 €

  • Law of Attraction and Affirmations
    Julius Cavanaugh
    Discover the keys to unleashing your true inner power by harnessing the abilities of your subconscious mindYou have enormous potential inside you, truly infinite universal potential...These self-hypnotherapy sessions can guide and help you see beyond these feelings.Discover your true, beautiful selfUnlock the keys to inner peaceAnd nurture self-love, compassion and healing from...

    20,33 €