Catálogo de libros: Mitos y leyendas narrados como ficción

4682 Catálogo de libros: Mitos y leyendas narrados como ficción

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  • Death In Her Eyes
    Erin Bedford
    Since she was four, Elle’s life has been nothing but pain and death, so it’s not surprising she ended up jaded.When Elle’s absentee father kidnaps her from her own mother’s funeral, Elle is forcefully enrolled into Fallen Academy, a school for nephilim.Mind readers, seers, and elementals? Finally, Elle is with other freaks like herself.Except, Elle soon finds that even surround...

    11,50 €

  • Mr. Catfish Isn’t Lonely Anymore
    Yvonne Hewitt
    Mr. Catfish is lonely and tries to find companionship through pets. He soon discovers that making friends is an easy task. 3 ...

    11,46 €

  • Alethea
    S. L. Mason / SLMason
    'We are not Gods. No matter what Zeus thinks.'Herathina Log Entry ATD 1,784,652.51 TerraThe study of evolution had come to a standstill when we discovered Terra. It was the perfect incubator for a Millennial Project. But from the beginning, everything has gone wrong.Our mandate said limited contact, not domination but Poseidon is too blinded by his lust for that human to listen...

    20,09 €

  • A los pies de Venus
    Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
    Continuación de El Papa del mar, en la que se da inicio a la historia amorosa que liga a Claudio Borja, un joven poeta valenciano, y Rosaura Salcedo, una rica dama argentina, esta novela en la que prosiguen sus avatares puede leerse perfectamente, sin embargo, como novela suelta. Si en la anterior era Claudio quien introducía la acción paralela narrando a Rosaura la historia de...

    18,95 €

  • Pantheon
    Eric Syrdal
    Eric Syrdal’s Pantheon is the novel told in free-verse that you never knew you needed to read. Epic in scope but always deeply rooted in its humanity, it defies genres and expectations.“Pantheon is a thrilling philosophical journey exploring the depth and meaning for one passing through a metaphorical world of inner demons and dragons, goddesses of the soul, of warrior and poet...

    12,93 €

  • What the Tide Brings
    Heather Ewings
    Myna's a selkie, though she doesn't know it.With her firstborn pronounced dead and taken before Myna can see her, it takes the birth of a second daughter, years later, to begin to mend Myna's broken heart.But then her firstborn returns, and shares the truth about Myna's past.Myna has a choice; retrieve her skin and return to the ocean—to the family she never kne...

    10,32 €

  • Igbo Stories From Abiriba
    Flora Onuyalu
    Story-time in Igbo society is a relaxing, fun-filled time for families to connect and enjoy each other’s company. At the same time, it provides the means for elders to pass along values and life lessons in an unstructured, non formal environment. The primary characters of stories may be people, animals, birds or any object the purpose of most stories is to illustrate a particul...

    25,47 €

  • Igbo Stories From Abiriba
    Flora Onuyalu
    Story-time in Igbo society is a relaxing, fun-filled time for families to connect and enjoy each other’s company. At the same time, it provides the means for elders to pass along values and life lessons in an unstructured, non formal environment. The primary characters of stories may be people, animals, birds or any object the purpose of most stories is to illustrate a particul...

    18,37 €

  • Gods, Heroes and Men of Ancient Greece
    William Henry Denham Rouse
    The author never forgets he is a scholar, and never allows us to forget that he is a wit and a humorist. Let us pretend that the phrase has never been used before, and therefore declare because we mean it: This book will please children of all ages from ten to eighty. The heard-for-the-first-time, or the familiar stories of Greek mythology are told as parts of a connected whole...

    15,85 €

  • Trial by Sorcery
    Richard Fierce
    Dragons can be dangerous …… if you don’t bond with them first.Eldwin wants to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a Dragon Guard, but not for the glory. With his family dead and their lands dying, the opportunity to join the dragon rider school is all he has. But before Eldwin can bond with a dragon and guard the skies, he must pass three tests to prove his worth.Compas...

    14,34 €

  • Fabulae virginibus puerisque aut narrandae aut recitandae
    Reginald Bainbridge Appleton
    A book of short stories in Latin, drawn mainly from Hyginus and Apuleius, and suitable for young minds. These should be useful to any teacher adopting the Direct Method of teaching Latin in their classroom. ...

