Catálogo de libros: Semántica, análisis del discurso, etc.

1601 Catálogo de libros: Semántica, análisis del discurso, etc.

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  • Romper el espacio de cristal. Diario epistolar
    Lachy David N.
    Este diario epistolar está basado en cartas reales llegadas a nuestras manos y que ponemos a disposición de los lectores con el consentimiento de las personas involucradas en esta impresionante historia de amor y el compromiso de no revelar quienes son los verdaderos protagonistas... Pueden ser cualquiera de nosotros. No son cartas escritas por dos adolescentes, ni tampoco por ...

    134,64 €

  • Stripped
    Maggie M. Werner / Maggie MWerner
    Explores the bodies, acts, and discourses that constitute embodied erotic rhetoric by foregrounding the material communication practices of performing bodies and proposing complementary frameworks and theories for analyzing them. ...

    143,78 €

  • Rhetoric, Inc.
    Timothy Johnson
    Examines motion pictures produced or sponsored by Ford Motor Company from a rhetorical perspective, demonstrating how the films reveal a long-term rhetorical project that has helped embed corporations into many of the social systems guiding societies today.  ...

    136,35 €

  • Deportable and Disposable
    Lisa A. Flores
    Studies popular tropes in the United States for Mexican immigrants, tracing the history and usage of terms that were shaped by race, class, and national borders. ...

    129,07 €

  • The Rhetoric of the American Political Party Conventions, 1948-2016
    Theodore F. Sheckels / Theodore FSheckels
    This book analyzes the thiry-six political party conventions since 1948 as rhetorical entities with goals often epideictic, constitutive, and even deliberative. Crucial in meeting (and sometimes not) these goals are speeches, demonstrations, and off-camera discussions at each convention. ...

    142,96 €

  • Communication and Content
    Prashant Parikh
    Communication and content presents a comprehensive and foundational account of meaning based on new versions of situation theory and game theory. The literal and implied meanings of an utterance are derived from first principles assuming little more than the partial rationality of interacting agents. New analyses of a number of diverse phenomena - a wide notion of ambiguity and...

    82,58 €

  • Communication and Content
    Prashant Parikh
    Communication and content presents a comprehensive and foundational account of meaning based on new versions of situation theory and game theory. The literal and implied meanings of an utterance are derived from first principles assuming little more than the partial rationality of interacting agents. New analyses of a number of diverse phenomena - a wide notion of ambiguity and...

    67,06 €

  • No Future in This Country
    Andre E Johnson
    No Future in This Country: The Prophetic Pessimism of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner is a history of the career of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner (1834-1915), specifically focusing on his work from 1896 to 1915. Drawing on the copious amount of material from Turner's speeches, editorial, and open and private letters, Andre E. Johnson tells a story of how Turner provided rhetorical ...

    158,45 €

  • No Future in This Country
    Andre E Johnson
    No Future in This Country: The Prophetic Pessimism of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner is a history of the career of Bishop Henry McNeal Turner (1834-1915), specifically focusing on his work from 1896 to 1915. Drawing on the copious amount of material from Turner's speeches, editorial, and open and private letters, Andre E. Johnson tells a story of how Turner provided rhetorical ...

    50,29 €

  • The Corruption of Ethos in Fortress America
    Christopher Carter
    This book argues that authoritarian strains of U.S. governance violate the idea of ethos in its ancient, collectivist sense, corrupting the cultural “dwelling place” through public relations strategies, policies on race and immigration, and a general disregard for ecological concerns. ...

    136,12 €

  • Culture, Catastrophe, and Rhetoric
    This volume explores political culture, especially the catastrophic elements of the global social order emerging in the twenty-first century. By emphasizing the texture of political action, the book theorizes how social context becomes evident on the surface of events and analyzes the performative dimensions of political experience. The attention to catastrophe allows for an un...

    44,42 €

  • Thought-Based Linguistics
    Wallace Chafe

    38,39 €

  • Irony
    Joana Garmendia

    36,08 €

  • Inviting Understanding
    This authoritative collection provides a comprehensive overview of the theory of invitational rhetoric, developed twenty-five years ago by the volume editors. The book provides a wide range of resources on community organizing, social justice activism, social media, decision-making, communication and composition pedagogy, and interview protocols. ...

    201,97 €

  • Fat Tactics
    Erec Smith
    Using Anthony Giddens’ Structuration theory and rhetorical theory, this book identifies fat acceptance activists’ tactics to end fat stigma. The book covers the benefits and detriments of social media in fat acceptance activism, the importance of symbolism and rhetorical savvy, and the use of narrative in fat activism. ...

    52,08 €

  • Rhetoric and Governance under Trump
    Bernd Kaussler / Jeffrey Delbert / Lars J. Kristiansen / Lars JKristiansen
    This book analyzes the rhetoric of Donald Trump to argue that Trump embraces conflicting populist and Republican values, and as a result has relied on populist and polarizing rhetoric, along with fabricated crises, to reconcile these combating ideals and uphold his image of an “anti-status quo politician.” ...

    163,23 €

  • The Political Effects of Entertainment Media
    Anthony Gierzynski
    This book provides theory and empirical research on entertainment media’s effects on political perspectives. Included are experimental and survey research on the impact of shows such as Game of Thrones, House of Cards, and The Colbert Report, the genre of science fiction, and villain and leader character types. ...

