Catálogo de libros: Mitos y leyendas narrados como ficción

4682 Catálogo de libros: Mitos y leyendas narrados como ficción

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  • Biografía
    San Ignacio de Loyola
    Durante el período de 1553 a 1555, Ignacio le dictó su biografía a su secretario, el Padre Gonçalves da Câmara. Esta Autobiografía es una pieza importante para entender sus Ejercicios espirituales y todo su pensamiento. El original quedó archivado e inédito durante 150 años, hasta que los bolandistas publicaron el Relato del Peregrino en Acta Sanctorum. En su viaje a Roma suced...

    18,90 €

  • Días de la aldea de Al Muhsina
    Issa Hassan Al-Yasiri
    Esta novela, escrita con un evidente espíritu narrativo, destaca tanto por la sensibilidad en el tratamiento de la condición humana como por sus motivos poéticos, características ambas que le otorgan, sin lugar a duda, un alto nivel literario. En sus páginas observamos rasgos arraigados, en cierto momento, en la historia del campo iraquí. Escrita con una pluma brillante, difíci...

    19,90 €

  • The Mountain Spruce (Speakers of the Earth, Volume 2)
    Richard Jones
    A Mountain Spruce: book two in the electrifying new series Speakers of the EarthThe council of the Speakers has just ended, and Ray Holdman must now confront gifts and capabilities that are coming to him quickly and inexplicably, in ways both frightening and dangerous. No longer certain who-or even what-he is or is becoming, Ray quickly learns that without all the help his rema...

    21,44 €

  • The Final Mystery of Eagle Falls
    Dennis MProkop
    The Final Mystery of Eagle Falls finds George Huntington, his wife, Laura, and their two-year-old son, Bobby, living a tranquil life on his grandfather’s small farm near the town of Eagle Falls, West Virginia. That tranquility was first broken when George’s grandfather uncharacteristically became entangled with the Department of Justice when he tried to sell undocumented diamon...

    14,75 €

  • Mists on the River
    Yeremei Aipin
    A delightful collection of Khanty folktales introducing children of all ages to the animal persons of Siberia, among them Cuckoo Mother, Paki the Bear, and Sandpiper. From these tales emerge the ancient voices of the forest, reminding us of the value of kinship with animals and spirits in the natural world. Colorful illustrations by Gennady Raishev add life and vibrancy to thes...

    8,66 €

  • Paper and Thorns
    Elijah David
    What if Beauty cursed the Beast?They were never supposed to meet, but from their first encounter backstage, Molly and the Beast found themselves drawn into each other’s worlds. It looked like happily ever after, until Molly’s Fae mother tracked them down. Now time is running out, and the only way for the Beast to save Molly is to complete three impossible tasks. But can true lo...

    6,03 €

  • Circle It, Fairy Tale Entities, Word Search, Puzzle Book
    Lowry Global Media LLC / Spring Brooks / Mark Schumacher
    All of the Facts, history, and lore about these magical Fairy Tale Entities: Dragons, Dwarfs, Elves, Fairies, Giants, Gnomes, Goblins, Griffins, Mermaids, Trolls, and Unicorns.BookSideHustle was created with the intention of empowering Entrepreneurs with their own Circle It, Word Search Puzzle books that are created from their own ideas.This book was created for Spring Brooks w...

    22,02 €

  • La guerra de las salamandras
    Karel Capek
    La guerra de las salamandras es una novela satírica de ciencia ficción del periodista y escritor checo Karel Capek, publicada en 1936 en Praga. En esta novela Capek narra mediante múltiples personajes los sucesos que preceden el descubrimiento de las salamandras gigantes identificadas por los científicos como Andrias Scheuchzeri, deteniéndose en la reacción de la prensa, en las...

    17,90 €

  • Teeny Tiny Stories From the Marinated Jungle
    Lee Widener
    THIS IS NOT A CHILDREN’S BOOK!Freaky fables for these crazy times! Move over Aesop! Ten Weird Animal Fables from the warped mind of Author Lee Widener. Modern day fables with very odd morals and off-kilter life lessons, accompanied by ten original photo collages by the author. Meet the Squirrel Who Knew Nothing! Meet the Slug of Madness! Meet Beatrix the Beatnik Badger! Meet al...

