Catálogo de libros: Enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas (distintas del inglés)

45568 Catálogo de libros: Enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas (distintas del inglés)

Libros Eliminar filtro Lenguas Eliminar filtro Enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas (distintas del inglés) Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Rules for Fucking
    Snappy McDogg
    'Rules for Fucking: Or, How to Start Fucking Swearing Good in English' is a comprehensive guide that provides formal grammatical rules and usage examples for some of the most essential swear words in the English language, empowering readers to use profanity effectively and respectfully. With practical explanations and examples, this book is a must-have for anyone looking to enh...

    32,54 €

  • Equity in Multilingual Schools and Communities
    This book honors the impactful contributions of Guadalupe Valdés, focusing on three major areas of her work: languages and literacies in multilingual contexts, language development in schools and communities, and equity and access. Personal interludes from former students and colleagues add insight into practices of mentorship within the field. ...

    67,76 €

  • Equity in Multilingual Schools and Communities
    This book honors the impactful contributions of Guadalupe Valdés, focusing on three major areas of her work: languages and literacies in multilingual contexts, language development in schools and communities, and equity and access. Personal interludes from former students and colleagues add insight into practices of mentorship within the field. ...

    181,68 €

  • The Country of the Blind / 눈먼 자들의 나라
    H.G. Wells / Tranzlaty
    his last day of vision had began for him 그의마지막 시현의 날이시작된 것이다  He had a few minutes with Medina-sarote before she went to sleep그는메디나-사로테가 잠들기전에 몇 분동안 그녀와 시간을보냈다  'Tomorrow,' he said, 'I shall see no more''내일은내가 더 이상못하리라'  'Dear heart!' she answered '사랑하는마음!' 그녀가대답했다  and she pressed his hands with all her strength 그리고그녀는 온 힘을다해 그의 손을눌렀다  'They will hurt you, but little' '그들은너희를 ...

    12,55 €

  • Chinese Idiom Stories (Part 1)- Learn Chinese History and Culture by Reading Must-know Traditional Chinese Stories, Easy Lessons, Vocabulary, Pinyin, English, Simplified Characters, HSK All Levels
    Anan Ma
    Welcome to Chinese Idiom Stories (成语故事) series. In this series of books, you will learn Chinese idiom stories. Each book contains about 20 well-known Chinese idioms (成语) and the corresponding idiom stories. For each of the idioms, its English interpretation, pinyin, idiom story in Chinese as well as in English has been included. The keywords for the Chinese stories have been in...

    64,66 €

  • Chinese Idiom Stories (Part 2)- Learn Chinese History and Culture by Reading Must-know Traditional Chinese Stories, Easy Lessons, Vocabulary, Pinyin, English, Simplified Characters, HSK All Levels
    Anan Ma
    Welcome to Chinese Idiom Stories (成语故事) series. In this series of books, you will learn Chinese idiom stories. Each book contains about 20 well-known Chinese idioms (成语) and the corresponding idiom stories. For each of the idioms, its English interpretation, pinyin, idiom story in Chinese as well as in English has been included. The keywords for the Chinese stories have been in...

    64,53 €

  • Chinese Idiom Stories (Part 3)- Learn Chinese History and Culture by Reading Must-know Traditional Chinese Stories, Easy Lessons, Vocabulary, Pinyin, English, Simplified Characters, HSK All Levels
    Anan Ma
    Welcome to Chinese Idiom Stories (成语故事) series. In this series of books, you will learn Chinese idiom stories. Each book contains about 20 well-known Chinese idioms (成语) and the corresponding idiom stories. For each of the idioms, its English interpretation, pinyin, idiom story in Chinese as well as in English has been included. The keywords for the Chinese stories have been in...

    64,78 €

  • Chinese Idiom Stories (Part 4)- Learn Chinese History and Culture by Reading Must-know Traditional Chinese Stories, Easy Lessons, Vocabulary, Pinyin, English, Simplified Characters, HSK All Levels
    Anan Ma
    Welcome to Chinese Idiom Stories (成语故事) series. In this series of books, you will learn Chinese idiom stories. Each book contains about 20 well-known Chinese idioms (成语) and the corresponding idiom stories. For each of the idioms, its English interpretation, pinyin, idiom story in Chinese as well as in English has been included. The keywords for the Chinese stories have been in...

    64,72 €

  • Chinese Idiom Stories (Part 5)- Learn Chinese History and Culture by Reading Must-know Traditional Chinese Stories, Easy Lessons, Vocabulary, Pinyin, English, Simplified Characters, HSK All Levels
    Anan Ma
    Welcome to Chinese Idiom Stories (成语故事) series. In this series of books, you will learn Chinese idiom stories. Each book contains about 20 well-known Chinese idioms (成语) and the corresponding idiom stories. For each of the idioms, its English interpretation, pinyin, idiom story in Chinese as well as in English has been included. The keywords for the Chinese stories have been in...

