Catálogo de libros: Lingüistica

20450 Catálogo de libros: Lingüistica

  • Wisdom & Wordplay
    Robert Eddison
    Robert Eddison, a national journalist and playwright, has recorded every original thought he has had since June 1997. They now run to many thousand and take the form of witty, and often profound, one-line observations on an awesome variety of (150) different subjects, ranging from childbirth to political correctness. Publications in which they have most recently appeared includ...

    9,97 €

  • Analyzing Language and Humor in Online Communication
    Misunderstandings in technology-mediated communication can be due to a lack of tone and facial expression on the part of the speaker, which provide additional context clues into the meaning of the message beyond textual representation. As technology becomes more of a ubiquitous element in our interactions with one another, further study into the ways in which language and humor...

    242,82 €

  • Revealing Gender Inequalities and Perceptions in South Asian Countries through Discourse Analysis
    Misconceptions regarding gender identity and issues of inequality that women around the world face have become a predominant concern for not only the citizens impacted, but global political leaders, administrators, and human rights activists. Revealing Gender Inequalities and Perceptions in South Asian Countries through Discourse Analysis explores how an analysis of language us...

    242,72 €

  • Engaging Language Learners through Technology Integration
    Po Li / Shuai Li
    Web 2.0 technologies, open source software platforms, and mobile applications have transformed teaching and learning of second and foreign languages. Language teaching has transitioned from a teacher-centered approach to a student-centered approach through the use of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and new teaching approaches. Engaging Language Learners through Techn...

    243,03 €

  • Publishing Globally
    Infarom Publishing
    Like every other trade nowadays, the book industry is experiencing the process of globalization. For publishers, licensing the translation rights for some titles represents an important direction of development. The traditional way is to find a foreign rights agent or agency to represent the publisher abroad. There are no rules for the process of licensing translation rights...

    18,98 €

  • Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning
    Michael Thomas
    Over the last few years, second generation Internet-based services, or Web 2.0 technologies, have emerged as the new buzzwords in information communication technologies. The Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning investigates how those involved in education - teachers, students, and administrators - can respond to the opportunities offered by Web 2.0 techn...

    348,35 €

  • User-Centered Computer Aided Language Learning
    Giorgos Zacharia / Panayiotis Zaphiris

    112,14 €

  • Name Construction in Mediæval Japan
    Solveig Throndardottir
    Name Construction in Mediæval Japan examines Japanese names from earliest records to the close of the medieval period in 1600. Like ancient Greek or Latin names or Arabic names, ancient and medieval Japanese names express the social role of the individual in Japanese society. The main text and accompanying notes provide a guide to the origin and social role of formal names, com...

    47,55 €

  • Handbook of Research on Digital Tools for Writing Instruction in K-12 Settings
    Clif Mims / John Anderson / Rebecca Sanderson
    More emphasis is being placed on writing instruction in K-12 schools than ever before. With the growing number of digital tools in the classroom, it is important that K-12 teachers learn how to use these tools to effectively teach writing in all content areas. The Handbook of Research on Digital Tools for Writing Instruction in K-12 Settings will provide research about how stud...

    427,15 €

  • Content Generation Through Narrative Communication and Simulation
    From literature and film to advertisements, storytelling is an important aspect of daily life. To create an impactful story, it is important to analyze the creation and generation of a storyline. Content Generation Through Narrative Communication and Simulation is a critical research publication that explores story and the application of story in various forms of media as well ...

    282,53 €

  • Gopen’s Reader Expectation Approach to the English Language
    George D. Gopen / George DGopen
    For as long as writing has been taught, the subject has always been approached from the perspective of polite society. The central questions were all writer-based: What can, must, ought the writer to do? What cannot, must not, ought not the writer to do? Mistakes were corrected; awkwardness was chastised; bloat was deflated. We were urged to avoid (the passive) and contain (the...

    15,45 €

  • Ernest Hemingway in russischer Übersetzung
    Irina Orujova
    Die Prosawerke des großen amerikanischen Schriftstellers der Moderne Ernest Hemingway sind für Studenten, Sprachwissenschaftler und Literaturkritiker von Interesse. Der eigenwillige Stil von E. Hemingway war schon immer Gegenstand von Debatten, da einige Kritiker die Sprache seiner Romane und Kurzgeschichten für zu einfach halten, andere hingegen seinen Stil für reich an Sprach...

    68,80 €

  • Ernest Hemingway in traduzione russa
    Irina Orujova
    Le opere in prosa del grande scrittore modernista americano Ernest Hemingway presentano un interesse per studenti, studiosi di linguistica e critici letterari. Lo stile idiosincratico di E. Hemingway è sempre stato oggetto di dibattito, in quanto alcuni critici trovano il linguaggio dei suoi romanzi e racconti troppo semplice, altri, al contrario, considerano il suo stile ricco...

