Catálogo de libros: Mitos y leyendas narrados como ficción

4682 Catálogo de libros: Mitos y leyendas narrados como ficción

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  • Thief of Dreams
    Bec McMaster
    Twenty brides. One prince. Who will survive when the competition turns deadly?When Prince Keir of the Court of Dreams sends out a summons in search of a bride, the Wraith King sees a chance to steal the powerful Dragon's Heart. He sends his best thief, Zemira Az Ghul, to penetrate the court as one of the potential brides. 

All Zemira wants is freedom from the chains that b...

    7,98 €

  • Tales from the Land of The Brave
    Clive Gilson
    Folklore, fairy tales, legends and myths from Scotland.This volume, Tales from the Land of The Brave, is the Scottish collection, part of a series covering the whole of the British Isles. These tales are drawn from some of the great collectors of Celtic and Scottish storytelling, and as ever, these stories illustrate the beauty and the darkness inherent in our ancestral memorie...

    28,31 €

  • The Mechanic’s Curse
    Clive Gilson
    The Mechanic's Curse brings together Clive Gilson's collected short stories in a single volume. These stories have been previously published in anthologies and online magazines. Clive's love of magical realism from writers such as Angela Carter, and the glories of traditional folk and faery tales shines through. These stories in particular mix the macabre and the fe...

    29,06 €

  • Tales From The Land Of Dragons
    Clive Gilson
    Folk & Fairy Tales, Legends, Myths & Sagas from Wales - I’ve been collecting and telling stories for many years now, having had a number of my own works published in recent years, particularly focused on short story writing in the realms of magical realities and science fiction fantasies.I’ve always drawn heavily on traditional folk and fairy tales, and in so doing have amassed...

    25,04 €

  • The Insomniac Booth
    Clive Gilson
    The Insomniac Booth continues many of the themes that first emerged in Clive Gilson's earlier collection of short stories, The Mechanic's Curse. This second collection continues with the investigation of magical realism and the glories of traditional folk and faery tales.As ever, these are intimate tales, focusing on broad but subtle themes and personal recollections. C...

    29,10 €

  • Unawqi
    Kali Kucera / TBD
    How easily we take the Sun for granted. We are conditioned to its rising and setting on time, and assume it enjoys doing so, or more likely is indifferent. Unawqi, Hunter of the Sun reveals a more perilous tale: the Sun, Aakti, is a being who is a reluctant player in providing light and warmth to our world, and even more has always desired to leave us to die if he didn’t have c...

    9,18 €

  • Seasons of Magick Anthology
    Suzan Harden
    Welcome to Morrigan’s Cauldron!  But be careful what you wish for because this little Greenwich Village shop can deliver your heart’s desire. Or your greatest nightmare.In Spring, Tessa lost her boyfriend, her job, and now her apartment. When her next-door neighbor offers her a position at her shop, Tessa discovers the chance for real love with the sexy manager. But can she com...

    12,16 €

  • The Princess Who Wept Diamonds
    Frank Tropea
    My name is Frank Tropea. I was born in 1949 in Massachusetts to an Italian family. When I was little, I always loved fantasy and fairy tales. Later on, ghost stories and the supernatural were added to the list. After enlisting in the Navy I completed college with a B.A. in Lit and Psychology. Ten years later I went to Harvard Extension to get my M.A. in Lit. and Psychology. The...

    10,89 €

  • Así se templó el acero
    Nicolai Ostrovski
    El acero se templa al fuego... Pero ¿cómo se puede templar el carácter del hombre, hacer a este más fuerte que el acero, firme en la desgracia, leal en la amistad y fiel en el amor? A esta pregunta responde el libro de Ostrovski, Así se templó el acero. La mayoría de los personajes de la novela concuerda con prototipos reales, y la vida del protagonista, Pável Korchaguin, coinc...

    17,95 €

  • Catalina de Aragón y Trastámara
    Antonio Cavanillas de Blas
    Catalina de Aragón, la hija pequeña de los Reyes Católicos, que había heredado la inteligencia y belleza de su madre, nos narra con su gracia andaluza a pesar de nacer en Alcalá de Henares se sentía sevillana y un lenguaje emotivo e intimista sus vivencias de niña: la entrega de las llaves de Granada que presenció a los seis años, su exquisita educación con los mejores precepto...

