Catálogo de libros: Poesía

88500 Catálogo de libros: Poesía

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  • The Modern Scottish Minstrel; or, The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century - Volume II (Esprios Classics)
    'Scotland has probably produced a more patriotic and more extended minstrelsy than any other country in the world. Those Caledonian harp-strains, styled by Sir Walter Scott 'gems of our own mountains,' have frequently been gathered into caskets of national song, but have never been stored in any complete cabinet; while no attempt has been made, at least on an ample scale, to ad...

    28,17 €

  • Captain Sword and Captain Pen (Esprios Classics)
    Leigh Hunt
    James Henry Leigh Hunt (19 October 1784 - 28 August 1859), best known as Leigh Hunt, was an English critic, essayist and poet. Hunt co-founded The Examiner, a leading intellectual journal expounding radical principles. He was the centre of the Hampstead-based group that included William Hazlitt and Charles Lamb, known as the ’Hunt circle’. Hunt also introduced John Keats, Percy...

    17,44 €

  • The Modern Scottish Minstrel; or, The Songs of Scotland of the Past Half Century - Volume V (Esprios Classics)
    'Scotland has probably produced a more patriotic and more extended minstrelsy than any other country in the world. Those Caledonian harp-strains, styled by Sir Walter Scott 'gems of our own mountains,' have frequently been gathered into caskets of national song, but have never been stored in any complete cabinet; while no attempt has been made, at least on an ample scale, to ad...

    26,67 €

  • 纽约一行 第2期

    22,22 €

  • Heart to Heart
    Rickey Kim
    Musings and observations from a second generation Korean American. Love, loss and redemption are central themes in this self confession. Written chronologically paired with graphic design, this is an expression, this is my truth. ...

    30,75 €

  • 旅行的詩 Poems from the Road
    西子文君 XiziWenjun
    Beautiful poems written in Traditional Chinese language about love, arts and travel.Life is not only in sight, but also poetry and distant land.當音樂響起, 無名情愫流淌過心澗, 詩的語言將是唯一的出路。 ...

    20,30 €

  • Stations
    Ezirét St.
    Stations is Ezirét St.’s debut collection of poetry and prose that is divided into eight sections. With a melancholic tone the poet writes about love and loss, faith, change and more.This book is a journey to self-discovery and each piece is a station. ...

    11,69 €

  • The Meaning of Surah 01 Al-Fatihah Opener (La Apertura) From Holy Quran Bilingual Edition English And Spanish
    Jannah Firdaus Mediapro
    Surah al-Fatiḥah (Arabic: سُورَةُ الْفَاتِحَة‎) is the first chapter (surah) of the Quran. Its seven verses (ayat) are a prayer for the guidance, lordship and mercy of God. This chapter has an essential role in Islamic prayer (salat). The primary literal meaning of the expression 'al-Fatiḥah' is 'The Opener,' which could refer to this Surah being 'the opener of the Book' (Fatiḥ...

    12,40 €

  • Stathmoi
    Ezirét St.
    The greek version of Stations. Stations is Ezirét St.’s debut collection of poetry and prose that is divided into eight sections. With a melancholic tone the poet writes about love and loss, faith, change and more.This book is a journey to self-discovery and each piece is a station. ...

    11,69 €

  • Ichchhe Nodir Pansi (ইচ্ছে নদীর পানসী)
    Nirmal Kumar Pradhan
    'ইচ্ছে নদীর পানসী' কবি নির্মল কুমার প্রধানের লেখা, ৮০ টি ভিন্ন স্বাদের বাংলা কবিতার অনবদ্য কাব্য সংকলন।'Ichchhe Nodir Pansi' is an impeccable collection of 80 different Bengali poems of different tastes written by the Poet Nirmal Kumar Pradhan. ...

    11,10 €

  • Современный Дух Поэзии. Выпуск 27.2
    Первая Книга
    На протяжении веков стихотворная мысль претерпевала изменения. Можно проследить, как во все времена поэзия олицетворяла актуальные проблемы всего общества. Данный сборник является продолжением двадцать шестого выпуска сборника стихотворений Современный Дух Поэзии. В них мы представляем абсолютно не похожих друг на друга авторов нашего времени. Они по-разному поднимают животрепе...