    68,82 €

  • Ernest Hemingway em tradução russa
    Irina Orujova
    As obras em prosa do grande escritor modernista americano Ernest Hemingway são de interesse para estudantes, estudiosos de Linguística e críticos literários. O estilo idiossincrático de E. Hemingway sempre foi objeto de debates, pois alguns críticos consideram a linguagem dos seus romances e contos demasiado simples, outros, pelo contrário, consideram o seu estilo rico em muita...

    68,82 €

  • Die Macht der Ideen
    Eliane Euzébio
    Die Macht der Ideen soll die Mittel aufzeigen, mit denen Carlos Lacerda, der sich politisch engagierte, versuchte, den Leser ideologisch zu manipulieren. Sein Glaube an die 'Macht der Ideen' führte dazu, dass er sich schon früh für die Literatur begeisterte, ein Medium, über das er während seiner stürmischen politischen Laufbahn seine politischen Ideen verbreitete, sowohl als J...

    85,74 €

  • The Power of Ideas
    Eliane Euzébio
    The Power of Ideas aims to highlight the means by which Carlos Lacerda, being politically engaged, sought to ideologically manipulate the reader. His belief in the 'power of ideas' led him, from an early age, to take a liking to literature, a medium through which, throughout his tumultuous political career, he disseminated his political ideas, both as a journalist, writer and t...

    85,79 €

  • Сила идей
    Элиана Эузебио
    Книга 'Сила идей' ставит своей целью показать средства, с помощью которых Карлос Ласерда, будучи политически ангажированным, стремился идеологически манипулировать читателем. Вера в 'силу идей' с ранних лет привела его к увлечению литературой - средством, с помощью которого на протяжении всей своей бурной политической карьеры он распространял свои политические идеи и как журнал...

    85,74 €

  • Le pouvoir des idées
    Eliane Euzébio
    Le pouvoir des idées vise à mettre en évidence les moyens par lesquels Carlos Lacerda, engagé politiquement, a cherché à manipuler idéologiquement le lecteur. Sa croyance dans le 'pouvoir des idées' l’a conduit, dès son plus jeune âge, à s’intéresser à la littérature, un médium à travers lequel, tout au long de sa tumultueuse carrière politique, il a diffusé ses idées politique...

    85,76 €

  • Il potere delle idee
    Eliane Euzébio
    Il Potere delle idee si propone di evidenziare i mezzi con cui Carlos Lacerda, impegnato politicamente, ha cercato di manipolare ideologicamente il lettore. La sua fede nel 'potere delle idee' lo ha portato, fin da giovane, ad appassionarsi alla letteratura, mezzo attraverso il quale, nel corso della sua tumultuosa carriera politica, ha diffuso le sue idee politiche, sia come g...

    85,79 €

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Discourse Studies

    50,52 €

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Corrective Feedback in Second Language Learning and Teaching

    50,24 €

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Language Standardization

    50,25 €

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Translation
    Kirsten Malmkjær

    51,10 €

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Task-Based Language Teaching

    50,77 €

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Working Memory and Language

    49,52 €

  • The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism

    50,90 €

  • What is a Woman
    Cassidy Silverwood
    In a world where definitions shape our understanding of identity, Cassidy Silverwood delves into the intricate and multifaceted question: What is a woman? Through a thought-provoking exploration that spans across social, philosophical, and linguistic dimensions, Silverwood unpacks the seemingly simple yet profoundly complex term 'woman.'With keen insight and a balanced perspect...

    12,31 €

  • An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Wildlife Corridors
    Amy D. Propen
    An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Theory and Practice of Wildlife Corridors charts some best practices and makes new theoretical contributions about the design and creation of wildlife corridors. The book provides the necessary background for understanding habitat connectivity projects, and makes a theoretical contribution to current knowledge about wildlife corridors. ...

    158,78 €

  • Considerations and Techniques for Applied Linguistics and Language Education Research
    Hung Phu Bui
    As the field of linguistics and language education expands and evolves, scholars and practitioners are encountering a multitude of challenges. Complex research methodologies, ethical considerations, and technological advancements create hurdles to contributors in the field. Moreover, the interdisciplinary nature of applied linguistics provides a diverse array of approaches and ...

    320,95 €

  • Considerations and Techniques for Applied Linguistics and Language Education Research
    Hung Phu Bui
    As the field of linguistics and language education expands and evolves, scholars and practitioners are encountering a multitude of challenges. Complex research methodologies, ethical considerations, and technological advancements create hurdles to contributors in the field. Moreover, the interdisciplinary nature of applied linguistics provides a diverse array of approaches and ...

    242,04 €