    64,72 €

  • Chinese Idiom Stories (Part 6)- Learn Chinese History and Culture by Reading Must-know Traditional Chinese Stories, Easy Lessons, Vocabulary, Pinyin, English, Simplified Characters, HSK All Levels
    Anan Ma
    Welcome to Chinese Idiom Stories (成语故事) series. In this series of books, you will learn Chinese idiom stories. Each book contains about 20 well-known Chinese idioms (成语) and the corresponding idiom stories. For each of the idioms, its English interpretation, pinyin, idiom story in Chinese as well as in English has been included. The keywords for the Chinese stories have been in...

    64,78 €

  • The Country of the Blind / Körler Ülkesi
    H.G. Wells / Tranzlaty
    his last day of vision had began for himGörüşünün son günü onun için başlamıştıHe had a few minutes with Medina-sarote before she went to sleepUyumadan önce Medine-sarote’yle birkaç dakika geçirdi'Tomorrow,' he said, 'I shall see no more''Yarın,' dedi, 'artık görmeyeceğim.''Dear heart!' she answered'Sevgili kalbim!' diye yanıtladıand she pressed his hands with all her strengthv...

    10,95 €

  • Learn Chinese Characters with Learn Two-character Names for Boys (Part 12)
    Xinya Shi
    Understanding Chinese names is a wonderful way of appreciating Chinese language and culture. In particular, if you are a student of Mandarin Chinese language, you are expected to know the Chinese names. These books will provide you tremendous insights in the Chinese naming conventions. Let’s learn Chinese names! Chinese names in the 'Chinese name series' contain thousands of Ch...

    63,33 €

  • Learn Chinese Characters with Learn Two-character Names for Boys (Part 13)
    Xinya Shi
    Understanding Chinese names is a wonderful way of appreciating Chinese language and culture. In particular, if you are a student of Mandarin Chinese language, you are expected to know the Chinese names. These books will provide you tremendous insights in the Chinese naming conventions. Let’s learn Chinese names! Chinese names in the 'Chinese name series' contain thousands of Ch...

    63,33 €

  • Learn Chinese Characters with Learn Two-character Names for Boys (Part 14)
    Xinya Shi
    Understanding Chinese names is a wonderful way of appreciating Chinese language and culture. In particular, if you are a student of Mandarin Chinese language, you are expected to know the Chinese names. These books will provide you tremendous insights in the Chinese naming conventions. Let’s learn Chinese names! Chinese names in the 'Chinese name series' contain thousands of Ch...

    63,39 €

  • Learn Chinese Characters with Learn Two-character Names for Boys (Part 15)
    Xinya Shi
    Understanding Chinese names is a wonderful way of appreciating Chinese language and culture. In particular, if you are a student of Mandarin Chinese language, you are expected to know the Chinese names. These books will provide you tremendous insights in the Chinese naming conventions. Let’s learn Chinese names! Chinese names in the 'Chinese name series' contain thousands of Ch...

    63,39 €

  • Sopa de Letras con Temática de Puerto Rico
    D. Aponte
    Este libro de búsqueda de palabras con temática puertorriqueña promete ser una aventura llena de alegría y cultura vibrante. Incluye 50 rompecabezas en LETRA GRANDE con 600 palabras en español para encontrar, que celebran la rica historia de la isla, sus impresionantes paisajes y sus animadas tradiciones.-50 rompecabezas-600 palabras para buscar-LETRA GRANDE-Soluciones al final...

    6,46 €

  • Dos Meses en Madrid
    Daria Gałek
    'Dos Meses en Madrid: Stories with Exercises for Spanish Learners' follows the journey of a young man who embarks on a two-month language course in Madrid. Through his experiences and adventures in the city, readers not only explore his story but also learn and practice Spanish along the way.Join this character as he navigates the vibrant streets of Madrid, makes new friends, a...

    14,40 €

  • PRESAGIO A TI Entre versos
    Sergio Tapia
    Libro que en tus páginas doradas escribes el tesoro que invita a extasiarse entre enseñanzas que ofrecen la semblanza de una lectura abnegada. Brindas la magia que cautiva, sed de sabiduría, brotada del manantial, donde emanan acertados conceptos orientados con rumbos indicados hacia el sendero de la propia vida, a veces matizada entre sentidas poesías llenas de encanto y melan...

    12,50 €

  • 春风夏雨(Spring Breeze and Summer Rain, Bilingual Edition)
    Lulu LaChance
    范媛是一个年轻貌美且十分善良的女孩,她的善举影响着身边的人,其言其行传递着爱心与温暖。春风化雨,润物无声。 大学毕业后,和闺蜜的哥哥结婚生子,过着让人羡慕的幸福生活。然而,天有不测风云。在她双胞胎儿女三岁生日的那一天,突如其来的致命打击,犹如晴天霹雳。她倒下了,她的世界崩塌了。 接下来,她会从生命中不可承受之痛解脱出来吗?她会从意外的、毁灭性的打击中重新找回自己吗?Tiffany is a young, beautiful, and very kindhearted girl. Her kind deeds affect the people around her, and her words and benevolent deeds convey warmth and love. The warm spring winds and the summ...