    11,44 €

  • Falso vivo
    Mario Arteca
    La historia más relevante para el poeta es la del gusto estético, ese devenir que avanza y retrocede a contracorriente de la Historia con mayúscula; los relatos que realmente lo afectan son aquellos que habitan en los atajos de Arte y Letra. En Falso vivo, Mario Arteca transita dantescamente -todo escritor tiene que descender como el Alighieri- por esos trillos cuyas resonancia...

    13,17 €

  • U menya est seraya koshka
    Ekaterina Yakovina
    It is a book for children. A collection of the illustrated happy poems about the childhood. The most important things in the life of children, the poems about their joys and hopes, about true friendship, dogs and cats. ...

    10,46 €

  • Internal Sermons
    Jonny Ryan
    A collection of poetry and prose from a series of journal entries and stream of consciousness writings of author and musician Jonny Ryan. ...

    8,43 €

  • Daño colateral
    Damaris Calderón Campos
    Entre los roqueríos de Isla Negra, esa comarca geográficamente nerudiana, 'donde el sueño del mar hincha los pulmones', Damaris Calderón transcribe (¿salva?) 'en papel de arroz' voces ahogadas por 'la máquina de matar'. Los poemas de Daño colateral, escritos 'en renglones torcidos', profesan una gracia sin fe, un credo de 'dioses caídos'. Temporada en el infierno, historia (¿n...

    15,15 €

  • Cougars, Cars, Monsters and Scars
    An Anthology of poetry written by Gabe for anyone who likes being sad, mourning the dead, or reading about monsters eating people. ...

    16,86 €

  • La Presa Issue 11
    Lee Gould editor
    LA PRESA, published by Embajadoras Press, is a literary journal of poetry and short fiction, articles, essays, and other prose genres, in English and Spanish, by writers from Latin America, Canada, and the USA. Zoomorphism is the theme of Issue 11. ...

    7,59 €

  • Un metro en Asia / Tú eres Frank (bajo la influencia)
    Ezequiel O. Suárez / Ezequiel OSuárez
    Tenemos el libro. Digamos, lo tenemos. Como a una puerca lo abrimos. Vemos que alguien ha irrumpido en el texto, alejándose del centro. Digamos, alejándose. Subrayando palabras, siguiendo un orden entre lineal y vesánico, entre vesánico y coloquial, ha introducido nuevos pasajes en el texto principal o limbo en calentamiento. Para decirlo de una vez: este procedimiento no prete...

    15,15 €

  • Our Little Book Of Haiku
    Creative Writers U3A Frankston
    The Creative Writers of The University of The Third Age Frankston present:Our Little Book Of Haiku for your enjoyment.When quiet and thoughtful observation of all that surrounds us, combines with our imagination to inspire us to write, something beautiful happens, producing words to inspire, fill you with joy, bring peace and warm your heart.We invite you to immerse yourself in...

    5,74 €

  • Rupsha Nadir Char (রূপসা নদীর চর)
    Niranjan Mondal
    'Rupsha Nadir Char' A Collection of 123 Bengali Rhymes by Niranjan Mondal.'রূপসা নদীর চর' কবি নিরঞ্জন মণ্ডলের লেখা ১২৩ টি বাংলা ছড়ার অনবদ্য সংকলন যা শুধু ছোটদের নয় বড়দের কাছেও সমান আকর্ষণীয়। ...

    11,19 €

  • Сокровенные Мысли. Выпуск 23
    Первая Книга
    Как только в вашем сознании возникает одна мысль сомнения, земля становится преградой для вас. Как только в вашем сознании возникает одна гневная мысль, огонь начинает обжигать вас. Как только в вашем сознании возникает одна радостная мысль, ветер начинает дуть на вас.. (С)Мысли - это неотъемлемая часть нашей жизни, мысль руководит нашим сознанием. В сборнике Сокровенные мысли ...