    5,17 €

  • Дневник Ёжика-путешественника, или Где живёт счастье?
    Надеж Серебренникова
    Каждый ребенок, что откроет эту книгу, с первых строк станет читателем дневника, который ведет… обыкновенный ежик. Хотя разве может быть обыкновенным ежик, который ведет дневник? Конечно же, нет!У нашего удивительного Ежика, что владеет двумя языками – ежиным и человеческим – есть мечта: найти себе настоящего друга. И это не единственная его мечта. Следующими две в списке – раз...

    26,64 €

  • El dueño del mundo
    Julio Verne
    El dueño del mundo (título original en francés: Maître du Monde) apareció como serial en la Magasin dÉducation et de Récréation (Magazín de ilustración y recreo) desde el 1 de julio (volumen 20, número 229) hasta el 15 de diciembre (volumen 20, número 240) de 1904, poco antes de morir su autor. Fue publicada en forma de libro el 10 de noviembre de ese mismo año.El argumento de ...

    17,95 €

  • El libro de Letizia
    Liliana Bellone
    El libro de Letizia. Novela de Capri, en palabras del miembro del jurado Abilio Estévez, es una obra muy interesante por su ausencia de límites entre la narración y el ensayo, un titubeo buscado y de resultado feliz. Me gustó que iluminara la figura de Leticia Álvarez de Toledo y de Elvira Orphée. Me pareció una narración de un excelente nivel y que puede leerse como un hermoso...

    15,90 €

  • Genie’s Heart
    Veronica Ratzloff
    Hansel is heading back to Las Vegas in the twelveth book of the series. Upon arriving and witnessing the aftermath of the Bloody Wedding, Hansel and Raven struggle between each other’s own views of finding Ben, who has gone missing from the scene. Meanwhile, reports of missing girls are filling up the Las Vegas headlines and the sick culprit’s motives: meeting the Twisted Tales...

    23,06 €

  • Their Creatures
    Veronica Ratzloff
    In the tenth book of the Twisted Tales, we follow our crew as they come to realize that the beings they have been fighting to protect, may be one of the most dangerous monsters out there: humans. When a secret government agency known as DOZA is formed upon discovering the unimaginable species, a new threat enters many American lives from the comforts of their home to imprisonme...

    25,02 €

  • Tales of Troy and Greece
    Andrew Lang
    Andrew Lang, (born March 31, 1844, Selkirk, Selkirkshire, Scot.—died July 20, 1912, Banchory, Aberdeenshire), Scottish scholar and man of letters noted for his collections of fairy tales and translations of Homer.Educated at St. Andrews University and at Balliol College, Oxford, he held an open fellowship at Merton College until 1875, when he moved to London. He quickly became ...

    17,49 €

  • Tales of Troy and Greece
    Andrew Lang
    Andrew Lang, (born March 31, 1844, Selkirk, Selkirkshire, Scot.—died July 20, 1912, Banchory, Aberdeenshire), Scottish scholar and man of letters noted for his collections of fairy tales and translations of Homer.Educated at St. Andrews University and at Balliol College, Oxford, he held an open fellowship at Merton College until 1875, when he moved to London. He quickly became ...

    29,42 €

  • The Coin of Souls
    Richard Fierce
    Sometimes death is only the beginning.The Island of Lost Souls gives Eldwin hope that he’ll see his father again, but the island holds many secrets-and hidden dangers.As he draws closer to the end of his quest, the island will push him to his limit ... and cost him everything.Fans of Sarah K.L. Wilson’s Dragon School, Christopher Paolini’s Eragon and Anne McCaffrey’s Dragon Rid...

    16,57 €

  • Rebelión en la granja
    George Orwell
    Rebelión en la granja, publicada en 1945, es una novela corta satírica en la que el autor inglés George Orwell denuncia cómo el régimen soviético de Stalin corrompe las ideas del socialismo. La fábula presenta una revolución de unos animales de granja, liderados por los cerdos Napoleón y Snowball, que logran expulsar a los humanos y acaban convirtiendo su propio sistema de gobi...

    18,90 €

  • A Bond of Flame
    Richard Fierce
    Sometimes there’s a fine line between truth and a lie.Eldwin’s quest to become a dragon rider seems hopeless, but he won’t let his dream to bond with a dragon die. A sell-sword job with a caravan promises a decent payment, and offers him a chance to continue his quest.The caravan he guards has a secret, and when he uncovers it, he can hardly believe his change of luck. However,...

    16,57 €

  • The Warrior’s Call
    Richard Fierce
    Darkness threatens the land.With an evil creature killing dragons and riders alike, the False King’s reign of terror spills across the border. While the king of Osnen and the Citadel’s riders struggle to stem the assault, Eldwin flies to the Conclave to plead for help from the other schools.Unless the schools unite and arrive in time, the world is doomed.Fans of Sarah K.L. Wils...