    12,26 €

  • A la vuelta de la esquina
    Adriana Guadalupe Luna Flores
    Karina, Palmira, Eugenia y Fernanda, cuatro amigas cuyos universos caminan paralelos. Cuando la vida las pone a prueba, cuando parece que todo va mal, siempre hay una mano extendida, un abrazo, una palabra de aliento que ayuda a mitigar el dolor, que cambia la perspectiva y las ayuda a concebir una esperanza.Cuatro historias que se desarrollan en la ciudad de Tijuana (2016-2017...

    25,73 €

  • El agente secreto
    Joseph Conrad
    El agente secreto está basada en un acontecimiento real: el intento de volar el Observatorio de Greenwich por parte de un anarquista, llamado Martial Bourdin. Localizada en la ciudad de Londres, la novela narra la historia de un fallido atentado tras el que se esconde un oscuro entramado formado por el terrorismo internacional, la policía y la diplomacia deshonesta. Para Conrad...

    18,95 €

  • El forastero misterioso
    Mark Twain
    El forastero misterioso, publicada en 1916, se desarrolla en un pequeño pueblo austriaco durante el siglo XVI, donde tres chicos se encuentran con un ángel, supuesto sobrino del Maligno, quien se presenta como Satán. El extraño personaje se encarga de confundir a los tres jóvenes con extraños trucos de magia, viajes por el mundo y todo tipo de experiencias extraordinarias para ...

    18,95 €

  • Historia desconocida de mis antepasados
    Gerardo Pérez Sánchez
    La historia de amor entre Isabel y Khafra se desarrolla de forma intermitente entre finales de los años veinte y mitad de la década de los setenta del pasado siglo. Ella ha nacido en Güímar en el seno de una humilde familia de pescadores, mientras que él, hijo de un profesor de Universidad viudo, reside en la ciudad de Viena. Los dos jóvenes viven realidades diferentes en mundo...

    19,99 €

  • Más allá del dolor nace la esperanza
    Andrés Gaspar Pardo de Andrade
    Un estudiante llora de alegría en un banco tras muchos años de esfuerzo; Francisco tiene un plan siniestro que le mantiene con vida; dos novios deciden casarse un martes día trece; un niño, una mañana lluviosa, salta sobre un charco y desaparece; una Encina muy valiente enferma y un Zorro blanco acude en su ayuda; un médico se encuentra en el trabajo con el primer amor de su vi...

    19,99 €

  • Quo vadis
    Henryk Sienkiewicz
    La novela comienza en el año 63 d.C, en tiempos de César Nerón, cuando el joven Vinicio visita a su tío Petronio, uno de los favoritos del emperador, para que le ayude a conseguir a Ligia, una rehén capturada por el ejército romano que vive con una familia que la considera su hija adoptiva. Sin embargo, Vinicio no sabe que ella es de religión cristiana y que únicamente podrán c...

    24,99 €

  • Baba Ali and the Clockwork Djinn
    Danielle Ackley-McPhail / Day Al-Mohamed
    Come, Best Beloved, and sit you by my feet. I shall tell you a tale such as sister Scheherazade could have scarce imagined…In the Nejd there is nothing at all…except secrets. A band of thieves wishes such secrets to remain hidden. In England, far from his desert home, Ali bin-Massoud serves as apprentice to the famed Charles Babbage. One night a mysterious box is delivered by a...

    18,53 €

  • Grimms Fairy Tales
    Jacob Ludwig Grimm / The Brothers Grimm / Wilhelm Carl Grimm / Wilhelm Karl Grimm
    This collection of Grimms’ Fairy Tales features the original stories by which many popular books, movies, and plays were inspired. With stories such as Snow White, The Frog Prince, Hansel and Gretel, and many more, Grimms’ Fairy Tales were among the first collections of stories and have since become some of the most influential of our time. Unlike the Hollywood adaptations of ...

    12,13 €

  • Muse (Large Print Version)
    Kylie Quillinan
    A bard. A wise woman. A creature that shouldn’t exist.When a bard inadvertently brings his imaginary muse to life, everything she knows comes from his melancholic tales. Desiring her own life, she leaves the bard and sets out to live in the only way she knows how: the way his tales told her to.An apprentice wise women feels like she’s wasting her life dispensing charms and cure...

