Catálogo de libros: Historia

196014 Catálogo de libros: Historia

  • The American Slave--Mississppi Narratives Part 3, Supp. Ser. 1. Vol. 8
    George P. Rawick / George PRawick / Jules Rawick

    110,34 €

  • The American Slave--Mississippi Narratives
    Jules Rawick

    110,38 €

  • The American Slave-- Mississippi Narratives
    George P. Rawick / George PRawick / Jules Rawick

    110,19 €

  • West African States

    43,21 €

  • Modern Science 1700-1900
    Henry J Steffens / Henry J. Steffens / Henry JSteffens / Leslie Pearce Williams / LPearce Williams
    To find more information about Rowman and Littlefield titles, please visit ...

    96,01 €

  • A Moment in the Making of U.S. Race Relations
    Dorothy C. Holland / Dorothy CHolland / Joe R. Harding / Joe RHarding / Margaret Eisenhart
    In the fall of 1975 through the spring of 1977, as Grandin, an urban, public school in North Carolina, was desegregating, anthropologists Dorothy Holland, Margaret Eisenhart, Joe Harding, and Michael Livesay carried out an ethnographic study of the fifth and sixth grade classes. Their purpose was to understand how the students, teachers, administrators, parents, and other commu...

    33,50 €

  • Colonialism in Modern America
    Donald Askins / Helen Matthews Lewis / Linda Johnson
    Colonialism in Modern America is a series of essays exploring the economic and social problems of the region within the context of colonialism. It is a relatively simple task to document the social ills and the environmental ravage that beset the people and land of Appalachia. However, it is far more difficult and problematic to uncover the causes of these tragic conditions. ...

    27,15 €

  • That D----d Brownlow
    Steve Humphrey
    Published in 1978, this book tells the story of William Gannaway Brownlow, a Methodist minister, Whig politician, author of a Civil War bestseller, and anti-Confederate who documented the trials and tribulations of pro-Union mountaineers in east Tennessee. Brownlow edited and published a weekly newspaper, the Whig, for thirty years and was among the first to treat his native Ap...

    27,02 €

  • Purifying the Faith
    James L. Peacock / James LPeacock
    The Muhammadijah (or Muhammadiyah) movement was founded by Ahmad Dahlan in 1912 and evolved to emphasize religious and secular education, personal moral responsibility, and a tolerance for other faiths. It is the second largest Islamic organization in Indonesia with an estimated 30 million followers. In 1970, James L. Peacock spent eight months in Indonesia immersing himself in...

    32,17 €

  • Khrushchev
    Roy Aleksandrovich Medvedev

    16,60 €

  • East African Doctors
    John Iliffe
    A historical account of the rise and development of the modern medical profession in Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya from the 1870s to the present day. This book describes the recruitment and education of doctors, and their understanding and practice of modern medicine. It addresses their struggles, working in conditions of political and economic uncertainty, and search for internat...

    78,27 €

  • Early Texas Oil
    Walter Jr. Rundell

    29,86 €

  • World Prehistory
    Grahame Clark

    133,81 €

  • The Shadow of Pearl Harbor
    Martin V. Melosi / Martin VMelosi

    23,46 €

  • A Mine to Make a Mine
    Joseph E. King / Joseph EKing

    23,31 €

  • Wealth and Power in Antebellum Texas
    Randolph B. Campbell / Randolph BCampbell / Richard G. Lowe / Richard GLowe

    29,53 €

  • A History of the Mississippi Governor’s Mansion
    Carroll Waller / David G. Sansing
    A History of the Mississippi Governor’s Mansion by David G. Sansing and Carroll WallerSince 1842, when Governor Tilghman M. Tucker and his family occupied the Mansion shortly after his inauguration on January 10, the Mississippi Governor’s Mansion has served as the state’s official executive residence. Designed by William Nichols in the popular classical style, the Mansion soon...

    50,11 €

  • Culture and Diplomacy
    Lawrence S. Kaplan / Lawrence SKaplan / Morrell Heald / UNKNOWN

    121,02 €

  • The French Forces in America, 1780-1783
    Lee Kennett

    95,69 €

  • In Search of Butch Cassidy
    Larry Pointer
    'Western Americana fans will love this one. Pointer, an authority on Butch Cassidy and the famous Wild Bunch, believes he has convincing evidence that Cassidy, born Robert LeRoy Parker, was not killed in a 1908 shootout with Bolivian cavalry, as reported, but returned to Spokane Washington. . . . The bandit, a colorful, inventive, sentimental yet ruthless maverick, may have liv...

    24,07 €

  • The Battle Cry of Freedom
    Samuel A. Johnson / Samuel AJohnson / UNKNOWN

    121,05 €

  • V Was for Victory
    John Morton Blum

    19,67 €

  • Gaslight and Shadow
    Roger Lawrence Williams

    121,22 €

  • The Stonewall Brigade
    James I Robertson

    17,94 €

  • The Prisoners of Perote
    William Preston Stapp
    In late 1842, Private William Preston Stapp and about three hundred other citizens of the Republic of Texas took it upon themselves to invade Mexico. They intended to retaliate for a recent Mexican attack on San Antonio and to humiliate President Sam Houston, who had been hesitant to seek revenge.Stapp provides a closely observed, day-by-day narrative of the disastrous adventur...

    33,60 €

  • Maine
    Charles E. Clark / Charles EClark

    17,48 €

  • Oregon
    Gordon B. Dodds / Gordon BDodds

    17,34 €

  • Kentucky
    Steven A. Channing / Steven AChanning

    17,39 €

  • Salvation and the Savage
    Robert F. Jr. Berkhofer / Robert FJrBerkhofer / UNKNOWN

    95,72 €

  • Research Opportunities in American Cultural History.

    82,60 €