    54,20 €

  • Reference and Identity in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Scriptures
    D. E. Buckner / Dean Edward Buckner / DEBuckner
    This book proposes a theory of reference--answering the question of whether Jewish, Christian, and Muslim scriptures refer to the same God--within a semantic framework acceptable to atheists and fideists. ...

    136,03 €

  • The Rhetoric of Religious Freedom in the United States
    This volume offers the first book-length consideration of American religious freedom advocacy from a rhetorical perspective. In it, fifteen scholars consider twelve contemporary controversies with attention to arguments, evidence, and strategy. ...

    54,41 €

  • Beyond Civility
    Robert Danisch / William Keith
    Examines the problem of social change in a modern, mediated democracy. Argues that civility is not simply a virtue but a functional set of tools that must be adapted to specific situations. ...

    129,21 €

  • De verkeerde kleur van Shakespeare
    José Endoença Martins
    'The Wrong Color of Shakespeare' is een verzameling fictieve verhalen van zwarte mensen in een kleine Braziliaanse gemeenschap van Duitse en Italiaanse immigranten, genaamd Jararacumbach, een samengestelde naam die de hybride van de Braziliaanse slang (Jarararaca) en de Duitse rivier (Bach) suggereert. Van de geboorte tot de dood leren deze Afrikaanse Braziliaanse onderdanen ho...

    29,43 €

  • Die falsche Farbe von Shakespeare
    José Endoença Martins
    'The Frong Color of Shakespeare' ist eine Sammlung fiktionalisierter Geschichten, die von Schwarzen in einer kleinen brasilianischen Gemeinschaft deutscher und italienischer Einwanderer gelebt wurden, die Jararacumbach genannt wird, ein zusammengesetzter Name, der auf die Kreuzung der brasilianischen Schlange (Jararaca) und des deutschen Flusses (Bach) hinweist. Von der Geburt ...

    105,15 €

  • Positioning and Stance in Political Discourse
    Within the political sphere, a political actor is often judged by what he or she says, with their verbal performance often perceived as representative of the individual. Hearers accept that, as individuals, they possess a lifetime of experiences and actions which inform, but may also undermine, their aspirations in gaining political capital. Additionally, as representatives of ...

    48,40 €

  • Reinventing Rhetoric Scholarship
    Reinventing Rhetoric Scholarship:  Fifty Years of the Rhetoric Society of America collects essays reflecting on the history of the Rhetoric Society of America and the organization’s 18th Biennial Conference theme, 'Reinventing Rhetoric: Celebrating the Past, Building the Future,' on the occasion of the Society’s 50th anniversary. The opening section, 'Looking Back: RSA at Fifty...

    38,23 €

  • Spadkobiercy
    Jorge Etcheverry
    We współczesnych megamiastach, biegunach i zatłoczonych, rośnie niepostrzeżenie nasienie tych, którzy nas zastąpią, mutantów. Nowy gatunek lepiej przystosowany do przetrwania w coraz bardziej zabójczych warunkach środowiskowych. Oni są następcami, którzy nas wypierają lub żyją razem z nami. Podczas gdy w państwowych lub korporacyjnych obiektów i laboratoriów, bezpieczeństwo i g...

    81,76 €

  • Composition Studies 48.1 (Spring 2020)
    The oldest independent periodical in the field, COMPOSITION STUDIES publishes original articles relevant to rhetoric and composition, including those that address teaching college writing; theorizing rhetoric and composing; administering writing programs; and, among other topics, preparing the field’s future teacher-scholars. All perspectives and topics of general interest to t...

    25,52 €

  • Probing Eyes
    Elton Higgs
    156 poems designed to probe beneath the surface of what we read and see, written by a Christian professor over a period of 60 years. A large number of the poems present the imagined voices of characters in Scripture, and the rest are meditations on the author’s personal interactions and experiences. ...

    14,67 €

  • Interpret This! Commonly Used Idioms | Vocabulary Skills | Language Arts 5th Grade | Children’s ESL Books
    Baby Professor
    You probably hear idioms every day but do you really understand them? This book of idioms will help your child to become a better communicator. It has a list of commonly said idioms, allowing your child to quickly and easily browse through them whenever there’s a need. As it’s very portable, this book can be carried anywhere for easy use. Grab a copy today. ...

    19,49 €

  • Interpret This! Commonly Used Idioms | Vocabulary Skills | Language Arts 5th Grade | Children’s ESL Books
    Baby Professor
    You probably hear idioms every day but do you really understand them? This book of idioms will help your child to become a better communicator. It has a list of commonly said idioms, allowing your child to quickly and easily browse through them whenever there’s a need. As it’s very portable, this book can be carried anywhere for easy use. Grab a copy today. ...

    31,02 €

  • Wac Journal 30 (Fall 2019)
    THE WAC JOURNAL is a national peer-reviewed journal on writing across the curriculum. Published by Clemson University, Parlor Press, and the WAC Clearinghouse, THE WAC JOURNAL is an annual collection of articles by educators about their WAC ideas and WAC experiences. It is a journal of practical ideas and pertinent theory. CONTENTS of VOLUME 30 (2019): ARTICLES: Reading an Inst...

    32,25 €