Catálogo de libros: Alfabetismo

3363 Catálogo de libros: Alfabetismo

  • Amin Maalouf
    Maria José Dias
    Amin Maalouf ist besorgt über segregationistische Essentialismen, die Gemeinschaften auseinanderreißen, und hat sich verpflichtet, die Literatur als Vermittler zwischen Kulturen einzusetzen und sich selbst als Grenzgänger anzubieten, indem er seine Situation als Schriftsteller berücksichtigt, der deterritorialisiert, Grenzgänger und Minderheit ist und im Zusammenfluss der arabi...

    88,32 €

  • Amin Maalouf
    Maria José Dias
    Concerned by the segregationist essentialisms that tear communities apart, Amin Maalouf is committed to using literature as a mediator between cultures, and to offering himself as a border-crosser, taking into account his condition as a deterritorialized, borderline and minority writer, raised in the confluence of Arab and European culture. For him, the boundaries between ficti...

    88,39 €

  • Qu’est-ce que la coquille de noix ?
    Charles Marlon Porfirio
    Publié en 2016, Nutshell est un roman qui présente comme ressort créatif un narrateur quelque peu curieux : un fœtus dans le ventre de sa mère. Ainsi, son auteur, Ian McEwan, crée tout son récit à partir du monologue de ce fœtus dans les dernières semaines de sa formation, sur le point de naître, racontant au lecteur sa vie familiale, les relations dysfonctionnelles et le meurt...

    120,87 €

  • Что в ореховой скорлупе?
    Чарлес Марл Порфирио
    Опубликованный в 2016 году роман 'Ореховая скорлупа' представляет собой творческую пружину с несколько любопытным повествователем: зародышем в животе своей матери. Таким образом, его автор, Иэн Макьюэн, создает все свое повествование на основе монолога этого зародыша в последние недели формирования, который вот-вот появится на свет, рассказывая читателю о своей семейной жизни, ...

    50,27 €

  • Amin Maalouf
    Maria José Dias
    Preocupado com os essencialismos segregacionistas que dilaceram as comunidades, Amin Maalouf empenha-se em usar a literatura como mediadora entre culturas e em oferecer-se como atravessador de fronteiras, tendo em conta a sua condição de escritor desterritorializado, fronteiriço e minoritário, criado na confluência da cultura árabe e europeia. Para ele, as fronteiras entre a fi...

    88,39 €

  • Che cosa c’è in questo manuale?
    Charles Marlon Porfirio
    Pubblicato nel 2016, Nutshell è un romanzo che presenta come molla creativa un narratore alquanto curioso: un feto nella pancia di sua madre. Così, il suo autore, Ian McEwan, crea l’intera narrazione basandosi sul monologo di questo feto nelle ultime settimane di formazione, in procinto di nascere, raccontando al lettore la sua vita familiare, le relazioni disfunzionali e l’omi...

    120,89 €

  • La formation des mots de conversion dans les comparaisons romano-germaniques
    Zijoda Akramova
    Cette monographie est destinée aux étudiants qui étudient le vocabulaire d’une langue et le mécanisme de formation des mots qui l’alimente. En tant que système, le vocabulaire est en mouvement constant, et la langue anglaise dispose d’un système complexe et diversifié de moyens de formation des mots. De nouvelles unités lexicales sont créées à tous les niveaux du langage - phon...

    71,34 €

    Гузал Дадабоыева
    Термин гендер обычно использовался в социальных или культурных науках в семидесятых годах двадцатого века. В ранний период гендерной лингвистики ученые были заняты анализом терминологических и семантических различий гендер и пол. Позже термин гендер стал исследоваться в лингвистике для различения мужских и женских признаков в языке в целом. изучалась как гендерная лингвистика, ...

    34,83 €

    Guzal Dadaboyeva
    Le terme 'genre' est généralement utilisé dans les sciences sociales et culturelles depuis les années soixante-dix du vingtième siècle. Au début de la linguistique du genre, les chercheurs étaient occupés à analyser les différences terminologiques et sémantiques entre le 'genre' et le 'sexe'. Plus tard, le terme de genre a été étudié en linguistique pour distinguer les caractér...

    57,03 €

    Guzal Dadaboyeva
    Il termine genere è stato generalmente utilizzato nelle scienze sociali o culturali negli anni Settanta del XX secolo. Nel primo periodo della linguistica di genere, gli studiosi erano impegnati ad analizzare la differenza terminologica e semantica tra 'genere' e 'sesso'. In seguito, il termine genere è stato studiato in linguistica per distinguere le caratteristiche maschili e...