    16,48 €

  • Custom and Myth
    Andrew Lang
    Andrew Lang, (born March 31, 1844, Selkirk, Selkirkshire, Scot.—died July 20, 1912, Banchory, Aberdeenshire), Scottish scholar and man of letters noted for his collections of fairy tales and translations of Homer.Educated at St. Andrews University and at Balliol College, Oxford, he held an open fellowship at Merton College until 1875, when he moved to London. He quickly became ...

    28,16 €

  • Violence and Women
    Anita S. Chapman / Anita SChapman
    The archetypal story of Medea is a cautionary tale for our era.  Jason and Medea’s marriage, favored by the gods, represents an attempt at a union of opposites very far from each other.  They represent the masculine and feminine principles, covering a wide range of psychological, sociological, and historical aspects.  This synthesis fails. In the myth, as Euripides presents it,...

    44,01 €

  • The Hammer Of The Gods
    Andrew Marc Rowe
    It’s Hammer Time!Pitted against a perverse pantheon of warring deities, Gudleik Sigbjornsson and Rosmerta O’Ceallaigh are two dreamers living worlds apart, hoping to create a better life for themselves by following their dreams. It won’t be easy: Gudleik’s soul is the battleground between two gods of Asgard. And Rosmerta is supposed to do as her parents have done: offer her lif...

    15,82 €

  • Shard of Glass
    Emily Deady
    Once she was a noblewoman.Now she is a palace servant.Ashlin never pictured herself scrubbing floors. But with the family savings depleted and her stepmother crippled by grief, Ashlin selflessly takes a job at the royal palace. She can pursue her dreams of becoming a seamstress someday in the future.However, as she forms an unlikely friendship with the prince, she learns that t...

    15,86 €

  • House of Illusions
    Pippa J. Frost / Pippa JFrost
    A twisted fairy tale. A curse awoken.Winter has come to the remote mountain village, embroiling Valentina in tragedy.A dark energy has arisen, threatening to destroy the peace between dwarves and humans in a rash of violent chaos.In her battle to survive, Valentina finds sanctuary in the most unlikely of places. Even so, she soon discovers she can’t outrun the secrets buried wi...

    14,37 €

  • Cartas de relación
    Hernán Cortés
    Las Cartas de Relación de Hernán Cortés son largos informes oficiales dirigidos al emperador Carlos V para que este sancionara la legalidad de la empresa conquistadora, tratando de ganar la partida contra Velázquez, quien igualmente se dirigía al monarca denunciando la rebeldía de Cortés, que había partido a la conquista de México sin su autorización. Cortés describe las nuevas...

    19,95 €

  • La madre
    Máximo Gorki
    La madre es la novela más conocida de Máximo Gorki, uno de los grandes exponentes del realismo socialista, publicada originalmente en 1907. La trama de la obra arranca con la muerte de un obrero, un hombre que martirizó física y anímicamente a su mujer Pelagia, durante los años que duró su matrimonio. Fruto de este matrimonio es Pavel cuyo carácter se va tornando cada vez más r...

    19,95 €

  • Rainbow Brigade
    J.A. Pitts / J.APitts
    When a rash of suicides strikes Bellingham, Washington, Sarah Beauhall finds herself embroiled in a conspiracy that involves long-dead gods, love-scorned ancients, dragons, witch feuds, and the rediscovery of a mysterious abandoned world.  Can Sarah put together the puzzle pieces before her world comes crashing down around her? ...

    15,22 €

    Arlene Belmont
    Amaris, the Moon Child is a combination of two books, Happenstance, and Amaris, the Moon Child. Happenstance is a delightful fairy tale about fortune and misfortune. The story beings with the sibling birth of twins, one being St. Nicholas, a.k.a. Santa Claus. Through a twist of fate, the twin siblings are separated at birth. Fortune rests on St. Nicholas as he is raised by his ...

    12,38 €

    Arlene Belmont
    Amaris, the Moon Child is a combination of two books, Happenstance, and Amaris, the Moon Child. Happenstance is a delightful fairy tale about fortune and misfortune. The story beings with the sibling birth of twins, one being St. Nicholas, a.k.a. Santa Claus. Through a twist of fate, the twin siblings are separated at birth. Fortune rests on St. Nicholas as he is raised by his ...

    19,32 €