    19,95 €

  • El adolescente
    Fiódor Dostoyevski
    Las novelas de Dostoyevski parten de una experiencia vivida dramáticamente, que el autor transforma magistralmente en una ficción que no deja de ser siempre un trasunto de la realidad. Este realismo es el que caracteriza a El adolescente, novela que tiene como principal protagonista a un joven ruso que admira u odia a su padre según las influencias contradictorias que recibe. L...

    23,58 €

  • La coleccionista de búhos
    José Eduardo Degrazia
    Los cuentos y microrrelatos de La coleccionista de búhos conforman un universo que parte del mundo cotidiano para evaluar el comportamiento humano en un tiempo de crisis de valores, mostrando una fractura entre el orgullo del hombre ante la Naturaleza y la posiblidad de destruirla en busca de poder y riqueza. El autor emplea un elaborado lenguaje para sintetizar eventos y accio...

    18,95 €

  • La belleza de la inutilidad
    Elizabeth Mirabal
    Nunca antes había leído un tan minucioso ¿paladeo? de la desolación. Quizás sí, en Cernuda. Pasadas las primeras partes, no dejaba de martillearme en la memoria los versos de Desolación de la Quimera. En algún momento, ya en lo profundo del texto, decidí acudir al extenso poema y registrar en sus estrofas esa suerte de vía unitiva que abraza ambas escrituras. Claro, el relato, ...

    18,95 €

  • Sincronismos
    Jorge Luis Arcos
    «Este libro, Sincronismos, sorprende por haber tematizado muy lúcidamente la pasión erótica para expresar la búsqueda insaciable del amor en todas las dimensiones humanas. La unión erótica, sin perder su directa carnalidad, es símbolo, a su vez, del hambre de sabiduría y de amor que alienta en la vida del poeta, un hambre que tiene dimensiones cósmicas. El autor ha realizado su...

    15,95 €

  • Klarissa Dreams Redux
    Shebat Legion
    Klarissa Dreams Redux is an anthology of stories and poetry by a myriad of authors, set against the paintings of Klarissa Kocsis and produced by her daughter, author, Shebat Legion.Klarissa Kocsis has contributed to the Toronto, Ontario, Canada art scene for over twenty years, regularly exhibiting within the city where she has won numerous juried competitions. She is a painter ...

    41,20 €

  • Les Contes du Milieu du Monde
    Guy De Pourtales
    L’enchantement y est constant, en compagnie de personnages aussi divers qu’un brin de muguet, trois pauvres pèlerins, une marquise oubliée ou un remonteur d’horloges... Guy de Pourtalès nous fait, dans ce recueil, la démonstration de son talent. Il est non seulement un romancier, mais aussi un vrai poète et conteur. 3 ...

    10,46 €

  • Witch of the Lake
    Miranda Honfleur / Nicolette Andrews
    In a struggle between gods, a young witch and the village she protects are caught in the crossfire.The dark god’s cult aims to sweep up not just the village but the entire country. An unlikely force must stand against the onslaught.Brygida, who comes from a long line of water witches serving their goddess, now challenged with a gift of dark power.Kaspian, a second-born son who ...

    32,33 €

  • Witch of the Lake
    Miranda Honfleur / Nicolette Andrews
    In a struggle between gods, a young witch and the village she protects are caught in the crossfire.The dark god’s cult aims to sweep up not just the village but the entire country. An unlikely force must stand against the onslaught.Brygida, who comes from a long line of water witches serving their goddess, now challenged with a gift of dark power.Kaspian, a second-born son who ...

    23,29 €

  • The Nibelungenlied
    Anonymous / Daniel B. Shumway / Daniel BShumway
    Thought to have been first written down in the 12th century by an author who is still unknown, “The Nibelungenlied”, translated from Middle High German as “The Song of the Nibelungs”, is an epic German poem reflecting the oral tradition, heroic motifs, and actual events and individuals from the 5th and 6th centuries. This remarkable work begins with an assurance of both joy and...

    16,19 €

  • Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio
    Pu Songling / Herbert A. Giles / Herbert AGiles
    Written during the early Qing Dynasty, “Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio” is a collection of nearly 500 mostly supernatural tales by Chinese author Pu Songling. The work, which was published posthumously sometime between 1740 and 1766, is comprised of stories varying in length. While the main characters of this book apparently are ghosts, foxes, immortals, and demons, Pu Son...

