Catálogo de libros: Filosofía

52631 Catálogo de libros: Filosofía

  • South Africa’s Tao Te Ching
    Chris Kanyane
    Forget the usual stereotypes. South Africa is more than just stunning landscapes and diverse cultures. It’s a nation with a unique Tao, a vibrant essence that pulsates with the rhythm of its history.This book delves deep into the heart of South Africa, revealing the philosophy that shapes its character. It’s not just 'African'; it’s a universal country captivating blend of anci...

    53,72 €

  • You Are Your Thoughts
    Bernard Benson Sarfo
    Human beings are identifying by the way we act or think and move. Thinking makes us normal beings and differentiates us from other creatures. Without thinking there can be no movement and performance.So, thinking identifies our movement and our effort. In every movement shows the thought and the action. Our characters and behaviour are the keys which open the doors of identitie...

    12,75 €

  • The Mind Factory
    Larry Odell Johnson
    The author has written a book combining elements of sociology, religion, philosophy, and mathematics, in a demonstration of how the sub-disciplines are connected through the lexicon of language. His purpose has been to present in everyday terms an exposition for understanding specific aspects of some of the most insulated areas of formal knowledge. The author’s theoretical appr...

    14,87 €

  • The Mind Factory
    Larry Odell Johnson
    The author has written a book combining elements of sociology, religion, philosophy, and mathematics, in a demonstration of how the sub-disciplines are connected through the lexicon of language. His purpose has been to present in everyday terms an exposition for understanding specific aspects of some of the most insulated areas of formal knowledge. The author’s theoretical appr...

    22,66 €

  • Mosaic of Minds
    Songyee Yoon
    Forging a More Humane Future through Ethical AI CollaborationThe rapid development of AI is bringing revolutionary changes that raise complex ethical questions without clear solutions. As AI becomes an integral part of human society, how can we ensure it evolves responsibly and ethically? Songyee Yoon draws from conversations with pioneering AI experts to provide insight into b...

    16,31 €

  • Within
    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel / Hermann Hesse / David R Smith
    This volume, entitled 'Within,' is part of MetaMad Book’s 'Philosophical Pairings' series, which attempts to translate interesting foreign language works into English and then pair them up in clever ways. This edition contains a new translation of Hegel’s Preface to the Phenomenology of Spirit (Vorwort zur Phänomenologie des Geistes), which is a concise description of Hegel’s o...

    16,09 €

  • The clean body
    Steve Gwompo Djopkap
    At the end of his Phenomenology of Perception (1945), Merleau-Ponty rightly established that man is a being of relationships. The world in which we live does not exist in absolute terms, in the sense that it is the result of a series of operations designed to strip it of its imperfections, or that it is an informed, chaotic world to which he must give form and organization, i.e...

    111,65 €

  • The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity - A Modern Philosophy of Life Develop by Scientific Methods
    Rudolph Steiner
    The Philosophy Of FreedomThere are two fundamental problems in the life of the human mind, to one or other of which everything belongs that is to be discussed in this book. One of these problems concerns the possibility of attaining to such a view of the essential nature of man as will serve as a support for whatever else comes into his life by way of experience or of science, ...

    16,85 €

  • Interpreting Hindu Customs
    Ranjeeta Singh
    'Interpreting Hindu Customs: Deeper Insights Into Hindu Sacred Traditions' is the second installment in the 'Interpreting Hindu Customs: Bite-Sized Learning' series. Building on the foundational concepts introduced in the first book (Interpreting Hindu Customs: An Introduction To Sacred Traditions), this volume takes you on an enlightening journey through the heart of Hinduism,...

    6,94 €

  • Miracles And Supernatural Religion
    James Morris Whiton
    Embark on an intellectual journey into the realms of faith and reason with 'Miracles And Supernatural Religion' by James Morris Whiton. In this thought-provoking book, Whiton-a theologian and philosopher-offers readers a rigorous examination of the nature of miracles and their significance in the context of supernatural religion.Drawing upon insights from theology, philosophy, ...

    9,41 €

  • The Art of Worldly Wisdom
    Baltasar Gracián
    Discover timeless wisdom and practical advice for navigating the complexities of life with 'The Art of Worldly Wisdom' by Baltasar Gracián. In this classic work of philosophy and self-help, Gracián offers readers a treasury of aphorisms and maxims designed to guide them in the art of living well.Drawing upon his own experiences as a Jesuit priest and philosopher, Gracián distil...

    14,23 €

  • Degrowth
    Pasi Heikkurinen
    Degrowth is an experience. It is about fathoming that being-in-nature is finite. Experiencing finitude offers the long-awaited theoretical foundation for the degrowth movement. In this book, Pasi Heikkurinen argues that we must understand limits ’from within’ in order to effectively reduce matter-energy throughput. He coins the metabolic cutback as the minimalist definition of ...

    21,53 €

  • John Stuart Mill
    John Stuart Mill / Original Thinkers Institute
    John Stuart Mill : Principles of Political Economy is a seminal work that continues to shape modern economic thought. Through meticulous analysis and eloquent prose, Mill delves into the intricate workings of economic systems, exploring the dynamics of production, distribution, and consumption. With a keen eye for social justice, he advocates for policies that prioritize the we...

    28,48 €

  • Bambalinas
    Erwin Flores
    Bambalinas de Erwin Flores es una compilacion de 12 cuentos de ficcion que cubren desde el hombre de Cromanon a la civilizacion actual y mas alla en el futuro. Tambien contiene dos ensayos, incluyendo uno acerca de Jorge Luis Borges, y un muy breve recuento de su carrera como interprete de rock con el grupo Los Saicos. ...