    18,75 €

  • 迁移火星(Migrate to Mars, Chinese Edition)
    Ping Zhang
    本书收集了作者的三部中篇小说:《迁移火星》《世纪谎言》和《借风远航》。中篇小说《迁移火星》讲述的是,卡西姆意外获得控制物体飞行超能力,不愿被利用后遭到追杀,走投无路时毅然决定带领处境艰难的巴勒斯坦人迁移火星的故事。中篇小说《世纪谎言》讲述的是,为了赚钱救父赴美国辛苦打拼的计算机天才欧阳炫,卷入了一场毁灭人类的生化炸弹危机后,策划出一个惊天动地的世纪谎言行动计划,义无反顾地踏上了神秘死亡之旅的故事。中篇小说《借风远航》讲述了残疾女孩舍身救母的故事。 ...

    35,07 €

  • English Language
    Edward Sapir
    This book aims to give a certain perspective on the subject of language rather than to assemble facts about it. It has little to say of the ultimate psychological basis of speech and gives only enough of the actual descriptive or historical facts of particular languages to illustrate principles. Its main purpose is to show what I conceive language to be, what is its variability...

    15,20 €

  • Grammar for Introductory and Intermediate Levels
    Louis M. Dailey
    This book will help you to understand and to build correct sentences in the Present Tense, Past Tense and the Future Tense. You will learn how to build correct, short and long sentences, answer everyday questions, converse correctly in everyday English and it will benefit you when you travel and have to speak English. Will help you in school, in your exams and in your career. T...

    12,36 €

  • Die Bibel/The Bible (Genesis)
    KJV / Tranzlaty
    1:1 Am Anfang schuf Gott den Himmel und die Erde.1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.1:2 Und die Erde war formlos und leer; Und Finsternis lag auf dem Antlitz der Tiefe. Und der Geist Gottes bewegte sich auf dem Antlitz des Wassers.1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the...

    17,34 €

  • Tria Monstra in Lingua Latina Reviviscunt
    T J Price
    Tria Monstra in Lingua Latina Reviviscunt is a collection of novellas written in idiomatic classical Latin. The tales of The Mummy, Frankenstein’s Monster and Count Dracula are retold in such a way as to accommodate natural Latin and consequently avoid cumbersome paraphrasing and constructions not found in classical authors. The standard used is 'Golden Age Latin', based on the...

    7,26 €

  • A Grammar of the English Tongue
    Samuel Johnson
    'A Grammar of the English Tongue' is a notable work by Samuel Johnson, an influential English writer, lexicographer, and critic. This book, published in 1755, was part of Johnson’s larger and more comprehensive literary contribution, which also included the famous 'A Dictionary of the English Language.' In 'A Grammar of the English Tongue,' Johnson provides a systematic and det...

    9,24 €

  • The Science of Grammar
    Mark L. Anderson
    'The Science of Grammar: What You Need to Know' is an illuminating and comprehensive exploration of the intricate and fundamental aspects of language structure. Authored by a seasoned linguist or grammarian, the book serves as a valuable guide for readers keen on unraveling the mysteries of grammar and understanding the science behind the construction of language.Key Features:F...

    14,34 €

  • Ko te Torotoro i te Whenua o Īnia
    Peter J Keegan
    He pukapuka tēnei mō te hāereere haere i Īnia. Ka kōrerotia ngā wheako whaiaro o te kaituhi i a ia e tipi haere ana i Īnia i ngā tau kua pahemo. Ka whakapuaki ia i tōna whakaaro mō te haere ki Īnia, mō te noho ki Īnia, mō ngā tāone nūnui i Īnia, mō ngā wāhi tūruhi, mō ētahi o ngā tāngata o Īnia i tūtakitaki ai ia. Ka kōrerotia hoki ngā tuhituhinga o Īnia, ngā reo o Īnia me ngā ...

    12,14 €

  • Learn French With Short Stories - Parallel French & English Vocabulary for Beginners. Clara Discovers Love in Lyon
    French Hacking
    Do you want to learn French without feeling like studying? Do you want to learn idioms and speak like a real Parisien? Do you want to read French stories without having to flick through a dictionary every other word?Learn French with Short Stories is your passport to mastering French while enjoying the adventures of Clara. This book is not just a language guide; it’s a gateway ...

    16,35 €

  • Learn French With Short Stories - Parallel French & English Vocabulary for Beginners. Clara Discovers Love in Lyon
    French Hacking
    Do you want to learn French without feeling like studying? Do you want to learn idioms and speak like a real Parisien? Do you want to read French stories without having to flick through a dictionary every other word?Learn French with Short Stories is your passport to mastering French while enjoying the adventures of Clara. This book is not just a language guide; it’s a gateway ...

    30,68 €

  • Guide to English Language
    Carolyn B. Warner
    Whether you’re an expert or a beginner, there’s always something new to learn when it comes to the always-evolving English language. Don’t rely on multiple incomplete textbooks that contradict each other-fill in all the gaps in your grammar knowledge with one go-to guide. This course gives you key exceptions, common grammar mistakes, thousands of real-world examples, and hundre...

    14,31 €