Catálogo de libros: Servicios sociales y bienestar, criminología

6257 Catálogo de libros: Servicios sociales y bienestar, criminología

Libros Eliminar filtro Sociedad y ciencias sociales Eliminar filtro Servicios sociales y bienestar, criminología Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Impact of Gun Violence in School Systems
    The United States is a nation that has been facing a crisis of violence within its school system for decades. This disruptive and traumatic phenomenon has had lasting impacts on the systems in which educations must exist, but the ripple effects of this require an extensive analysis. To advance society, quality education is necessary, and ensuring that quality demands that exper...

    242,21 €

  • Impact of Gun Violence in School Systems
    The United States is a nation that has been facing a crisis of violence within its school system for decades. This disruptive and traumatic phenomenon has had lasting impacts on the systems in which educations must exist, but the ripple effects of this require an extensive analysis. To advance society, quality education is necessary, and ensuring that quality demands that exper...

    321,12 €

  • Relativização Da Coisa Julgada Previdenciária
    Gleodes Victor Duarte De Souza Cruz
    Aborda a relativização do instituto da coisa julgada no contexto das demandas previdenciárias no Brasil, vista como um mecanismo essencial para conferir segurança jurídica às decisões judiciais relacionadas aos direitos dos segurados perante a Previdência Social. Não raras as vezes, é necessário invocar a relativização da coisa julgada como uma medida excepcional, a fim de corr...

    7,52 €

  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Social Work
    Juliet Koprowska

    43,65 €

  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Social Work
    Juliet Koprowska

    126,45 €

  • Assessment, Risk and Decision Making in Social Work
    Brian J. Taylor / Campbell Killick

    39,29 €

  • Assessment, Risk and Decision Making in Social Work
    Brian J. Taylor / Campbell Killick

    109,41 €

  • Terra Prometida
    Este livro reportagem relata a histórias de trabalhadores sem-terra do assentamento Agrovila de Campinas na cidade de Promissão a 398 km da capital de São Paulo. Sua luta e sofrimentos para conquistar a terra, suas experiências de vida, dramas e alegria.Não é uma análise profunda sobre a questão agrária no Brasil, mas, apenas pretende mostrar que quando a terra fica nas mãos de...

    14,12 €

  • Modern Insights and Strategies in Victimology
    The study of victimization is experiencing profound changes with the introduction of new challenges and demands. From emerging forms of victimization to the continuous evolution of perpetrators’ methods, these shifts necessitate critical adjustments of the study at theoretical and practical levels. The scientific community, as well as public communities and institutions of just...

    373,38 €

  • Aventura Urbana
    Arnaldo Martinez Carrasco
    Vivenciando a dura realidade de viver nas ruas de uma metropole. ...

    10,38 €

  • You Are The Gender You Are - Understanding Gender Identity
    AF Junior
    The book 'You Are The Gender You Are! Understanding Your Gender Identity' is like that puzzle you find at the back of your closet, dust off, and suddenly can’t put down. Each piece represents wisdom or knowledge about what makes you tick, especially regarding gender identity. Imagine a puzzle with corners, edges, and intricate middle pieces that make the whole thing pop. That’s...

    20,70 €

  • Jugando con el derecho
    José M Atiles Osoria
    Como secuela y complemento de Apuntes para abandonar el derecho, Jugando con el derecho profundiza el cuestionamiento de José M. Atiles-Osoria al derecho como dispositivo del poder colonial para neutralizar y despolitizar los movimientos anticoloniales puertorriqueños, aun a pesar de victorias esporádicas en los tribunales. Con minuciosidad teórica e histórica, y nutriéndose de...

    24,44 €

  • The Mental Capacity Act 2005
    Debbie Martin / Neil Allen / Robert Brown

    203,40 €

  • The Mental Capacity Act 2005
    Debbie Martin / Neil Allen / Robert Brown

    60,66 €

  • Investigating and Combating Gender-Related Victimization
    In the field of victimology, the landscape of victimization is constantly evolving, presenting new challenges and demands. The traditional approaches to understanding and addressing victimization are often inadequate in capturing the complex and nuanced experiences of victims. Furthermore, the justice system and victim support services struggle to keep pace with the changing fo...