    56,91 €

  • Look - Book 5
    Viola Stefano / Zaida Stefano
    ’Look - Book 5’ is the final book in series 2. Series 2 focuses on teaching students the core word ’Look’, along with a few secondary core words from the A.P.P.L.E. literacy program. All of our reading books come in two formats (photo books and illustrated/VI books) and contain identical content in order to promote inclusive teaching. Please note: the reading books are best use...

    21,51 €

  • Look - Book 5
    Viola Stefano / Zaida Stefano
    ’Look - Book 5 VI’ is the final book in series 2. Series 2 focuses on teaching students the core word ’Look’, along with a few secondary core words from the A.P.P.L.E. literacy program. The VI (vision impairment) books are designed for students with low vision and different learning styles. All of our reading books come in two formats (photo books and illustrated/VI books) and ...

    21,51 €

  • Restorying Young Adult Literature
    Autumn A. Griffin / Ebony Elizabeth Thomas / James Joshua Coleman
    The digital era presents countless opportunities to read, write, and interpret young adult literature through a contemporary lens. Building upon NCTE’s 2018 Preparing Teachers with Knowledge of Children’s and Young Adult Literature position statement, the authors of this book spotlight how teachers and students can use digital tools and technologies to re-read, re-write, and re...

    38,38 €

  • Qalb Daftari
    Muhammadqodir Yaxshiboyev
    Shoirlar odatda o’zining haqiqati, adolati, his-tuyg’ulari, ichki kechinmalari va hayollarini yozadi. Ushbu kitobda ana shunday insonlar safidan o’rin olishga intilayotgan yosh ijodkorimiz Muhammadqodirning qalb dunyosidan olingan sheʼrlar jamlangan. Aynan shuning uchun ham kitob 'Qalb daftari' deya nom oldi... ...

    35,37 €

  • Benim Hikayem
    Ogiloy Aminova
    İnsan, hedeflerine giden yolda birçok zorlukla karşılaşır. Düşer, kalkar, tekrar düşer ama kırılmaz. Unutma, asla pes etme. Devam et. Geleceğiniz için çok çalışmak ve mücadele etmek sizin için faydalı olacaktır. Yaptığınız hiçbir işten faydalanmayın. Bu çalışmadan bir sonuç çıkarmanız önemlidir.Hayat en iyi öğretmendir. Ama tutkunun ne olduğunu bilmiyor ama size kimin kim olduğ...

    35,31 €

  • Rauf Parfi Ijodining Matnshunoslik Asosida Pragmatik Tahlili
    Mutabarkhon Soibjonova
    Ushbu majmua o’zbek she’riyatining yirik namoyondasi Rauf Parfi ijodi asosida yaratilgan. Mazkur qo’llanmada ijodkor lirikasining o’ziga xos xususiyatlari, Rauf Parfining 'Yomg’ir yog’ar, shig’alab yog’ar' she’ri matnshunoslik faoliyati asoslari va she’rning pragmatik tahlili, 'Yana qaytib keldim. Chang to’zgan' she’rining matnshunoslik faoliyati asoslari va she’rning pragmatik...

    58,03 €

  • Autori letterari trans
    Thaís B. Fonseca Medeiros
    La presente ricerca si propone di portare alla luce gli scritti prodotti dalle persone Trans in Brasile e di sollevare il dibattito sui percorsi da intraprendere per inserire le tematiche di genere e sessualità nel curriculum dell’istruzione universitaria di base. Oltre a dare visibilità alla popolazione Trans, questo lavoro permette di avviare lo studio analitico delle produzi...

    54,90 €

  • Auteurs littéraires trans
    Thaís B. Fonseca Medeiros
    La présente recherche vise à mettre en lumière les écrits produits par des personnes transgenres au Brésil et à soulever le débat sur les voies à suivre pour intégrer les questions de genre et de sexualité dans le programme d’enseignement de base des universités. En plus de donner de la visibilité à la population trans, ce travail permet d’entamer des études analytiques des pro...

    54,90 €

  • Transliterarische Autoren
    Thaís B. Fonseca Medeiros
    Die vorliegende Untersuchung zielt darauf ab, die von Trans-Personen in Brasilien produzierten Schriften ans Licht zu bringen und eine Debatte über die Wege zu führen, die eingeschlagen werden müssen, um die Themen Geschlecht und Sexualität in den Lehrplan der universitären Grundbildung aufzunehmen. Neben der Sichtbarmachung der Trans-Personen ermöglicht diese Arbeit den Beginn...

    54,90 €

  • Trans literary authors
    Thaís B. Fonseca Medeiros
    The present research aims to bring to light the writings produced by Trans people in Brazil and to raise the debate about the paths to be taken in order to insert gender and sexuality issues in the curriculum of universities basic education. Besides giving visibility to the Trans population, this work allows the beginning of analytical studies of literary productions produced b...

