Catálogo de libros: Semántica, análisis del discurso, etc.

1601 Catálogo de libros: Semántica, análisis del discurso, etc.

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  • Lexical Layers of Identity
    Danko Šipka

    39,26 €

  • The Limits of Expression
    Patricia Kolaiti

    38,66 €

  • What It Feels Like
    Stephanie R Larson / Stephanie R. Larson
    Investigates contemporary and historical rhetorics of rape culture within institutional, legal, cultural, and medical discourses. Examines how discourses about rape rely on strategies of containment and deny the felt experiences of victims, ultimately stalling broader claims for justice in the United States. ...

    143,70 €

  • Reconstructing Southern Rhetoric
    Christina Moss
    Contributions by Whitney Jordan Adams, Wendy Atkins-Sayre, Jason Edward Black, Patricia G. Davis, Cassidy D. Ellis, Megan Fitzmaurice, Michael L. Forst, Jeremy R. Grossman, Cynthia P. King, Julia M. Medhurst, Ryan Neville-Shepard, Jonathan M. Smith, Ashli Quesinberry Stokes, Dave Tell, and Carolyn Walcott Southern rhetoric is communication’s oldest regional study. During its in...

    49,83 €

  • Reconstructing Southern Rhetoric
    Christina Moss
    Contributions by Whitney Jordan Adams, Wendy Atkins-Sayre, Jason Edward Black, Patricia G. Davis, Cassidy D. Ellis, Megan Fitzmaurice, Michael L. Forst, Jeremy R. Grossman, Cynthia P. King, Julia M. Medhurst, Ryan Neville-Shepard, Jonathan M. Smith, Ashli Quesinberry Stokes, Dave Tell, and Carolyn Walcott Southern rhetoric is communication’s oldest regional study. During its in...

    157,99 €

  • Creating the Ancient Rhetorical Tradition
    Laura Viidebaum

    120,27 €

  • Creating the Ancient Rhetorical Tradition
    Laura Viidebaum

    47,84 €

  • Implicatures
    Anne Reboul / Jacques Moeschler / Sandrine Zufferey

    39,36 €

  • Classical and Christian Ideas of World Harmony
    Leo Spitzer
    Renowned philologist Leo Spitzer’s multitudinous contributions to the fields of etymology and stylistics in many of the Romance languages are widely acknowledged and highly valued. Less well known, but equally engaging, is his extensive work in what he referred to as 'historical semantics'-a study exemplified in his treatise, Classical and Christian Ideas of World Harmony. Key ...

    22,47 €

  • Cross-Cultural Pragmatics
    Dániel Z. Kádár / Dániel ZKádár / Juliane House

    120,21 €

  • Cross-Cultural Pragmatics
    Dániel Z. Kádár / Dániel ZKádár / Juliane House

    39,19 €

  • The Immaculate Mistake
    Rodney Wallace Kennedy
    President Donald Trump originated his political career by claiming that Barack Obama was not born in the USA. His ''birtherism'' theory was discredited, but there’s another possibility about birth. Evangelicals have given birth to Donald Trump in the immaculate mistake. Evangelicals are not a collection of dumb and irrational people; they are the creators of the demolition pres...

    25,39 €

  • The Immaculate Mistake
    Rodney Wallace Kennedy
    President Donald Trump originated his political career by ac''birtheriasm'' theory was discredited, but there’s another possibility aboutac birth. Evangelicals have given birth to Donald Trump in the immaculate mistake. Evangelicals are not a collection of dumb and irrational people; they are the creators of the demolition presidency of Trump. He is their child--the result of a...

    39,25 €

  • A New Handbook of Rhetoric
    Michele Kennerly
    A collection of essays addressing the relevance, explanatory power, and exclusionary effects of the technical vocabulary of rhetorical theory. ...

    143,75 €

  • General Extenders
    George Yule / Maryann Overstreet

    132,78 €

  • Frauen in der Frauenliteratur
    Diome Faye
    Dieser Aufsatz befasst sich mit der von Frauen geschriebenen afroamerikanischen und afrikanischen Literatur. Die afroamerikanische und afrikanische Literatur, die lange Zeit von Männern dominiert wurde, die von außen versuchten, die Lebenserfahrungen von Frauen so gut wie möglich zu analysieren und zu interpretieren, hat mit Romanautorinnen wie Gloria Naylor und Mariama BA eine...