    347,20 €

  • Investigating and Combating Gender-Related Victimization
    In the field of victimology, the landscape of victimization is constantly evolving, presenting new challenges and demands. The traditional approaches to understanding and addressing victimization are often inadequate in capturing the complex and nuanced experiences of victims. Furthermore, the justice system and victim support services struggle to keep pace with the changing fo...

    261,76 €

  • Os Impactos Normativos Da Pandemia De Covid-19 No Direito Trabalhista E Nos Contratos De Trabalho
    Vitoria Nathalia Dos Santos
    O presente trabalho versa sobre o estudoacerca das alterações legislativas por meio das respectivas medidasprovisórias 927/2020 e 936/2020, que após a perda de validadeserviu como texto base para a promulgação da lei 14.020/2020,não sendo suficiente o Poder Legislativo, após a promulgação da lei14.020/20, ainda instaurou a MP 1045/2021, que serviu como basepara um projeto de le...

    11,81 €

  • Machine Learning and Data Science Techniques for Effective Government Service Delivery
    Olalekan Samuel Ogunleye
    In our data-rich era, extracting meaningful insights from the vast amount of information has become a crucial challenge, especially in government service delivery where informed decisions are paramount. Traditional approaches struggle with the enormity of data, highlighting the need for a new approach that integrates data science and machine learning. The book, Machine Learning...

    261,98 €

  • Machine Learning and Data Science Techniques for Effective Government Service Delivery
    Olalekan Samuel Ogunleye
    In our data-rich era, extracting meaningful insights from the vast amount of information has become a crucial challenge, especially in government service delivery where informed decisions are paramount. Traditional approaches struggle with the enormity of data, highlighting the need for a new approach that integrates data science and machine learning. The book, Machine Learning...

    347,42 €

  • Na Curva Do Destino
    Cláudio Vicente Da Silva
    Esta obra, intituladaNa Curva do Destino , acompanha os desafios enfrentados por um sobrinho cujo pai,Seu João , é hospitalizado. Explorando a reflexão sobre a natureza do tempo e a fragilidade humana, destaca-se a importância da ciência e da fé na jornada de cura. O autor celebra o projeto literário de seu sobrinho, ressaltando a relevância de escrever sobre os ensinamentos de...

    9,29 €

  • Modern Insights and Strategies in Victimology
    The study of victimization is experiencing profound changes with the introduction of new challenges and demands. From emerging forms of victimization to the continuous evolution of perpetrators’ methods, these shifts necessitate critical adjustments of the study at theoretical and practical levels. The scientific community, as well as public communities and institutions of just...

    281,40 €

  • Health and Wellbeing in Childhood

    128,44 €

  • Social Work and Human Development
    Janet Walker / Nigel Horner

    42,61 €

  • Social Work and Human Development
    Janet Walker / Nigel Horner

    126,56 €

  • Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice
    Prospera Tedam

    39,16 €

  • Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice
    Prospera Tedam

    110,43 €

  • Crédito Consignado
    Marcos Délli Ribeiro Rodrigues
    Este livro oferece uma análise aprofundada sobre o consignadono Brasil. Ele revela a profundidade de pesquisa do autor, não apenasfruto de dois anos no programa de mestrado do PPGD/UNIPÊ, masde duas décadas de uma trajetória consolidada no mercado de crédito,fazendo, sem dúvida, que Marcos seja considerado uma das maioresreferências sobre o assunto. ...

    18,65 €

  • Radicalisation, counter-radicalisation, and Prevent
    Andrew Whiting / Lee Jarvis / Stuart Macdonald
    This book offers urgent exploration of how ’ordinary’ citizens understand and make sense of radicalisation and counter-radicalisation policy. ...

    157,64 €

  • Educação A Distância Na Pós-graduação
    Lázaro Ferreira
    O tema do presente estudo é a Educação a distância com foco na Pós-Graduação. O assunto é de fundamental importância devido à necessidade de entender como a modernização na educação, com as tecnologias de informação nas áreas de informática e telecomunicações ocasionaram mudanças na produção e na revolução do conhecimento. ...

    9,81 €

  • The Rotten Apple
    Bill Pirkle
    Mr. Pirkle has a degree in mathematics.He was an emergency substitute teacher for over three years, teaching when regular substitutes weren’t available. During that time, he taught all grades from kindergarten to twelfth grade. This included teaching advanced placement classes and special education.Appalled by what he saw, especially in grades 7 through 12, he began attending s...

    11,87 €