    54,90 €

  • Транс-литераторы
    Таис Б. Фонс Медейрос
    Цель настоящего исследования - пролить свет на произведения, написанные транссексуалами в Бразилии, и поднять дискуссию о путях, которые необходимо пройти, чтобы включить вопросы гендера и сексуальности в учебную программу базового образования в университетах. Помимо привлечения внимания к транс-населению, эта работа позволяет начать аналитические исследования литературных прои...

    27,47 €

  • Qalbdan Kelgan Sadolar
    Mahliyo Raximboyeva / Ozoda Safarova
    Sheʼriyat har bir qalbga ziyo olib kiradi. Va unga in quradi. Ziyo in qurgan qalbdan esa hechqachon yomon chiqmagay. Ushbu sizga taqdim etilayotgan 'Qalbdan kelgan sadolar' toʻplami ham sizning koʻngil uyingizga ziyo olib kiradi degan umiddamiz. Maroqli mutolaa tilaymiz. ...

    63,24 €

  • Мен Ўзбекнинг Қизиман
    Малохат Сапахонова
    Муҳтарам китобхон! Қўлингиздаги Ушбу китоб тўпламидан жой олган шеърлар ёш қаламкашнинг турли мавзулардаги ижод намуналаридан иборат. Унинг самимий туйғулар акс этган шеърлари сизга манзур ва маъқул бўлади деган умиддамиз. ...

    35,63 €

  • Look - Book 4
    Viola Stefano / Zaida Stefano
    ’Look - Book 4’ is the fourth book in series 2. Series 2 focuses on teaching students the core word ’Look’, along with a few secondary core words from the A.P.P.L.E. literacy program. All of our reading books come in two formats (photo books and illustrated/VI books) and contain identical content in order to promote inclusive teaching. Please note: the reading books are best us...

    19,45 €

  • Look - Book 4
    Viola Stefano / Zaida Stefano
    ’Look - Book 4 VI’ is the fourth book in series 2. Series 2 focuses on teaching students the core word ’Look’, along with a few secondary core words from the A.P.P.L.E. literacy program. The VI (vision impairment) books are designed for students with low vision and different learning styles. All of our reading books come in two formats (photo books and illustrated/VI books) and...

    19,45 €

  • Афганская литература
    Оутман Бутисан
    'Литература, как источник сопротивления и часть нашего общего наследия, без сомнения, является единственной надеждой на лучшие дни в эти времена полного беспорядка. Она является бастионом сопротивления, прочности и самобытности наших народов. Как сказал Флобер: 'Литература - это все или ничего. Я думаю, что это все, и я хочу верить в силу слова'. Латиф ПЕДРАМ, Литература - исто...

    34,85 €

  • Die afghanische Literatur
    Outhman Boutisane
    'Die Literatur, ein Hort des Widerstands und Teil des gemeinsamen Erbes, ist zweifellos die einzige Hoffnung, um in diesen Zeiten der völligen Orientierungslosigkeit bessere Zeiten zu erahnen. Sie ist eine Bastion des Widerstands, des Fortbestands und der Identität unserer Völker. Wie Flaubert sagte: 'Die Literatur ist alles oder nichts'. Ich glaube, dass sie alles ist, und ich...

    93,64 €

  • Afghan Literature
    Outhman Boutisane
    'Literature, as a source of resistance and part of our common heritage, is undoubtedly the only hope for better days in these times of complete disarray. It is a bastion of resistance, durability and identity for our peoples. As Flaubert said: 'Literature is everything or nothing.' I think it is everything, and I want to believe in the power of the word.' Latif PEDRAM, La litté...

    93,56 €

  • Letteratura afgana
    Outhman Boutisane
    'La letteratura, in quanto fonte di resistenza e parte del nostro patrimonio comune, è senza dubbio l’unica speranza per giorni migliori in questi tempi di totale disordine. È un baluardo di resistenza, durata e identità per i nostri popoli. Come disse Flaubert: 'La letteratura è tutto o niente. Io penso che sia tutto, e voglio credere nel potere della parola'. Latif PEDRAM, La...

    93,62 €

  • Literatura afegã
    Outhman Boutisane
    'A literatura, como fonte de resistência e parte do nosso património comum, é sem dúvida a única esperança de dias melhores nestes tempos de total desordem. É um bastião de resistência, de durabilidade e de identidade dos nossos povos. Como dizia Flaubert: 'A literatura é tudo ou nada. Eu acho que é tudo, e quero acreditar no poder da palavra'. Latif PEDRAM, A literatura, fonte...

    93,62 €