    20,99 €

  • Akedah
    Conrad Bishop / Elizabeth Fuller
    The Promise, the Promise, the Promise . . .A casual barstool conversation with a mystery man—perhaps a Las Vegas bigwig, perhaps a sociopath—hooks chronic loser Vern McGurren on the chance of a lifetime, requiring a road trip from Chico CA across Yosemite and Death Valley to the monumental stone outcrop of New Mexico's Shiprock. It's a chance to bridge the gap between a...

    11,59 €

  • When Magic Calls
    Caitlin Berve
     Witness the Wonder and Terror of MagicOnce upon a time in a land not so far away, in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, a jealous girl stole a magical artifact from a fairy tale museum, unlocking a curse that might cost her life.Right now, in the wilds of the Rocky Mountains, a man obsessively studies a wild girl living with and raised by a wolf pack, but soon watching won’t b...

    13,04 €

  • Egyptian Mythology
    Dale Hansen
    Few civilizations hold the lure and appeal as ancient Egypt. Renown for their colossal temples, ornate tombs and an elaborate god mythology, ancient Egypt is a land of romance, mystery, and appeal for young and old. Since the discovery of King Tut’s tomb in the early 19th Century the world has been fascinated by one of the oldest empirical civilizations, and for good reason.Egy...

    19,52 €

  • Karahkwa - First Nation Tales From America’s Eastern States
    Clive Gilson
    These stories cover a broad range of nations and tribes from North Americas eastern and south-eastern regions. Many of the stories have been told as part of the Iroquois and Cherokee traditions.The Iroquois are a historically powerful northeast Native American confederacy in North America. They were known during the colonial years to the French as the Iroquois League, and later...

    24,15 €

  • Karahkwa - First Nation Tales From America’s Eastern States
    Clive Gilson
    These stories cover a broad range of nations and tribes from North Americas eastern and south-eastern regions. Many of the stories have been told as part of the Iroquois and Cherokee traditions.The Iroquois are a historically powerful northeast Native American confederacy in North America. They were known during the colonial years to the French as the Iroquois League, and later...

    24,79 €

  • The Prince of Thieves
    Alexandre Dumas / Alfred Allinson
    Welcome back to Sherwood Forest...From the Reginetta Press Classics Restoration Programcome the Tales of Robin Hood by Alexandre Dumas.Available in print and e-formats, Dumas’ delightful retellingsof a beloved old story come to life, for 21st Century readers.Virtually inaccessible in English, these two texts are edited andcorrected by the Reginetta Press, to sweep readers back ...

    11,09 €

  • The Auburn Prince
    Adam Zmarzlinski
    After Clementine Aurelius’ parents vanish–forcing her to live with her abusive Aunt Dahlia–a handkerchief given to her in the aftermath of that trauma isn’t just a nostalgic memento of the past, but a clue to an otherworldly conspiracy and a looming war. To learn the truth about her parents, the resilient thirteen-year-old must journey into Mundialis, a land where possessing co...

    26,43 €

  • Irrelevant Brotherhood
    Saad Eid Alhajri
    In a world with no mercy and no law, four extraordinary men gather during harsh circumstances to make this world a livable place, but is she going to let them? Our heroes may be strong and wise, but they are vulnerable and furious too. Can they do it? This book is full of excitement and adventure, and is certainly going to be a unique experience. 3 ...

    4,68 €

  • Norse Mythology
    Kory Aumont
    Before the tide of Christianity cast its influence over the greater part of the Western World, magic and tradition were rich in the lives of the Nordic people. These great men and women of lore speak to us of glorified battles, strong noble bloodlines, and honor in the face of adversity. We celebrate the incredible tales of Loki and Frigga, the mighty Thor and the all-powerful ...

    19,47 €

  • Norse Mythology
    Dale Hansen
    Tales are often told marking the Vikings as no more than simple horn-helmeted explorers, infamous to abuse, pillage and plunder all that stood in their way. However, many of us lack to see the parallels aligned with modern culture, and the influences our Viking ancestors provided and passed down to our own aspects of modern practices, beliefs, languages and pastimes. While ther...

    19,46 €