    16,67 €

  • Fables and Parables
    Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
    THE HEDGEHOG AND THE MOLE.(from Fables and Parables by Lessing)The Hedgehog, when he found that the winter drew near, asked the Mole to spare him a little place in his hole, that he might be protected from the cold. The Mole agreed; but no sooner had the Hedgehog gained admittance, than he began to make himself comfortable, and to spread himself out, so that his host pricked hi...

    20,44 €

  • Tifón
    Joseph Conrad
    El Nan-Shan es un vapor que se dispone a transportar a doscientos culíes (trabajadores chinos) que vuelven a su patria después de siete años de trabajo, con el fruto de sus esfuerzos bien resguardado en un arcón personal.Desde las primeras páginas el barómetro registra una baja inusual, lo cual coloca al lector en la expectativa correcta, mientras se traza el per¬ l de ciertos ...

    17,95 €

  • La delirante historia de una familia cualquiera
    José Vicente Vinuesa
    Érase una vez un hombre bala que, mientras volaba alto, quería tocar las estrellas, aunque luego cayó, como se caen todas las balas. El día que lo lanzaron se confabularon varias de esas estrellas para hacer de aquel viaje algo singular, en el largo período que duraría; y la que lo lanzó tenía además el poder de jugar con el tiempo y darle la vuelta a las cosas cuando se ponían...

    19,95 €

  • Parzival
    Wolfram von Eschenbach / Jessie L. Weston / Jessie LWeston
    German poet Wolfram von Eschenbach’s romance story “Parzival” tells the whirlwind tale of a young man’s life as a knight in search for the Holy Grail. It follows the medieval heroic story of Parzival as he tries to balance his desire for love with his quest for the Grail. At first, Parzival is childish and ignorant, and his bad choices prohibit him from obtaining the Grail. Onl...

    17,85 €

  • The Prisoner of the Castle of Enlightenment
    Therese Doucet
    A lover in and of the darkness ...Violaine, a devotee of books and learning, finds herself sold by her father to a mysterious nobleman to become his companion. Fearing herself at the mercy of a monster, Violaine instead  succumbs to the seductive spell of her magical new home, and the love of a man she has never seen, who comes to her only in the darkness of night.The Château d...

    17,83 €

  • From The Yonder
    Joshua P. Sorensen
    A collection of horror short stories based on legends and tall-tales from throughout the World. From India and the coasts of Albania to the wilds of North America, these original stories bring to life old tales of darkness and horror.Featuring the works of: L.F. Falconer, Linda Kay Hardie, K.N. Johnson, Shashi Kadapa, C.R. Langille, Mike Marcus, Sergio Palumbo, Joshua P. Sorens...

    11,44 €

  • Stories of Shape-Shifting
    Robert E Howard
    Compiled and introduced by Mythologist and lycanthropy specialist Wulfric Thorsson, this book collects all the works by famed pulp writer Robert E. Howard concerning the themes of physical transformation and metamorphosis. Werewolves are here, and werehyenas and other beastmen, as well as startling depictions of arcane changes and unnatural hybrids.The stories are superbly ente...

    14,06 €

  • The Arthuriad Volumes 1-3
    Zane Newitt
    Why is King Arthur considered a myth when every Welshman knows he was a very real sixth-century sovereign?What is the organizing force behind all war?What should be done with a standing army when gone are the wars and peacetime reigns?What is the role of Government in the lives of individuals?Did Arthur really father a child with his sister?Did Merlin really become a Christian ...

    41,51 €

  • Cinderella Story
    Allen Kim Lang
    Stepping into the bank to apply for a job as a confidential secretary, government girl-spy, Orison is on the road to discovery that could make her the Empress of the universe. Cinderella Story is a science fiction retelling of a favorite fairy tale. The title immediately connects to the collective memory to set our expectations of the story. We know we will meet a beautiful, un...

    8,02 €

    Paul Fearne
    DescriptionBaudelaire and the Great Beyond is a book that is difficult to categorise. Part poetic exploration, part rhetorical experiment, this book traverses the multi-faceted world which is Baudelaire’s universe by one constant refrain – the book constantly addresses Baudelaire through concise and well formulated ‘poetic brevities’, that makes salient aspects of our own world...

    17,58 €