Catálogo de libros: Semántica, análisis del discurso, etc.

1601 Catálogo de libros: Semántica, análisis del discurso, etc.

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  • Composition Studies 49.1 (Spring 2021)
    The oldest independent periodical in the field, COMPOSITION STUDIES publishes original articles relevant to rhetoric and composition, including those that address teaching college writing; theorizing rhetoric and composing; administering writing programs; and, among other topics, preparing the field’s future teacher-scholars. CONTENTS OF COMPOSITION STUDIES 49.1 (Spring 2021): ...

    25,31 €

  • On the Genesis of Thought and Language
    Alexey Koshelev
    In On the Genesis of Thought and Language, linguist Alexey Koshelev explores fundamental questions of how human concepts arise in a child, why concepts appear in a child before words, the genesis of language, and why there are so many languages. ...

    37,67 €

  • Essays on the Evolutionary-Synthetic Theory of Language
    Alexey Koshelev / Alexander Kravchenko / Jillian Smith
    This book implements a multidisciplinary approach in describing language both in its ontogenetic development and in its close interrelationship with other human subsystems such as thought, memory, and activity, with a focus on the semantic component of the evolutionary-synthetic theory.The volume analyzes, among others, the mechanisms for grammatical polysemy, and brings to lig...

    37,51 €

  • Indirect Speech Acts
    Nicolas Ruytenbeek

    132,83 €

  • Things and Stuff

    131,86 €

  • Robert Burton’s Rhetoric
    Susan Wells
    Illustrates how Oxford scholar Robert Burton used the resources available to a seventeenth century academic: genres and languages, as well as academic disciplines such as medicine and rhetoric. Demonstrates how early modern practices of knowledge and persuasion can offer a model for transdisciplinary scholarship today. ...

    47,26 €

  • Attitude Reports
    Thomas Grano

    132,78 €

  • Amor Correspondido
    Mayerly Echeverria
    Una historia de amor, de grandes misterios, aventuras, de dos protagonistas que creyeron mutuamente en el amor que se tenían, que nada es imposible en esta vida, un sabio me dijo; SIEMPRE SE PUEDE ¿Qué te viene a la mente cuando te tumbas en la cama a pensar? ¿Planes a largo plazo? ¿La persona que amas? ¿Tal vez tus amigos? ¿Reflexiones sobre ti mismo acerca de tus fortalezas, ...

    34,51 €

  • Rhetoric and the Dead Sea Scrolls
    Bruce McComiskey
    Investigates the rhetorical strategies used by the Essenes in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Illustrates strategies based on identification, dissociation, entitlement, and interpretation in response to evolving historical contexts. ...

    143,66 €

  • Arguing with Numbers
    A collection of essays which deploy rhetorical lenses to explore how mathematics influences the values and beliefs with which we assess the world and make decisions, as well as how our values and beliefs influence the kinds of mathematical instruments we construct and accept. ...

    128,80 €

  • Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition 2020
     Best of the Journals in Rhetoric and Composition 2020 represents the result of a nationwide conversation-beginning with journal editors but expanding to teachers, scholars and workers across the discipline of rhetoric and composition-to select essays that showcase the innovative and transformative work now being published in the field’s journals. Representing both print and di...

    38,12 €

  • Rhetoric and Sociolinguistics in Times of Global Crisis

    216,53 €

  • Empire of Eloquence
    Stuart M. McManus / Stuart MMcManus

    120,15 €

  • Rhetoric and Sociolinguistics in Times of Global Crisis
    Crises often leave people in vulnerable situations in which a moment in time can function as a turning point of a catastrophic situation for the better or worse. From another perspective, the concept of crisis signifies losing control of everyday privileges, such as that of a pandemic. Therefore, the interaction of rhetoric and sociolinguistics in times of crisis is inevitable....

    282,38 €

  • Dua Libro de l’ Lingvo Internacia
    L. L. Zamenhof / LLZamenhof
    La Dua Libro estis originale verkita en Esperanto kaj aprobita de la cenzuro je 18-a de januaro de 1888, kiu estis planonta la unua parto de pli ampleksa libro, enhavonta 5-6 kajerojn, aperontajn dumonate dum 1888. Sed post la eldono de la unua parto, Zamenhof decidis ke la aliaj partoj ne plu estis bezonataj, kiam li audis pri la planoj de la Usona Filozofia Societo pridiskuti...

    8,57 €

  • Qual dos quatro métodos diferentes de escrita de ensaios adequados
    John Schoenberg
    O criador desta tese tentará certificar que através de: instrução directa, modelos, guias de escrita, instrução de vídeo, processamento de texto por computador e organização do processo de pensamento, um aumento do aproveitamento do aluno na escrita de ensaios temáticos aumentará a sua capacidade de se tornar um escritor mais realizado e um aluno mais próspero. A investigação p...