    60,70 €

  • Женщины в женской фантастике
    Диоме Файе
    В данном эссе рассматривается письменная афроамериканская литература и африканская литература, написанная женщинами. В течение долгого времени в афроамериканской и африканской литературе доминировали мужчины, которые извне, по мере сил, пытались анализировать и интерпретировать жизненный опыт женщин, но с появлением таких романистов, как Глория Нейлор и Мариама Ба, афроамерикан...

    37,19 €

  • Donne nella narrativa femminile
    Diome Faye
    Questo saggio passa in rassegna la letteratura afroamericana scritta e la letteratura africana scritta da donne. Dominata per molto tempo dagli uomini, che dall’esterno hanno cercato, come meglio potevano, di analizzare e interpretare le esperienze vissute dalle donne, la letteratura afroamericana e africana hanno conosciuto, con romanzieri come Gloria Naylor e Mariama BA, un’a...

    60,58 €

  • Les femmes dans la fiction féminine
    Diome Faye
    Cet essai passe en revue la littérature afro-américaine et la littérature africaine écrites par des femmes. Longtemps dominée par les hommes qui, de l’extérieur, ont essayé, tant bien que mal, d’analyser et d’interpréter les expériences vécues par les femmes, la littérature afro-américaine et africaine a connu, avec des romancières comme Gloria Naylor et Mariama BA, une autre t...

    60,64 €

  • Mulheres na Ficção Feminina
    Diome Faye
    Este ensaio revê a literatura afro-americana escrita e a literatura africana escrita por mulheres. Dominada durante muito tempo por homens, que de fora, tentaram, o melhor que puderam, analisar e interpretar as experiências vividas das mulheres, a literatura afro-americana e africana tem conhecido, com romancistas como Gloria Naylor e Mariama BA, outra reviravolta. Estes dois r...

    60,64 €

  • Writing Spaces
    Volumes in Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing offer multiple perspectives on a wide range of topics about writing. In each chapter, authors present their unique views, insights, and strategies for writing by addressing the undergraduate reader directly. Drawing on their own experiences, these teachers-as-writers invite students to join in the larger conversation about the craf...

    37,84 €

  • Joan Didion
    Kathleen M. Vandenberg / Kathleen MVandenberg
    Explores how Didion’s nonfiction prose style, often lauded for being beautiful and poetic, also works rhetorically. ...

    26,68 €

  • Countability in Natural Language
    Hana Filip

    132,52 €

  • A Thesaurus of English Dialect and Slang
    Jonnie Robinson

    186,35 €

  • Let Me Talk My Ish
    GiGi Whitaker
    Author GiGi Whitaker presents a book full of sassy captions to stop the scroll on social media for likes, shares, and engagement through comments under your posts. Let Me Talk My Ish is the ultimate book of #captions. Created to solve the problem of not having the perfect caption for your photo. Let Me Talk My Ish features captions to capture any mood you’re in. These Sophistir...

    22,98 €

  • Semantics with Assignment Variables
    Alex Silk

    132,64 €

  • The Rise of Discourse Markers
    Bernd Heine / Gunther Kaltenböck / Tania Kuteva

    132,43 €

  • Feminist Circulations
    Lauer Series in Rhetoric and CompositionSeries Editors: Thomas Rickert and Jennifer BayThe scholars in FEMINIST CIRCULATIONS: RHETORICAL EXPLORATIONS ACROSS SPACE AND TIME work at the nexus of gender, power, and movement to explore the rhetorical nature of circulation, especially considering how women from varying backgrounds and their rhetorics have moved and have been constra...

    83,72 €

  • Bajo el fuego de las espadas resonantes
    Nahum Mendez
    Este libro cuenta las adversidades que puede sufrir una pareja de enamorados al intentar escabullirse en la clandestinidad para ejecutar una vida doble, todo empieza como una relación de amantes impetuosos y a lo largo de su tortuosa aventura notaron la necesidad que tenían el uno del otro, esta historia relata la apasionada vida de menahem Harris y Patricia Hernández, es una i...

    32,70 €

  • Feminist Circulations
    Lauer Series in Rhetoric and CompositionSeries Editors: Thomas Rickert and Jennifer BayThe scholars in FEMINIST CIRCULATIONS: RHETORICAL EXPLORATIONS ACROSS SPACE AND TIME work at the nexus of gender, power, and movement to explore the rhetorical nature of circulation, especially considering how women from varying backgrounds and their rhetorics have moved and have been constra...

    41,96 €