    9,36 €

  • Rosary Street
    Jonny Ryan
    The Second collection of lyrics and poetry by musician and author Jonny Ryan. Touching on the themes of love, loss, memory, and isolation, Rosary Street is a delicate collection of sincere Lyricism and Poetry. ...

    12,83 €

  • Hooked on God
    Carlton B Reid III
    Poetry in this book explores scripture from the mind of Christ and how it applies to the author’s human experience. ...

    7,61 €

  • Témpanos
    Javier Marimón
    Podría, tal vez, pensarse este libro como una cartografía marítima o paisaje glacial en el que emergen, al centro de Página, poemas como témpanos, islotes sonoros por nombrar -ya Lector se encargará de bautizar los. Sintaxis fragmentada, ritmos sediciosos, jirones prosódicos sostenidos en un lirismo conceptual ('no hay momento perdido en pensamiento') que jamás se deja seducir ...

    16,90 €

  • Lowland Glow
    Charlie Swerdlow
    Lowland Glow is a debut poetry collection in the imagist tradition, containing timeless woodblock-print-style illustrations. With their sense of boundless wonder, these vivid invocations will carry you through childhood, war, family, history, grief, love, loss, death, and beyond. This book is ideal for lovers of T. S. Eliot and Conrad Aiken in search of a new discovery, and any...

    10,33 €

  • 秋天的詩 Poems of Autumn
    西子文君 XiziWenjun
    Beautiful poems written in Traditional Chinese language about love, dream and autumn. Life is not only in sight, but also poetry and distant land. '喜歡是什麼, 是人間幸事, 是久違的歡喜,是想起你來嘴角微翹,是風裡雨里萬千,只有你朝我走來'。。。 ...

    22,62 €

  • Poetry Therapy, Encounter Space and Time
    Liansong Chen MD
    Encounter Space and Time is the first volume of Poetry Therapy by Dr. Liansong Chen who is a pathologist, photographer and poet living in North Bay of California. The series of Poetry Therapy includes other two volumes: Encounter You and Me as the second volume and the third one of Encounter Pictograms and Ideographics.Dr. Chen shares his inspiration from his photography trips ...

    22,03 €

  • Nati Binodinier Kobita (নটী বিনোদিনীর কবিতা)
    Uday Bhattacharyya
    'Nati Binodinier Kobita' :: A Collection Of 19 Bengali Poems of Binodini Dasi (Nati Binodini), edited and compiled by Uday Bhattacharyya.বিনোদিনী দাসী ওরফে নটী বিনোদিনী (জন্ম ১৮৬২ - মৃত্যু ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৯৪১) ঊনবিংশ শতকের বাংলা মঞ্চের সবথেকে উল্লেখযোগ্য অভিনেত্রী। তার ১২ বছরের স্বল্প অভিনয় জীবনের মধ্যেই তিনি মঞ্চাভিনয়ে বিপুল সাফল্য অর্জন করেন। বারবণিতার পরিবেশ থেকে একেবারে ছোট ...

    9,93 €

  • Gopal Urer Gan (গোপাল উড়ের গান)
    Uday Bhattacharyya
    'Gopal Urer Gan' :: Bengali Songs/Poems of Gopal Urer, edited and compiled by Uday Bhattacharyya.উনবিংশ শতাব্দীর মাঝামাঝি সময় 'গোপাল উড়ের গান', বাংলা দেশে খুবই জনপ্রিয় হয়েছিল। গোপাল জাতিতে উড়ে (উড়িয়া) এবং কোন প্রথাগত শিক্ষা ছাড়াই নিজের অধ্যবসায় বাংলা ভাষা শিখে বাংলা গান/টপ্পা রচনা করেছিলেন। গানগুলি মূলত যাত্রপালার জন্য লেখা। গোপাল নিজে যাত্রপালায় অভিনয় করতেন এবং একটি যাত্রা দল...

    8,03 €

  • Spaced Out
    Cat Masters
    Space exploration and a planetary crisis run parallelwith the struggle to move out of a toxic environmentand come into one’s own in this poetry collection ...

    12,14 €