    76,38 €

  • Welche der vier verschiedenen Methoden zum richtigen Schreiben von Aufsätzen
    John Schoenberg
    Der Schöpfer dieser Arbeit wird versuchen, zu bescheinigen, dass durch: direkte Anweisung, Vorlagen, Schreibanleitungen, Videoanweisungen, Computer-Textverarbeitung und Organisation des Denkprozesses, eine Erhöhung der Schülerleistung auf thematischen Essay schreiben wird die Fähigkeit des Schülers zu einem vollendeten Schriftsteller und ein blühender Schüler zu werden. Die For...

    58,16 €

  • Laquelle des quatre différentes méthodes de rédaction d’un essai
    John Schoenberg
    Le créateur de cette thèse tentera de certifier qu’à travers : l’instruction directe, les modèles, les guides d’écriture, l’instruction vidéo, le traitement de texte informatique et l’organisation du processus de pensée, une augmentation des résultats de l’étudiant en matière de rédaction de dissertations thématiques renforcera sa capacité à devenir un écrivain plus accompli et...

    76,38 €

  • Quale dei quattro diversi metodi per scrivere un saggio corretto
    John Schoenberg
    L’autore di questa tesi cercherà di certificare che attraverso: l’istruzione diretta, i modelli, le guide alla scrittura, le guide video, l’elaborazione di testi al computer e l’organizzazione del processo di pensiero, l’aumento dei risultati degli studenti sulla scrittura di saggi tematici migliorerà la capacità dello studente di diventare uno scrittore più completo e uno stud...

    76,38 €

  • Która z czterech różnych metod poprawnego pisania esejów
    John Schoenberg
    Twórca tej pracy postara się poświadczyć, że poprzez: instrukcje bezpośrednie, szablony, przewodniki pisarskie, instrukcje wideo, komputerowe edytory tekstu i organizację procesu myślowego, wzrost osiągnięć ucznia w pisaniu esejów tematycznych zwiększy jego zdolność do stania się bardziej utalentowanym pisarzem i bardziej rozkwitającym uczniem. Badania udowodnią, że posiadanie ...

    76,38 €

  • Какой из четырех различных методов правильного написания эссе
    Джон Шёнберг
    Автор данной диссертации попытается удостовериться, что посредством: непосредственного обучения, шаблонов, руководств по написанию, видео-инструкций, компьютерной обработки текстов и организации мыслительного процесса, повышения успеваемости студентов по написанию тематических сочинений повысит их способность стать более опытным писателем и более процветающим студентом. Исследо...

    76,38 €

  • From Russia with Shame
    Imane Hind Sari / Mohammed Amine Belaid
    Russian texts, exceptionally, provided narratives of ongoing turmoil and suspicion. Their achievements were inevitably measured at home and abroad alike. The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between literature and law, with a particular reliance on the idea that the former inexorably complements the defects of the latter. A special concern is dedicated to...

    84,48 €

  • Responding to the Sacred
    A collection of essays examining the extent to which rhetoric’s relation to the sacred is one of ineffability and how our response to the sacred integrates the divine (or the altogether other) into the human order. ...

    158,08 €

  • Experimental Pragmatics
    Ira Noveck

    40,50 €

  • Sensible
    Tappah Dinnall
    Sensible is a fast-moving, critical analysis of American society. Brace yourself for the uncomfortable truths that will show you the nature of your own captivity. Embracing anything short of the Sensible perspective is to cosign your own oppression regardless of your immutable characteristics or political affiliations. The Sensible perspective will allow us to create a sustaina...

    16,23 €

  • The WAC Journal 31 (Fall 2020)
    THE WAC JOURNAL is a national peer-reviewed journal on writing across the curriculum. Published by Clemson University, Parlor Press, and the WAC Clearinghouse, THE WAC JOURNAL is an annual collection of articles by educators about their WAC ideas and WAC experiences. It is a journal of practical ideas and pertinent theory. | CONTENTS of VOLUME 31 (2020): ARTICLES: A Middle Way ...

    32,23 €

  • Sensible
    Tappah Dinnall
    Sensible is a fast-moving, critical analysis of American society. Brace yourself for the uncomfortable truths that will show you the nature of your own captivity. Embracing anything short of the Sensible perspective is to cosign your own oppression regardless of your immutable characteristics or political affiliations. The Sensible perspective will allow us to create a sustaina...

    24,41 €

  • Mastering the Writing Skill
    Azzeddine Bencherab / Radhwan Munir Ahmed
    Regarded as a difficult skill, writing has received little attention during instruction as opposed to listening, speaking, or reading. Indeed, it is a challenging and demanding skill for non-native speakers students who have to deal with many issues at a time: content, organization, unity, coherence, purpose, audience, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, and mechanics. 'Masterin...

    111,59 €

  • Rhetorics of Democracy in the Americas
    A collection of essays examining the rhetorics that underlie democratic politics in Latin America and the United States. ...

    150,76 €

  • Pragmática aplicada al español
    Salvador Pons Bordería
    El presente manual recoge el temario de la asignatura correspondiente al Grado de Estudios Hispánicos.Este grado proporciona un conocimiento en profundidad de la lengua y la literatura españolas como también de las diferentes disciplinas que las estudian (lingüística, sociolingüística, teoría de la literatura, etc.). ...

    10,00 €