    14,16 €

  • Demystifying God
    Shahidi Islam
    What if Everything you Thought you Knew About God Was Wrong?Within Demystifying God: Redefining Black Theology in the Age of iGod Shahidi Collection Vol 2 Shahidi Islam challenges the socio-political superstructures of modernity based on the interpretation that society has evolved into a new age: the age of iGod. Throughout Western history God has always been considered externa...

    27,97 €

  • Deja Vu with Quixotic Delusions of Grandeur
    Marc Sapir
     'On a balmy October afternoon in 1971 I found myself on my back on a street in South San Francisco, my left shoulder blade pinned to the curb. I had tripped....(and) there was a lanky young man with an unsettling ferocity in his eyes standing over me, pointing a handgun at my face...' Though this typical public-schooled suburban American kid becomes a doctor with the Cesar Cha...

    25,90 €

  • Understanding the Mysteries of Time
    Devang Jawale
    Embark on a captivating journey through the enigmatic realms of time with 'Understanding the Mysteries of Time'. In this thought-provoking exploration, delve into the depths of temporal philosophy, scientific inquiry, and spiritual contemplation as we unravel the timeless mysteries that surround us. From the intricacies of quantum mechanics to the profound insights of ancient w...

    113,04 €

  • The History of Freedom
    John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton
    Embark on a sweeping journey through the annals of human civilization with 'The History of Freedom' by John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton. In this monumental work, Acton-a renowned historian and scholar-traces the evolution of freedom and liberty from ancient times to the modern era.Drawing upon a vast array of historical sources and his own profound insights, Acton offers reade...

    16,05 €

  • Progressive Morality
    Thomas Fowler
    Embark on a thought-provoking exploration of moral philosophy and human conduct with 'Progressive Morality: An Essay In Ethics' by Thomas Fowler. In this seminal work, Fowler offers a comprehensive examination of the nature of morality and the principles that govern ethical behavior in society.With intellectual rigor and philosophical insight, Fowler challenges traditional noti...

    11,74 €

  • Beyond Good and Evil (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)
    Friedrich Nietzsche / Ulrich Baer
    Friedrich Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil, first published in 1886, ranks among the most influential works of moral philosophy to have shaped contemporary conceptions of identity, religion, democracy, psychology, and individual freedom in our age of mass societies. A devastating and deliberately provocative critique of modernity, including science, arts, and politics, the book...

    10,60 €

  • Nietzsche Now!
    Glenn Wallis
    For readers both acquainted with and new to the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche, Nietzsche NOW! frames and explains Nietzsche’s thinking on topics of immediate contemporary concern and relevance. Wallis unpacks Nietzsche’s complex philosophy with a deft, empathetic, and brilliantly subtle analysis of the views of the Great Immoralist on democracy, identity, civilization, consci...

    16,26 €

  • I wish we were lovers
    Jeremy Fernando
    It is so very frustrating, makes one almost want to scream - petulantly, childishly even - that it is a deeply unfair world when the one you most want to speak to, to be with, is the very one you can’t.Particularly when calling out to you is not so much the thing I cannot do (of course one always can) but the very thing one shouldn’t. For, one should try not to forget that - ev...

    20,89 €

  • So Who is God, Anyway?
    'A well-written and convincing rumination on the divine.' --Kirkus Reviews GS Payne, writer, sleuth, and eternally curious ruminator, investigates 2,500 years-plus of philosophical thought on the subject of God. Using the tools of the philosopher (and a lot of humor), Payne traces the thinking of history’s greatest brains to arrive initially at a conclusion on the matter of God...

    9,28 €

  • The Promise of Friendship
    Sarah Horton
    Argues that friendship is the gift of a world that is not one’s own and that transforms one’s world in unforseeable ways. ...

    44,80 €

  • Religious Atheism
    Erik Meganck
    Calls into question the traditional polarity of theism and atheism. ...

    44,74 €

  • Damned Agitator
    Michael Gold
    The most comprehensive collection of writings by an important twentieth-century radical writer. ...

    30,85 €

  • Reconstruction in Philosophy
    John Dewey
    Embark on a philosophical journey of revitalization and innovation with 'Reconstruction in Philosophy' by John Dewey. In this groundbreaking work, Dewey seeks to breathe new life into the field of philosophy, advocating for a fresh approach that embraces the complexities of modern life and thought.With intellectual vigor and clarity, Dewey challenges traditional philosophical p...

    14,28 €

  • Reason, the Only Oracle of Man
    Ethan Allen
    Embark on a thought-provoking journey into the realms of reason, philosophy, and natural religion with 'Reason, the Only Oracle of Man' by Ethan Allen. In this illuminating treatise, Allen presents a comprehensive exploration of the principles and practices of natural religion, grounded in the rational faculties of the human mind.With eloquence and clarity, Allen challenges tra...

    14,24 €

  • Let the Nations Ponder
    Bernard Benson Sarfo
    The countries of the world have an object by which they look upon for development of their cities. Today’s world has become technology in which unique knowledge comes out every day.There are much different knowledge making today’s countries diverse from one another by which shows the advancement of that State. Knowledge has increase and people are traveling from one country to ...

    22,45 €

  • The Roots of Western Culture
    Herman Dooyeweerd
    This is Dooyeweerd’s most accessible work. It provides an understanding of Greek, medieval, and Modern Humanistic life-orientations in their historical development and inter-penetration - throughout confronted with the implications of an integral biblical understanding of the human condition, human society and the place and calling of scholarly reflection. It shows a healthy se...

    12,83 €