Catálogo de libros: Filosofía

52633 Catálogo de libros: Filosofía

  • Platonic Studies
    Gregory Vlastos
    This book consists of Gregory Vlastos’ studies on a variety of themes in Plato’s metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and social philosophy. Although many of the essays have appeared in various philosophical and classical journals or symposia, new in the volume are two major studies. One is on Plato’s theory of love, exploring its metaphysical dimension and its far-reaching impli...

    107,29 €

  • New Rhetoric, The
    Chaïm Perelman / Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca
    The New Rhetoric is founded on the idea that since 'argumentation aims at securing the adherence of those to whom it is addressed, it is, in its entirety, relative to the audience to be influenced,' says Chaïm Perelman and L. Olbrechts-Tyteca, and they rely, in particular, for their theory of argumentation on the twin concepts of universal and particular audiences: while every ...

    178,48 €

  • New Rhetoric, The
    Chaïm Perelman / Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca
    The New Rhetoric is founded on the idea that since 'argumentation aims at securing the adherence of those to whom it is addressed, it is, in its entirety, relative to the audience to be influenced,' says Chaïm Perelman and L. Olbrechts-Tyteca, and they rely, in particular, for their theory of argumentation on the twin concepts of universal and particular audiences: while every ...

    48,42 €

  • General Theory of Authority, A
    Yves R. Simon / Yves RSimon
    A General Theory of Authority was first printed in 1962 and is a classic treatment of authority and its relation to justice, life, truth, and order. In recent years, authority has been seen as an enemy of freedom, autonomy, and development. In this book, the renowned philosopher Yves R. Simon, himself a passionate proponent of liberty, analyzes the idea of authority and definds...

    143,66 €

  • Five Public Philosophies of Walter Lippmann
    Benjamin F. Wright / Benjamin FWright
    Essayist, editor, columnist, author of many books, and winner of a special Pulitzer Prize citation in 1958 for his powers of news analysis, Walter Lippmann both appraised and influenced twentieth-century American politics. No other author of the century dealt with the persistent problems of politics from so many approaches, was so widely read, or varied so widely in his conclus...

    26,95 €

  • Utilitarianism
    Bernard Williams / J. J. Smart / JJSmart / John Jamieson Carswe Smart

    30,02 €

  • A Study in Aesthetics.
    Louis Arnaud Reid / UNKNOWN

    120,83 €

  • Aesthetics and Criticism.
    Harold Osborne / UNKNOWN

    121,16 €

  • What Is Political Philosophy?
    Leo Strauss

    121,51 €

  • Belief, Truth and Knowledge
    D. M. Armstrong / DMArmstrong

    35,94 €

  • Holism and Evolution
    Jan Smuts

    121,05 €

  • Psychoanalysis and Politics
    R. E. Money-Kyrle / REMoney-Kyrle / Roger Ernle Money-Kyrle

    122,06 €

  • Reason and Commitment
    Roger Trigg

    43,57 €

  • Accent on Form
    Lancelot Law Whyte / UNKNOWN

    95,66 €

  • Self, Society, Existence
    Paul E. Pfuetze / Paul EPfuetze

    107,83 €

  • The Romantic Enlightenment
    Geoffrey Clive / UNKNOWN

    121,43 €

  • The Meaning of Immortality in Human Experience
    UNKNOWN / William Ernest Hocking

    121,47 €

  • Secret Mental Powers
    Frank Rudolph Young
    Secret Mental Powers: Miracle of Mind MagicHow to energize your mental dynamo to work miracles for you!Frank Young has done a lot of research in his field of study and was truly ahead of his time. Many books delve into the sub-conscious mind and how it works. This book takes a different approach. He teaches you how to use you conscious mind to achieve anything you want in life....

    23,11 €

  • Plato’s Phaedo
    Plato / R. Hackforth / RHackforth

    63,11 €

  • Plato’s Phaedrus

    63,23 €

  • Plato’s Philebus
    Plato / R. Hackforth / RHackforth

    34,95 €

  • On Certainty
    Ludwig Wittgenstein
    The volume is full of thought-provoking insight which will prove a stimulus both to further study and to scholarly disagreement. ...

    20,00 €

  • Knowledge & Human Interests
    Juergen Habermas / Jurgen Habermas / Jeremy J. Shapiro / Jeremy JShapiro
    'For those concerned with the relationships between thought and action, Knowledge and Human Interests will quickly be recognized as a brilliant book --and a bold outline for a new social theory.'-Times Literary Supplement ...

    26,79 €

  • Maxims and Reflections
    Francesco Guicciardini / Mario Domandi

    28,83 €

  • Kant Dictionary
    Morris Stockhammer
    The material contained in this dictionary is designed to provide a concise tool of penetration into Kant’s system of thought, a system that by virtue of its complexity and linguistic difficulties has long been almost the exclusive property of scholars. Professor Stockhammer has extracted from the vast body of Kant’s literature the essential concepts, terms, meanings and definit...

    15,69 €

  • The Pleasures of Philosophy
    Charles Frankel

    19,81 €

  • Problems of Analysis
    Max Black / UNKNOWN

    95,18 €

  • Socrates
    W. K. C. Guthrie / WKCGuthrie

    58,19 €

  • Praxis and Action
    Richard J. Bernstein / Richard JBernstein
    'An extraordinarily ambitious and surprisingly successful attempt to bridge the gap between analytical philosophy and modern developments in Marxism, existentialism, and pragmatism. . . . An important step towards the restructuring of contemporary philoso ...

    33,19 €

  • Categorical Imperative
    Herbert J. Paton / Herbert JPaton
    ''The great merit of Paton’s book is that it sets aside altogether the conventional criticisms of Kant’s ethics and calls upon the reader to study Kant’s own statements.''--H. Barker, Mind''A memorable volume, which comes as near a classical exposit ...

    23,64 €